Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

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Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by Westsider1993 »

Hey everyone, my sister goes to church with these people, this is a very real and scary thing.


Please Send this to anyone who lives/visits Scioto County and Wheelersburg!

From John Kamer August 26 at 4:16pm

Saturday night around 9:15pm, I was driving on Route 52 going west, took the 522 exit. I had Sherry, Caitlin and her friend Ally with us. We had just came from a cookout and playing cornhole.

As I turned onto 522, there was a black 1991 Eagle Talon with dark tinted windows in front of me. They were only doing about 25 to 30 mph. They were weaving all over the road. As I came up to them on the straight away by Jason Conley Trucking I decided to pass them and get around them, so I did. After passing them I sped up to about 55mph or 60 mph.

I got several hundred yards in front of them and came up on another vehicle going 40 to 45 mph. As I approached this vehicle, I noticed the one I had passed had speeded up greatly and was approaching my back bumper. They turned on their bright lights. I had to begin braking to slow down for the vehicle in front of me, as I did they rear-ended us in our Nissan Xterra. Well, I started to pull over and Sherry said "Please don't because I see a bunch of guys in that car and they are acting aggressive." I said ok and proceeded to drive to Kroger's there in Wheelersburg to let them off at the front door while Sherry called 911 on her cell to report all of this. The car that hit us, followed us there. I let Sherry, Caitlin and Ally off at the front door of Kroger's and they ran inside. I pulled forward and parked in front of the pop machines there at Kroger's and got out of the vehicle. The other car pulled up, the front end smashed and steam coming out from the hood, and out of the car rushed four Mexican guys (all of them work at Toro Loco, as I found out later).

As the driver got out, he shouted “Shoot him” three times referring to me. I thought, well lord, this is it. What shall I do? He must have given me the courage, because I just stood there in behind my vehicle.

So, they approach me and I see no gun but the driver starts saying to me, “You passed me, you passed me” and I said yes I did because you were driving crazy at about 25 to 30 mph on a 55 mph highway?

Well, about that time, the first deputy showed up with his lights on and pulled in behind their car and the two that were in the back seat quickly took off walking around the corner toward Grandview Outlet store. After a few seconds, a second deputy shows up and tells them to stop. They wouldn’t, so finally he yelled in Spanish for them to stop and they did, right past the pop machine in between Grandview Outlet and RadioShack.

So, after they get them all together, I and Sherry told them about the driver saying “Shoot him” Shoot him” and he decided to go over and look with his flashlight where those two were walking. He finds a 9 mm handgun they had just thrown behind the pop machine. The magazine was full and the chamber is empty but the barrel is hot. The gun had been fired in the last few minutes! (Probably at our vehicle as we were driving to Kroger’s)

So, it turns out that three of the four our illegal aliens, with the driver the only one with a work visa. (He is a waiter at the Wheelersburg Toro Loco) All of them were drunk, they pulled all kinds of Corona bottles out of the car and they also had a pair of binoculars with a digital camera built in. Who knows what they were doing with that!

So, the driver was drunk, no license, and of course no insurance. Thankfully, the car went underneath our Xterra, so only the bumper suffered any damage.

An Ohio Highway Patrol finally shows up and they arrest all four on the felony of having a loaded firearm in a vehicle without a permit. I tell the cops I fear retaliation from them and the others that live in the house in Wheelersburg behind Fred’s pizza place (about 30 live there) because of the way they were laughing and looking at us.

Some of the workers at Kroger’s told us that they have had to call police every night last week because a group of them were attempting to break in cars there at Kroger’s and steal purses and other valuables out of cars of their workers and customers. I just want to warn everyone not to leave their wallet or purse in their car if and when you go there.

I later find out that three are getting deported, but the driver who wanted to shoot me and who the gun really belongs to was able to bail himself out the same night as he had a large amount of cash on him. Guess I should get a job as a waiter too? lol

It only gets worse from here.

Sunday evening after church around 9:30 (that’s when the waiter’s get off work at Toro Loco in Wheelersburg), an old teal colored Chevy Caviler (about 1990 model) with yellow paint at the bottom (especially on the rear passenger side), very dark tinted windows and very loud because of no muffler, slowly come up our hill (street). Since our road is a dead-end street, a strange and loud car tends to stick out. I watched it go up the hill and thought maybe I was being paranoid. So, I sit back down. I heard the car turn around about 3 houses up from us. This caught my attention. So, I went outside with my colt 357 loaded in my hand and stood on the front porch. They went back down the hill will slow and turned in to my neighbors driveway two doors down. When they backed up , they hit our other neighbors Toyota 4 Runner in the side with their back passenger quarter panel leaving yellow paint (that’s why I know there is yellow paint there) and pulled away coming back up the hill. They almost stopped for a second in front of the house (of course you couldn’t see inside because of the very dark tinted windows). They then went on up the hill and turned around again and come back down the hill and got out of there in a hurry because they had hit our neighbors Toyota and done some damage.

