Random SEOAL Thoughts

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by GoChiefs »

CarmenOhio wrote:Nice selective quoting, I like it! :122245 The bottome line is Ironton plays every decent size school in it's area, at least the ones that will play. Teams like Ironton, Wheelersburg, etc., need to travel across the river because of geographic reasons. Do you also disagree with eastern and western border schools playing teams from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Indiana? We have to travel a good distance for our conference games. We aren't a big school with deep pockets, what should we do? Tell us who else we are supposed to play non-conference? The bottom line is if you want to talk about teams Ironton is playing "this year", I have no doubt Ashland would do pretty well in the SEOAL this year.

Everyone in the SEOAL has to travel distances..Logan has to travel just as much as Ironton does in the conference. You should stay in the league that you just joined 3 years ago..that's what you should do. Just like Logan..if Logan was to go Independent...which is what we hear from Ironton all the time that they need to do..after Week 3..what could we do? Who would play us? And Ashland might do well "this year"..but I doubt they'd win the SEOAL either.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by 2old »

Let me break it down for you. If Ashland beats ironton then they would probably be second best in the SEOAL. obviously if ironton should win then Ashland would be third or fourth in the SEOAL. i am guessing third or fourth is good enough in ironton but not in Logan. Logan just wins the league. Ashland would have no chance against the Chiefs.

BTW, i am hoping for a Tiger victory. We will piggyback on getting some of those out of state points when logan hands it to ironton next week

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by CarmenOhio »

gochiefs wrote:
CarmenOhio wrote:Nice selective quoting, I like it! :122245 The bottome line is Ironton plays every decent size school in it's area, at least the ones that will play. Teams like Ironton, Wheelersburg, etc., need to travel across the river because of geographic reasons. Do you also disagree with eastern and western border schools playing teams from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Indiana? We have to travel a good distance for our conference games. We aren't a big school with deep pockets, what should we do? Tell us who else we are supposed to play non-conference? The bottom line is if you want to talk about teams Ironton is playing "this year", I have no doubt Ashland would do pretty well in the SEOAL this year.

Everyone in the SEOAL has to travel distances..Logan has to travel just as much as Ironton does in the conference. You should stay in the league that you just joined 3 years ago..that's what you should do. Just like Logan..if Logan was to go Independent...which is what we hear from Ironton all the time that they need to do..after Week 3..what could we do? Who would play us? And Ashland might do well "this year"..but I doubt they'd win the SEOAL either.

I never said Ironton was the only team that had to travel in conference. My point was that in those non-conference games we can't afford to travel too terribly far. Logan can travel north, south, east, and west for games and still be in state. If we don't schedule KY teams we have no place to go but north. Most likely 2hrs-plus to find someone to play that is not in our conference. My point was that geographically we need to play these teams. They are good size schools for a D4 team, they give us good computer points and in the long run, if Logan beats Ironton it helps them as well. Sooo my overall point is we get the points, we make the playoffs and hopefully make some noise because that's Irontons goal every year, get to the playoffs and see what we can do. If an SEOAL title comes along with having a good enough regular season to make the playoffs, well good, we'll take it. I mean no one WANTS to lose. ;-)

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

CarmenOhio wrote:I would assume it's for the same reason that no team from the SEOAL would want to venture down to Louisville to play Trinity or St. Xavier??? Two different levels of football.

First of all, I doubt that any team Ky might travel 50 miles up into Ohio to play is going to be a Trinity or St. X. There are plenty of mid-level teams right up rt 23 alone.... Portsmouth, Piketon, Waverly, Chillicothe... and all of those you don't even have to get off of rt 23... and just off of 23 there are scads of nice football schools that aren't St.Xs.

Secondly, I didn't take that to be "selective" quoting. It was a stand alone sentence, but even if you want to take it that way you still have to admit that Ky and Ohio ARE "two different levels of football" top to bottom. .

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

CarmenOhio wrote: Do you also disagree with eastern and western border schools playing teams from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Indiana? .

