Clay Panthers 09-10

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Eagle eye
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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by Eagle eye »

They don't schedule any regular season games at 10 AM because it would interfere with school.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by my2cents »

We were talking about Saturday scrimmages being in the morning Eagle Eye. Might want to read the rest of the post before repsonding. :122248

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by Eagle eye »

my2cents wrote:Why do you think they don't schedule any regular season games at 10AM.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by TripleDouble »

^^^^ Zinger... lol

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by Pirate4Life »

You scrimmage or play bigger schools to get better. I would much rather scrimmage a bigger school, play a tough game and lose than to play a smaller school and crush them. The whining about getting up early?? Volleyball players do it every weekend with trimatches and tournaments, cross country races are early in the morning, and there are numerous track meets early on Saturdays. I think regular season games should be earlier in the day instead of starting at 6. Play at 3 or even noon that way you don't have fans and athletes riding home on a bus late at night when our favorite 4 legged friends like to play in the roads!!

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Eagle eye wrote:Ahem...
my2cents wrote:Why do you think they don't schedule any regular season games at 10AM.

He probably should have said any Saturday regular season games at 10am.

I would have to agree with my2cents. If a player goes into a game and is tired, he is more likely to get injured in that game due to the lack of focus. Like was said in the story above, most teenagers stay up half the night and are almost always sleep deprived. If anyone comes on here and tell you that they weren't like that as a teenager just might be stretching the truth some.

I remember talking to firends of mine who played in HS and they all said they hated those early morning scrimmages.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by my2cents »

Didn't think Eagle Eye would have so much problem with reading the other post. I know there are no pictures so here it is......

..........Also, the kids have to get up so early on Sat. and I don't know any teens who get enough sleep. Hope the coach is making the right decisions for the team.

Eaglesnest wrote:
my2cents wrote:Doc P, I think waterdog has a point. Not so much that they should scrimmage teams in our league, but they should stay with schools our size. I see no reason to scrimmage Jackson, who are two divisions bigger than Clay at 304 boys, the day after the previews where they play Waverly (+-250).
Plus, I think if you ask the boys, they would all rather play at 2pm on Saturday instead of 10 am.[/quote]


This statement really shows what is wrong with Clay basketball. Your players need to play when the coach schedules the game and not whine about getting up early ;-)

Of course, if someone would pull a muscle or get a strain from not being loose, you will all say "Well what did they expect, playing early morning games"
P4Life, Volleyball is not quite as streneous as basketball and the 3pm starts is what we are discussing but that doesn't fit it with school schedules and fans, who pay the bills.
My kid played today, he was up late, even though he shouldn't have been, I am sure he slept all the way up on the bus and woke up and was playing within 20 minutes.
You know when you were that age you did the same thing, stay up late and sleep in.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by buddy »

usually the coach at the school where the scrimmage is being played sets the times to play not the visiting coach

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by cbaseball33 »

Who cares wat time the games are played! State Cahmpionship games culd b played at 10 am or 11 am.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by my2cents »

Who cares? Anyone who gets hurt becuase they weren't stretched out and ready to play. Clay got a kid hurt Saturday in the first few minutes, don't know what happened but could he not have been ready. Really doesn't matter since they only have 1 more early Sat game. It's just my opinion that early Saturday games are bad, especially in you have to travel 2 hours to get to them.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by cbaseball33 »

He got hurt b.c he already pulled that muscle and Clay has two more 10 am saturday morning games one of them is a five way scrimmage.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by claypantherfan »

my2cents wrote:Who cares? Anyone who gets hurt becuase they weren't stretched out and ready to play. Clay got a kid hurt Saturday in the first few minutes, don't know what happened but could he not have been ready. Really doesn't matter since they only have 1 more early Sat game. It's just my opinion that early Saturday games are bad, especially in you have to travel 2 hours to get to them.

why does it matter what time it is for real it is the kids job to get stretched out before any game 10am or 7:30 pm you can pull a muscle in either one but in this case he was already been hurt before and just reagravated it

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by my2cents »

Don't know what else to say. Kid pulls a muscle, maybe not stretched out enough yet. Could it have happened at 3 pm, yes, did it happen at 11 am, yes. Can't prove it was because it was early and he slept on the bus and wasn't warmed up, can't prove it wasn't. Bottom line, if you have to play early, don't think you can stay up late, sleep on the bus and be ready to go after 20 minutes. CPF, your right that it is the kids job to be ready, but if you only get 10-20 minutes of stretch time, it's your responsibility to say you are not ready to go.
Hope the injury is minor and if it is a reocurring one, then he probably needs extra warm up.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by #1sportsfan »

It is a reoccuring injury that the kid has had. From what I heard the kid did stretch. There's truly no sense in carrying on about what time a scrimmage is because truth of the matter ALL schools do it.

I hope Clay has a good season and wish them the best!

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by claypantherfan »

their next scrimmage is at West 5pm on the 18th

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by Mercerville Monster »

I dont think the time had anything to do with the injury. Most schools have atleast one scrimmage early in the morning. Clay had around a 30 minute warmup period so I would say the person that posted that this kids injury is reoccuring is probably correct. Hope he gets well.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by TripleDouble »

Has clay had anymore scrimmages other than their first, and how have they went?

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by my2cents »

They played West tonight and from what I saw the starters vs starter was in Clay advantage. First qtr was 4 - 4, 2nd was 13-9 west but Clay pulled all starters half way thru. 3rd qtr was about 13 - 4 Clay. 4th Qtr 10 -5 Clay, I didn't see the last 2 or 3 qtrs but West must have one some of them big. I think someone said Clay ended up with 1 more point on the overall night. I think West will be in for a long season in SOCII. Pendelton won't last long in a real game. Too agressive and will be in foul trouble. Groves looked decent but I didn't really see a player who will carry the team. Hopefully the new coach will get the best out of what he has a pull off a decent season.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by Waterdog »

West was quick and showed some skills. Good luck to them in their SOC.

Congratulations, Clay!!! You did well at your scrimmage tonight and that was without Graham. Can't wait to see what he has to offer.

I think this is going to be a good year for Clay but next year is going to be even better.

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Re: Clay Panthers 09-10

Post by Black@Orange »

Clay looked better. But its still early. I will hope for the best, but it might be a long season for West.

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