So, now my 11 year old daughter and wife are too afraid to stay at the house, and I sit there every evening with a 12 gauge loaded and my 357 loaded with about 40 shells in my pocket. When I go to bed at night, I am not sleeping well because I have to sleep so light in case I hear something. We have a home security system but I know where they live and they could walk to my house in 15 minutes if they wanted to. That’s the scary part.

And, another piece of disturbing information that may be connected, a lady from church has a friend that lives out on the ridge. About two weeks ago a black car with dark tinted windows fired at her car as she drove on Hammerstein road. Could have been the same car, don’t know. Just a warning to everyone to be CAREFUL, especially when you have your kids with you.

So, what did I take the time to write all of this?

Well, there are two reasons I did this. The first one is by far the most important.

First of all, to WARN everyone about this so your family don’t have to go through what my family is going through with my wife and daughter afraid to live in there own house and me sitting there ready to go to war at all times, and two to ask you to boycott at least the Wheelersburg Toro Loco. If they end up closing it, they will all leave Wheelersburg. Everyone I talk to say they aren’t going back and are telling everyone they know, and I hope they do. If this is what we have to put up with to have this restaurant in our town then I don’t want it, and I feel most people won’t either.

Please, at least warn your family and friends before someone gets shot and killed.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by oldcoachb »

Have never been there, never will. They have followed my daughter around Krogers to the point that she doesn't want to go back in there.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by The Instructor »

I don't like to eat at those places.

They don't seem very clean to me.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by BillsMomma »

Well... May I suggest that ALL Toro Loco's Be Boycotted!!! Don't go there much ... But many pple here in I town are patrons there... I am passing this along to all of my I town and CG pple... This is horrible.... Those pple R LOCO!!!!

Sad thing is... U done nothing to bring this on...

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by mstangmom »

I can't remember the name of the mexican resteraunt in circleville, but they aer some of the nicest group of mexicans we have met. I think it is a toro loco not sure though.
But the in Washington court house, that group is getting aressted everyother day it seems.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by fuzzhead »

Hey there's a way you can stop this: CLOSE THE BORDERS! :-D

I was in South Point the other day at the BP by the Grandview. I pulled up to the front and parked and all of a sudden, I van pulled up right beside me and slammed on it's breaks and came to a squealing hault. A small Mexican man jumped out, came over to my window and asked me in slurred, poor english if I liked beer. I told him no. I thought that would end it, but he followed me into the BP and started pointing people out that he knew. He then went up to this lady and started harrassing her. She had met him before and she said, "Yeah, I remember you; I had to call the police on you last time because you got rowdy."
This guy was absolutely blitzed and he was driving around in a large van!
Another time, back when I was in high school there was a bunch of mexicans who lived in Coal Grove at the top of memorial hill. Our cross country route went by there and they were all outside all the time. The boys and girls all ran at the same time, but us boys usually were way ahead. anyway, I finished running and was in the high school parking lot. My girlfried at the time was on the XC team too and she finished about 20 minutes later. . . only she was shaking and almost crying. One of those guys had followed her and kept trying to get her to stop. My cousin worked for the CGPD and said they were always drinking and fighting up there.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by bushmaster24 »

who is the owner of this buisness? he should be arrested along with them for hiring illegal aliens....i agree time to take a stand....

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by abuck76 »

I certainly sympathize with your terrible ordeal that your family had to go through......But please people, don't generalize this behavior to all people of latino heritage.....God bless you and your family....... :12224

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by vids4ckcrash »

Scioto County Sheriff posting of a press release on this incident. Not very thorough of the complete incident in the pdf. Politically correct?

And the press release also has a difference in the name of the owner/driver of the vehicle.

Looks like a little soft pedaling of the incident to me.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

To bad that there are no more rail fences and feather beds. Guess you can always get a bucket of tar or at least a bucket of grease. Get my meaning???? :122246 :122246

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by Westsider1993 »

You would faint if you only knew how many illegals are in the area. They are either harboured by businesses like the above mentioned, or they are doing work illegally, and or just plain illegal activities. My meaning is working for cash jobs not paying taxes. They don't show up and stay a few weeks they stay for years sometimes until they are caught. As a society we are all to politically correct to infringe on someone's privay to ask to have them checked out. A very scary group is becoming extremely large and organized. It is a gang and they recruit people of this nature. Google MS-13 and read. If they are not here they will be.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

I understand the Mexican mafia is very prevalent in this area... very scary situation prayers going out to those that were involved in this..

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by claypantherfan »

I dont think ne one should go to ne toro locos

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by Portsmouth98 »

This was posted on the Daily Times website this morning
PDT Staff Report

Scioto County Sheriff Marty V. Donini has announced that his office has issued a news release to assist with the facts of a past arrest that happened in Wheelersburg on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2009.