I don't even disagree with going across the river to play Ky schools if somebody wants to but I don't think they should be counted the same computer-point wise by OHSAA knowing full well that a D-2 or D-3 Ky school isn't equivalent to a D-2 or D-3 Ohio school football-wise. And more especially the way I understand they figure the second level points from Ky schools you beat. Greenup County, a what... D-3 or 4 school ..barely beat a D-6 Notre Dame school with like 30 boys in the whole school the other night didn't they? That's about the only school across the river Greenup County has beaten in the last 10 years isn't it?
There IS no comparison.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by Orange and Brown »

I could care less about who Ironton schedules! If they want to go out of state, that is fine with me! I have said some things about Ironton but I don't think they go out and look for cream puffs to schedule! I think they go out and get who they can get and thats that. I know that when NY played them last year we got out coached plain and simple. Our boys didn't get out played they got beat by great coaching. I look forward to going down to the Tank to watch another great game this year!

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by dilligaf »

It woulnt be a great game this year.Ironton will run all over the buckeyes :122246

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

Orange and Brown wrote: I have said some things about Ironton but I don't think they go out and look for cream puffs to schedule! I think they go out and get who they can get and thats that.

:lol: Don't kid yourself (or me). EVERY coach and AD sit down EVERY year and pour over dozens of teams, what their schedule is, what league they are in, what division they are in, how competitive they are in that schedule/league, who all they should be expected to beat in their league, etc., etc. All this in an attempt to find the easiest team(s) they think they can have a reasonable expectation to beat (creampuffs if you will) and teams who SHOULD be able to beat some other teams on their schedule (thus bring in computer points). That's the name of the game if you expect to play in post season.... computer points. If you don't get enough of them you stay at home in week eleven and that can directly affect a coaches livelihood..... that ain't good.
Any coach that doesn't play that game won't be around long.
Bob Lutz may be a lot of things but he ain't no idiot. Do you honestly believe that they just go out and schedule whoever "happens to be open" in week 4 next year?Do you honestly believe that the Canadian team that Ironton beat last year (or the year before ? ) that went on to beat every other Canadian team they played and sent gobs of computer points south was just a "serendipitous" discovery ??? :roll: :roll:

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by 2old »


Although I do not mind Ironton quitting again(after all that is what losers do) it has been fun to show the Tigers that the 2000's edition of the SEOAL is much different than the 1900's. So ironton has been properly schooled and rather than get better, they have decided to the old trick of playing weaker teams. That explains how the once powerful Tigers are in the position they are in now. Always looking up to the Chiefs.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by CarmenOhio »

2old wrote:GRAD,

Although I do not mind Ironton quitting again(after all that is what losers do) it has been fun to show the Tigers that the 2000's edition of the SEOAL is much different than the 1900's. So ironton has been properly schooled and rather than get better, they have decided to the old trick of playing weaker teams. That explains how the once powerful Tigers are in the position they are in now. Always looking up to the Chiefs.

Very classy of you, calling high school kids losers. As far as playing "weaker teams", if Logan so easily dominates this league, why are they still in it? You yourself said Ironton seems to be clearly the second best team in it, and Logan dominates Ironton as everyone so readily states on here. I mean as far as schedules go, Logan's doesn't get them ready for the playoffs, their playoff record proves it. You are getting on Ironton for supposedly looking for an easier schedule but Logan is completely content playing their "easy" schedule year in and year out knowing it won't get them ready for the playoffs.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by 2old »

Hey Carmen,

Quit drinking the river water and if you can not comprehend my posts dp not read them .Certainly do not try to interpret them. Carmen the kids do not make the schedule. It is the administrators and the coaches. They decide to quit. Kids are usually much tougher.

Carmen get the picture here Logan wins the SEOAL. Ironton wins nothing since the 1900's. I have encouraged the league to get stronger and catch up with Logan. Ironton decided it would rather quit than improve. It is good to be a Chieftain fan in the 2000's. Ironton had its day in the 1900's.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by Paladin »

Years ago when the SEOAL was expanding and bringing Itown, Portsmouth, Zaneville & Chilly into the league, some old timers here may recall I said & predicted that there would be big surprises. Some people would NOT have the results they looked for and would be disappointed, bringing on bad times for some . One of those predicted was Itown, who has not won ANY title since coming back. I also said that some old members wouldn't do well either. I named Gallia & Jackson as two who would suffer and they both have. Unfortunately, Zanesville & Itown are leaving. The chemistry of the SEOAL will change again.

