Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

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Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

The following are quotes from a Letter to the Editor in today's PDT by Toro Loco owner Jose Garcia.
"First, I would like to apologize to the Kamer family for the conduct of these employees. They were all discharged shortly after the incident."
The words "these employees" and "all discharged" tells me that the individuals in question did work at Toro Loco, maybe not the Wheelersburg Toro Loco but at a Loco in the area. I think the sheriff's office should have check further where these individuals worked.
Furthermore, someone is not telling the truth. Mr. Garcia stated that he checks each employee to ensure they are documented with the proper SSN, a green card, work permit, or other sufficient documentation.
The sheriff's news release stated that three of the individuals in question were picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation.
Now Mr. Garcia's statement or the sheriff's release is a
falsification. If the sheriff's office checked the documentation and found it incorrect then that statement should have been made and Mr. Garcia should be held accountable.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by Westsider1993 »

Aww surely not?? I would have never guessed. People should use common sense.. If it walks like a duck is covered with feathers has a bill and quacks, I am betting the farm it's a freakin duck!!!!

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by ItownHosscat »


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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by Westsider1993 »

If a group of "latino decent" is building a deck for your neighbor's house and it is "under the table" then you might have a clue. If you want to have fun and really see if they are illegal, even if they speaku no english, run out the back door towards them screaming I...N....S....... If they run then you know........

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by kantuckyII »

I stand to be corrected but from what I understand, if you're here in this country on a Green Card or Visa or whatever, you can be kicked out of the country for such a criminal offense. They could have been legally in the United States and then forceably removed.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

kantuckyII wrote:I stand to be corrected but from what I understand, if you're here in this country on a Green Card or Visa or whatever, you can be kicked out of the country for such a criminal offense. They could have been legally in the United States and then forceably removed.

This is an alleged criminal offense. They were not found guilty of anything and the ICE would have not picked them up if their papers were in order and they were legally here. Something was wrong with their documentation for them to be picked up for deportation.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by kantuckyII »

I don't think they have to be convicted, you get in trouble, you're gone. Pretty sure that is the way it is. They're not citizens of America and they don't have the same rights either. I am about 99.4% sure this is the law.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by Westsider1993 »

It goes like this, you break the law and your illegal then you go to federal prison. Then all of us that pay taxes pay for the illegals to learn how to speak english while they are in prison and educate them so when they get out and jump the border again they can blend in better......

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Illegals take away jobs from our own folks.

Illegals make it virtually impossible for local business to compete.

Illegals don't pay Fed/State income taxes, SS taxes, Medicare taxes, etc....In other words, they are a drain on our Society without contributing to it.....

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by Orange and Brown »

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by mstangmom »

Mr. Garcia AND the sheriff could have made true statements.
When you hire someone you usually get 2 forms of ID. 1 a picture ID of sorts and 2. either SSN card or a visa/green card. 3. every new hire regardless of what your nationality is you fill out a form (1199 I think) that gets filed with the fed govt.

One problem I and others have run into mainly in the Columbus area is that is with Africans who share thier ID's. they have a couple who have mastered forging ID's with the correct picture and someone elses information on it and of course the other ID's don't have a picture. Now we do background checks, however we contract with another company to do this because of the cost. so once they leave our building to get this background check done we really have no guarentee who gets that background check done. we have put a policy in place where the people who do the check do for us also gets a copy of the photo ID to ensure it matches the person we hired.
For some place like a restaraunt though that does not do background checks all you can depend on is the ID your handed with the information on it and what you are given.
The only way to really prevent some of the fraud with the ID's would be to redsign them before they can figure out how to forge them unfortunatly that would requre us all to get new Id's about once a year.

I would guess that it is possible that these guys may have had proper ID's and someone elses information and the place thought they were legal. however when the sheriff did the check they may have found the correct picture with the information and knew they were fraudulant ID's.

This is problem everywhere with ALL nationalities not just mexicans

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by abuck76 »

Well F-4, that just doesn't compute.........eiuther one of two things, no american wanted those jobs, or the company was greedy and wanted to make more profit............hmmmm....... :12224

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by abuck76 »

doesn't sound like just being american is good enough for people in this country.........Companies will go where they can make more money...pure..simple..greed.....Un-American....... :12224

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by F-4 Phantom »

abuck76 wrote:Well F-4, that just doesn't compute.........eiuther one of two things, no american wanted those jobs, or the company was greedy and wanted to make more profit............hmmmm....... :12224

How do you know no American wanted the job?

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by vids4ckcrash »

WhiteWhiskers wrote:The following are quotes from a Letter to the Editor in today's PDT by Toro Loco owner Jose Garcia.
"First, I would like to apologize to the Kamer family for the conduct of these employees. They were all discharged shortly after the incident."

Then I would think the online request for boycott is somewhat successful. Or the employer would not have even acknowledged the incident as the business was not mentioned by name in any mainline news publication. Except for this, the best news publication, where we get the real news in real time.

If you will remember a business was mentioned in the PDT before and the reporter was FIRED for this infraction.

And the Sheriff was either inaccurate, did not investigate fully or played with words in their release. Either is not acceptable in my book.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

vids4ckcrash wrote:
WhiteWhiskers wrote:The following are quotes from a Letter to the Editor in today's PDT by Toro Loco owner Jose Garcia.
"First, I would like to apologize to the Kamer family for the conduct of these employees. They were all discharged shortly after the incident."

Then I would think the online request for boycott is somewhat successful. Or the employer would not have even acknowledged the incident as the business was not mentioned by name in any mainline news publication.

And the Sheriff was either inaccurate, did not investigate fully or played with words in their release. Either is not acceptable in my book.

Very very good points. I thought the same thing about the boycott being effective or Mr. Garcia would not have made his statement.

As for the Sheriff I think it was some of both, inadequate investigation along with much vagueness in their presentation.
The actions of the Sheriff's department in this matter should not be acceptable to anyone. Their feet should be held to the fire until the full facts are known and none of this cover-up stuff.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Mr. Garcia is only apologizing because he got caught. A bunch of drunken "illegals" got in trouble and ruined Mr. Garcia's front. Send in the IRS and see if Mr Garcia was actually paying taxes on all employees. If he was, good, I'll continue to eat there. If he wasn't, send him to prison for illegally hiring ILLEGALS and for tax evasion.

The owner of ALL business's who hire ILLEGALS need a one way ticket to prison. They are law breakers and are no different than MADOFF and other scoundrels like him.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by vids4ckcrash »

Just went online and looked at the letter to the editor and it looks like the letter was written by a lawyer.

Oh, wait a minute, if you read the letter, it WAS WRITTEN by a lawyer.

And oh yeah, I had to read it online as I will not subscribe to the paper until they print the news. And the sports department is doing a good job, but will not be able to pull the PDT up.

I do not keep up with all of the schools but the football preview looked well done, IMHO. Of course I got the preview as a 'hand me down' a week later though.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by son of busdriver »

Lot's of questions concerning Mr.Garcia's letter, what Toro Loco does he own, what Toro Loco in this area has been in business for ten years, and why was his letter written by or through Mr.Beck, and if he carefully checks all the people he employs how did these three slip by him, only one was said to have a work visa? We can't hardly buy anything made in the USA but we can support our local places to eat that give the jobs to our young people and to the tax paying people that are trying to raise their families in this area, we need every job available.

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Re: Guess They Did Work At Toro Loco

Post by moose »

In related news, the upcoming OBDTF luncheon that had been scheduled at the Wheelersburg Toro Loco has been moved to Frog-Town.

I love French cuisine.

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