Donini states that his office received numerous phone calls along with e-mails being generated throughout the Wheelersburg and Scioto County community.

Donini said, in order to help with the facts of the case, the following information is being released regarding the events of Saturday evening Aug. 22.

At approximately 9:17 p.m. the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office received a call of an accident that occurred on Ohio 522 and continued onto the parking lot of a business in Wheelersburg. The caller stated that a group of males were following them and allegedly making threats at the time of the accident.

As the Porter Twp. assigned officer pulled onto the parking lot two of the males, later identified as Olan Mendoza and Samuel Diego, began to walk away from the vehicles. Deputy Josh Craft ordered both males to stop and they did. As they were complying with the order and began to walk back toward the officer, Craft heard a “clunk” sound.

Deputies patted down the subjects along with the two other subjects at the scene.

Craft went over to where the males were near a pop machine area and observed a firearm laying in a cubby hole of the pop machine where the males reportedly last were.

Craft collected the firearm, a VZOR 70, 7.65 caliber semi-automatic, and found it had a loaded clip of 32 caliber ammunition, however no round was in the firing chamber.

Deputies detained all four subjects at that time. The owner of the vehicle, Sebastian Martinez, gave consent to search the vehicle. Inside the vehicle was ammunition to match the ammunition in the weapon.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol arrived shortly thereafter to assist the Sheriff’s Office on the scene. The Ohio State Patrol completed the crash report from Ohio 522 and charged the driver of the vehicle, Velasco, with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

Donini stated that there was no evidence or witness statements that the weapon had been fired as indicated in the e-mails being circulated. He stated the gun was not warm or hot to the touch according to the arresting officer as stated in the numerous e-mails being circulated. There also were no bottles of alcoholic beverages pulled out of the vehicle as indicated by the e-mails being circulated, the sheriff stated.

Donini made it clear the males were not employed at a local Wheelersburg business, as indicated in the e-mails.

The following males were arrested and charged accordingly:

• Samuel Diego, 18, improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle and an immigration violation detainer placed

• Alberto Martinez, 22, improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle and an immigration violation detainer placed

• Olan Mendoza, 26, improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle and an immigration violation detainer placed

• Sebastian Velasco, 24, improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle and operating a vehicle under the influence.

Donini said the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) picked up Diego, Martinez, and Mendoza on Tuesday, Aug. 25 for deportation.

Donini said he would like to ensure the public that the incident has been resolved to the fullest extent of the law. If anyone has a complaint of a criminal incident, as always, they may call the Sheriff’s Office at (740) 354-7566.

“If people would like to see the news release in its entirety, and photos of the suspects, they can go to,” Scioto County Sheriff’s Captain David Hall said.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

It looks like the email had things blown way out of proportion. No gun shots, no car load of beer bottles, and not a one of them working at a Toro Loco. As usual, every jumps to conclusions and believe verbatim what they read on the internet in a email or blog.

I guess most of you also think you just won $500,000 from a Nigerian Prince and the Extends will make you more of a man. :mrgreen:

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by biggdowgg »

so ,,does this mean we can still eat at Toro Loco? :razz:

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:It looks like the email had things blown way out of proportion. No gun shots, no car load of beer bottles, and not a one of them working at a Toro Loco. :

I agree. No big deal. It was simply a car full of illegals harassing and running into a car load of innocent local people and threatening them. No problem.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

TheMalteseFalcon wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:It looks like the email had things blown way out of proportion. No gun shots, no car load of beer bottles, and not a one of them working at a Toro Loco. :

I agree. No big deal. It was simply a car full of illegals harassing and running into a car load of innocent local people and threatening them. No problem.

You could get the same exact treatment on any Saturday night if you where in the bottoms of Lucasville, and they are locals. I never said it wasn't bad, but it just wasn't near as bad as the email let on that it was.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
I guess most of you also think you just won $500,000 from a Nigerian Prince and the Extends will make you more of a man. :mrgreen:

These two ideas are only paraphrases of part of a editoral In the PDT today.

And as far as saying the the e-mail is "blown way out of proportion";
how do we know that the sheriff's statement is 100% fact?
IMO I think the Sheriff is doing somewhat of a cover up job.
Illegal or not there is a problem in many places in this county with a certain group of individuals,down town Portsmout, at Walmart, Wheelersburg Krogers and the one thing that these individuals all have in common is race. Now I always heard that if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck it's a DUCK.
As TheMalteseFalcon said, "No big deal....No problem". That is until you and yours starts having a problem with the duck.

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Re: Please Read...Very Scary... Time to take a stand!!!

Post by Portsmouth98 »

biggdowgg wrote:so ,,does this mean we can still eat at Toro Loco? :razz:

I don't eat at that one anyway, I'm too fat to fit in the booths comfortably. I usually eat at the one on Washington or in the old Shoney's.

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