Watch future Ironton schedules. In the future, Ironton is going to be forced to travel to get games. That , of course, was the "reason" they used to get out of the league this time. Join me in a belly laugh when you see the tiggers traveling to Columbus & Cincinnati for "closer" games. They 'll also have to play up in division to get games. In the end, expectations for the tiggers are going to be dashed again.

"Chieftain Envy" finally got to the tiggers and forced them to make a foolish move. Better start thinking about bake sales to make up for the lost revenue at the gates, tiggers. Your problems are just beginning.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by CarmenOhio »

2old wrote:Hey Carmen,

Quit drinking the river water and if you can not comprehend my posts dp not read them .Certainly do not try to interpret them. Carmen the kids do not make the schedule. It is the administrators and the coaches. They decide to quit. Kids are usually much tougher.

Carmen get the picture here Logan wins the SEOAL. Ironton wins nothing since the 1900's. I have encouraged the league to get stronger and catch up with Logan. Ironton decided it would rather quit than improve. It is good to be a Chieftain fan in the 2000's. Ironton had its day in the 1900's.

Actually, I live quite a bit north of Logan....not the point though. You "have encouraged the league to get stronger?" Are you the head of this league or something? Are you listening to yourself? That's absurd to think that you have to wait for everyone else to get better for you to get better. I guess Ironton will take a page out of Logan's book and play a weaker schedule and then "encourage all those teams to catch up." ;-)

Also, you keep talking about the "2000's" and "1900's", yeah Logan has won the SEOAL quite a bit but the bottom line is Ironton has made the playoffs 8 times in this decade and Logan has only made it 5. So in respect to their divisions, who's schedule is doing more for them? You can have the SEOAL, we'll keep making the playoffs, that should be the goal of every program.
Last edited by CarmenOhio on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts


and then what are THE CHEFS gonna do if the seoal folds, zanesville is the only team your size. we have played up divisions with much success throughout our history. but logan , cannot compete with schools their size. they find out about every ten years when they make it tp the playoffs. so i gotta say, party time week 1, you'll get in, maybe beat a 6th rank team in your region at home, then.


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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts


i really doubt paladin, and 2old will get this, but they should. :-D

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by GoChiefs »

You're Tiger Bait wrote:and then what are THE CHEFS gonna do if the seoal folds, zanesville is the only team your size. we have played up divisions with much success throughout our history. but logan , cannot compete with schools their size. they find out about every ten years when they make it tp the playoffs. so i gotta say, party time week 1, you'll get in, maybe beat a 6th rank team in your region at home, then.

Well first off..just b/c Ironton is leaving..the SEOAL isn't going to fold..the ones that wanted to leave are gonna..another tried to leave..but they couldn't..so they will stay..and forgive me if I'm wrong..BUT..isn't Logan is 3-0 against schools there size this year? Yes? That's what I thought too. :122249 And they've been in the playoffs the last 3 postseasons...so how is that once every ten years? Is that the kinda math they teach down there YTB? :mrgreen:

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by loganlocos »

You're Tiger Bait wrote:

Tell that to Lancaster and Pickerington North.

Stop making up facts. Please.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts

Post by 2old »

Let me see I will take the easy one first. i see my shadow is following me. GAHS i know your problem. You suffer from Chieftain Envy.

Now for Carmen who appartently was smart enough to get out of ironton. Carmen play with words all you want. Ironton has not won a Championship of any type this century. Ironton people have told me just making th playoffs is not good enough. Just so you know how far the Ironton program has fallen this century, even Gallipolis has a championship this century.

It will be a long time before Ironton wins any championship again. Times have changed. Logan made the change. Ironton not so much.

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Re: Random SEOAL Thoughts


we're getting the swagger back.

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