A question to Logan Posters

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by GoChiefs »

dazed&confused wrote:Just having some fun. I don't call them the tiggers or use Chieftain Envy in any malicious way,

You can't have fun with them..you try to do that..and they try to group you in with Paladin and 2old. :12223

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by GoChiefs »

TigerTownTurkey wrote:looks like the rain is heading your way.........it is supposed to stop this afternoon but the way the front is moving looks like Zanesville and the local area is in for a soaking............

Yeah..weather channel online says it's supposed to be gone by 4pm..turf should be good to go by game time! GO CHIEFS!

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by dazed&confused »

gochiefs wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:Just having some fun. I don't call them the tiggers or use Chieftain Envy in any malicious way,

You can't have fun with them..you try to do that..and they try to group you in with Paladin and 2old. :12223

Let 'em. I'm TOO OLD to let that stuff worry me anymore.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by grizzlynatural »

gochiefs wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:Just having some fun. I don't call them the tiggers or use Chieftain Envy in any malicious way,

You can't have fun with them..you try to do that..and they try to group you in with Paladin and 2old. :12223

I cant believe my name isnt up there with those 2 on a regular basis :lol: :lol:

I just cant quiet fill either one of their shoes yet though......Im learning though. 2old is MY personal favorite tutor on this site.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by dazed&confused »

grizzlynatural wrote:
gochiefs wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:Just having some fun. I don't call them the tiggers or use Chieftain Envy in any malicious way,

You can't have fun with them..you try to do that..and they try to group you in with Paladin and 2old. :12223

I cant believe my name isnt up there with those 2 on a regular basis :lol: :lol:

I just cant quiet fill either one of their shoes yet though......Im learning though. 2old is MY personal favorite tutor on this site.

I think I just felt a shiver on the River! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: A question to Logan Posters


logan78 wrote:i forgot that i have to spell things out for some of the posters on here. no i did not play in the seoal for 10 years i only did for 6 but as was said you play in a league no matter what kind of football your playing. then you go to the playoffs. figured i would spell it out so there was no more confusion. winning league is number one priority and playoffs is just icing on the cake.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as i see it you have several problems beside tiger envy.

1--you spent 6 years in high school. even in logan , that must be some kinda record.

2- you are from logan, so you have no playoff experience.


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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Tjhtygeverve »

Winning your league is always good and a great way to flex your muscles showing league dominance....I would think Logan would continue with their winning ways and advance into post-season.. good luck on that scenario...

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Tjhtygeverve »

who really cares.. we all know the overall state opinion of the seoal.. Logan is in a great position to do well post-season, so let all of us, who are men enough to swallow their dominance since we re-entered the seoal, in a coaching staff/and athletic director control hungry drama scene, wish them well to win the state... geesh, just move on everyone.... history, last week, this week , bares no significance for anyone except logan and whom they are playing.. wish them well..

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by qualified101 »

as a logan fan i think last years team was better. this years team is way too unpredictable on offense. the defense is the only thing keeping them winning games. i think logan posters should worry about the regular season because the post season will be really short. this years team is nothing like last years team although the defense sounds and looks like its getting better every week. last years receivers didnt drop nearly as many balls as this year. angle is still taking sacks for 8 yard losses and not throwing the ball away like should happen which in turn is putting the team in long yardage situations. long road ahead.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Obviously every team in the states # 1 goal is to win a state title. That doesn’t mean that you can not have a successful season without winning the state, but there are
definitely different levels of success.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by kantuckyII »

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by kantuckyII »

Ironton has made the playoffs 72.2% of every year since it's been out. In the expanded playoffs (since 1988) Ironton has appeared in the playoffs 85.7% of the time.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

2Old I guess that if you have the success of Ironton, your standards are higher. I’m just glad that when my Trojans have had some success, that our fans didn’t get on here and give back handed complements, and misrepresent ourselves as fans of other teams. It’s just a shame when some fans are so jealous of another teams history that their fans find ways to get on here an look foolish misrepresenting themselves as fans of other teams.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Orange and Brown »

2old wrote:FB,

First let me say it so you can get it

you have " Chieftain Envy"

also i do not need your interpretation of my point. I was merely following the rules. Let me ask you since you are so wise, Why do you think Matt put the new rules in.

I simply outsmarted all of you.

Yep you outsmarted all of us!!! Thats why your posts got deleted!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank god you are so smart!

