Hopefully no one gets hurt.
fuzzhead wrote:Oh I know Coach Lucas has far too much class to run the score up on this team if the Hornets get up big. Hopefully the fans who have talked smack from Greenup all week will stay for the whole game and take it all in. I'm fired up now!![]()
Hopefully no one gets hurt.
obpg wrote:Its nice of hornet fans to be optimistic. Greenup's running back, Carter, is the real deal. This game is closer than people think. Hornet fans, you have been warned.
2trap_4ever wrote: Trust me I am fired up to, I went on that sight last night and read all those posts and the more I read the more it got me going, the first thing is if getting one player makes that big of difference then you didn't have much of a team, I like the one post that we are going to see the best backfield we will see all year.
2trap_4ever wrote:Thats funny because I have been watching the best backfield I have seen all year every week, they want to know what a running game is like, wait until the have Frank and Bubba pounded the inside and just when they think they have us figured out there goes Oakie and Boo around the ends and down the field, but of course thats if our offense touches the ball, I am pretty sure we are going to see our return game do just that tomorrow night, another kick off return for a touchdown. Man, now I am fired up and I need to get to sleep for work tomorrow.
Tobias wrote:Code: Select all
View Poll Results: Who wins this one?
Greenup County 30 71.43%
Dawson Bryant 12 28.57%
Amazing poll results at http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/showthread.php?t=189504
Code: Select all
Dear coal grove fans, please post this on SEOP so all of you can see it, other #2 you guys have nobody that has a chance to catch Waugh or Carter. Kosar predictions, Carter 150, Waugh 100, Lyle 100, Hensely 50. 400yrds on the ground against the Cornets.
gc has sucked in football since jim thorpe played nothing changing now
kentucky: Tobacco, moonshine, and incest
i was just getting ready to post about the arrogance of the greenup county fans on that thread! Simply amazing!
Forget about alma maters or favorite teams; this game is about showing those folks across the river where their pathetic excuse of a program matches up over here.
I hope cg gets up by 40 at halftime and then leaves the starters in during the 2nd half so they can put up 40 more just because of the ignorance of these fans.
I hope it's so bad that no one in lloyd or greenup or south shore or anywhere in the greenup county school district will ever think to even look towards ohio in an unworthy manner ever again.
greenup county hasn't won 3 games in a row since 2003!
just remember we won't embarass a team to bad if we have to play them again and lets face facts, greenup will be homecoming next year.
greenup's football program is like coal grove's basketball or baseball program - it takes second (and in greenup's case, probably third) priority to other sports. They aren't a good football team; it's a team made up mostly of basketball and baseball players.
Their backfield as a whole isn't the best cg will see all year, but carter is the most talented rb cg will go against. Whether greenup's line can block well enough for him is the million-dollar question.
fuzzhead wrote:If anyone over there tells you that you have "purty teeth" or wants to duel you in a banjo competion, just say "no thanks" and walk away!![]()