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Well 2Old let me break it down to you so you can understand this. Nobody in the state has “Chieftain Envy”. If we in southern Ohio have any envy it would be “Fighting Tiger Envy”. The Tigers have won the 2 state titles that you always like to point out, and have been able to compete with schools of any size. I do wish we had their history, but we have our own proud athletic history. Sure we don’t have any state titles, and that is always the goal, for all schools in the state, but it is rare for that to happen. We will just have to be happy with the success we have had and not build ourselves up by down grading others. After all this decade alone the Trojans have made 5 playoff trips, 3 to the regional championship, and once to the state semifinals. That puts, the Trojans with a 7- 4 playoff record this decade. I doubt anyone that has played in 11 playoff games in the last 9 years, won a regional title, and AP title, and played for 2 more regional titles would envy a team who has only won 3 playoff games this decade with no regional titles or really any playoff success, no mater how many league titles they have won. Enjoy living in “Chieftain Denial”.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

2Old you are smarter then I gave you credit for. What an ingénues idea to be so offensive, that you get all your post deleted, so it looks like the rest of us are all just here picking on you without you even contributing to the thread.

Wow you are to smart 2Old, I refuses to waste anymore of your precious time when we still don’t have a cure for cancer. Maybe if you have time you could fix the economic crisis as well.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by 2old »


It is not my fault my superior intellect is misunderstood by posters and Mods alike. The truth remains you are eat up with Chieftain Envy and the Trojans do not even get to lose to Logan this year. Be thankful. By not playing the Chiefs the Trojans may sneak into the playoffs and the Chiefs will enter the playoffs a high seed and with a home game.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

The Five Stages of Chieftain Denial

Denial: "It can't be happening, my Chieftains must be the best team ever” This is seen every year come playoff time.
Anger: "Why me? It's not fair that we can‘t win with any good teams our size," This stage is shown bad 2Old’s anger towards Ironton’s 2 state titles.
Bargaining: "Just let us win 1 playoff game" Again seen after week 10, and I assume at half time of the Ironton game
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother even getting on SEOP and insulting other teams?" This is the result after the Chieftains loss to, or have a close game with a team 2Old said they would blow out.
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK, even if we can‘t win in the playoffs we still have the all those small schools in the SEOAL to beat up on." This has been the case the last few years, but after angle graduates this seasons I’m afraid 2Old, may not make it.

There is no malice meant in this post, Logan is a fine team and I wish them all the luck come playoff time. I just like to give 2Old a hard time, because he is so arrogant.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by 2old »


Seriously could your post be filled with more errors. It is obvious you have no knowledge of football outside of Scioto County. Let me point out how out of touch and full of Chieftain Envy opu are.

Anger: Please note Logan defeated both Lancaster and Pick North. Both of these schools are much larger. Over 1/2 of Logans schedule is against teams D-2 or larger. Of course parrots like yourself just echo equally uninformed posters. You will never see me put down Ironton's history. i have long been a supporter of the Ironton history. However that wa last century and well documented by me and others.

Bargain:You assume, Your mistake. You have no facts. I knew when Ironton was afraid to try to score with its last possession that the Tigers were doomed to defeat. I can tell you this i wish i had had my computer at halftime. Your bargain is not getting taken to the woodshed by the Chiefs in 2009.


You poor lost soul. I have corrrectly preicted every league outcome for Logan in the last 5 years. Winning 30 consecutive league games and 5 consecutive league titles would not be many peoples definition of depression.

The depressing thing is the fact the the other programs of the SEOAL have done very little to improve their programs and that so many posters know so little about SE Ohio football.

Acceptance: Where have you been? Angle has been qb for a season and 1/2. The Logan team has won 5 consecutive league titles. Angle has been qb for maybe 10 consecutive league victories. Logan team has won 30 consecutive league victories. Once again your complete ignorance of SEOAL football is glaring.

A. Try learning from a master of posting like me.
B. Try to sneak a few facts in your posts.
C. Work on your humor. You failed miserably.
Last edited by 2old on Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A question to Logan Posters

Post by Paladin »

Depression ?? Why that would be --

35-10........ 53-14............7-0.........21-7

And thanking the football gods that Logan's coach called off the dogs before it really got ugly !!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Depression is talking about ancient state titles won long,long ago while avoiding acknowledging the POWER of SEO that rules another League title over has beens for years and years.

Depression is CHIEFTAIN ENVY, now at epidemic proportions. 8)

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