Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Does anyone know if the PDT has covered any of the soccer games this year? I don't get the paper daily but have yet to see one game actually covered by the staff, and there have been some good matches that warranted coverage. I think anyone who follows local High School sports should invest in the $20 per year and have the Scioto Voice mailed to your house. I look forward to Thursdays, catching up in detail of what happend at local sporting events.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 43
- Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:11 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
I've only seen one game that's been covered by the PDT.
If I recall correctly it was near the beginning of the season.
I know it was a Valley game. That's the only one I remember seeing. They also covered the previews.
I have seen lots of stats and information on games (that comes from the coaches calling in, though, I believe).
They are doing better than the past couple of seasons. I'd like to see the coverage get back to how it was in the mid to late 90s. At least one game was covered almost every night.
They've had some problems at the PDT and it sounds like they're trying to get it fixed.
If I recall correctly it was near the beginning of the season.
I know it was a Valley game. That's the only one I remember seeing. They also covered the previews.
I have seen lots of stats and information on games (that comes from the coaches calling in, though, I believe).
They are doing better than the past couple of seasons. I'd like to see the coverage get back to how it was in the mid to late 90s. At least one game was covered almost every night.
They've had some problems at the PDT and it sounds like they're trying to get it fixed.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
They should at least pick out a game of the week. A teusday night match would not interfere with football. many have suggested they let student english students do coverage for their school and maybe get some new employees in training.
- JV Team
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Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
I think the times coverage has been better this year than the last few years. Hopefully they are moving in the right direction. With the internet & tv, people know what's going on in the country, but I think local sports & local stories would be what sells local papers.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
daily times does a nice job of giving the highlights of soccer games. i pick it up daily for scores. they hardly personally cover football. they at least give the nightly match scores. this keeps me buying the paper. local sports coverage is the only reason i buy.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Their biggest problem is that they went from three reporters last season to two reporters this season. It takes at least one of them to be there taking in calls and writing up the round-up (Tuesday to Thursday). If they have two reporters working a given night, they could in theory have the other one cover Volleyball, Cross Country, Golf, Tennis or Soccer but no more than one game/match/meet per night.
Consider the fact that they don't have anyone covering Monday nights and has both work Friday and Saturday football games, there would probably only be one working on two of the other weeknights. This would leave possibly one or two nights a week to have a reporter available to go out for one of the above listed sports.
A third reporter would mean about three-four more feature stories per week for the 'minor' sports. But that can't happen with the way things stands now.
Consider the fact that they don't have anyone covering Monday nights and has both work Friday and Saturday football games, there would probably only be one working on two of the other weeknights. This would leave possibly one or two nights a week to have a reporter available to go out for one of the above listed sports.
A third reporter would mean about three-four more feature stories per week for the 'minor' sports. But that can't happen with the way things stands now.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
That where the Scioto Voice fills in. They cover almost every event in detail. Even if it's only once a week it is still nice to read about all the local games.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
There were 17 soccer games scheduled this past week, two were postponed and one I don't have a score for so may have not been played but the other 14 will be written up tonight. Six of the 11 coaches have responded so far which is three more than last week at this time. It is always a bit piece meal on getting it all together in a timely manner but it usually works out. Thank goodness it IS only a once a week deadline. I pity the guys on the daily paper their deadlines--yuck!
There were 17 soccer games scheduled this past week, two were postponed and one I don't have a score for so may have not been played but the other 14 will be written up tonight. Six of the 11 coaches have responded so far which is three more than last week at this time. It is always a bit piece meal on getting it all together in a timely manner but it usually works out. Thank goodness it IS only a once a week deadline. I pity the guys on the daily paper their deadlines--yuck!
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
With the season winding down there are several big matchups this week. I wonder if the PDT will even bother to cover one?
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
I am amazed at how the PDT reporters have their heads so far up Wheelersburg's butt that even in a loss they're still glorified for scoring on Webster when no one else in the SOC could. (Not my words; PDT words) Webster is 13 - 0 and to date have only given up 3 goals thus far and the PDT seems to be so impressed with the Burg's 2 goals; go figure! Webster will gladly give up goals as long as they have one more than their opponent. It's about WINS not goals!!! 

Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Too bad Clay's foreign exchange student missed his PK at SW, then it wouldn't be such a big deal. Congrats to SW on a so far perfect season. Would be nice to see a local team advance deep into the tournament to let the Northern part of the State know that we play soccer down here too.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
pdt just reports comments from the coaches. only thing i have heard about "not being scored on" came from posters on line. i agree wins are wins but if you are close enough to see the "pdts head up burgs butt" maybe you should broaden your views unless your just an anal retentive kind of viewer.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
RxBurgFan wrote:pdt just reports comments from the coaches. only thing i have heard about "not being scored on" came from posters on line. i agree wins are wins but if you are close enough to see the "pdts head up burgs butt" maybe you should broaden your views unless your just an anal retentive kind of viewer.
Ha Ha Ha!!! You must be the writer!!!! Did it leave a bad taste in your mouth?

- Waterboy
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:11 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
i agree with chickensoupknowledge. webster has given up 3 goals through 13 games this season, a pretty good accomplishment. and as i seen last night during the game, webster's defense wasn't worried about the goal streak they had going. they stayed calm after both the goals and pulled off a come from behind win. they didn't care if they gave up goals or not, just as long as they won. and along with this win they put burg out of s.o.c. for the 2nd year in a row! giving the championship to MINFORD!!! congrats webster
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
chickensoupknowledge wrote:I am amazed at how the PDT reporters have their heads so far up Wheelersburg's butt that even in a loss they're still glorified for scoring on Webster when no one else in the SOC could. (Not my words; PDT words) Webster is 13 - 0 and to date have only given up 3 goals thus far and the PDT seems to be so impressed with the Burg's 2 goals; go figure! Webster will gladly give up goals as long as they have one more than their opponent. It's about WINS not goals!!!
You must have got a special copy of the paper, because I didn't see anything like what you are talking about. It did mention that SW had shut out all SOC opponents this year until WB player scored, and if you actually understand how to read a paper you will notice that the only story on the soccer page written by the PDT was the lead story about Minford winning their second SOC title. Each coach got to make his comments when they called in their reports and the PDT quoted them both.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
good work my2cents. we may have realized the comments coming earlier were from someone needing more pictures to get through the article. pdt does ok, but always can do better. i buy it everyday available just for the local sports.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Local sports coverage is best in the Scioto Voice. Well worth the $20 per year, too bad it is only on Thursday, but great detail about every game played in just about every sport.
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
scioto voice coverage is best. they work hard on details but pdt gives you daily updates and thats a plus.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
My2cents and RxBurgFan - I am so happy that my comment has brought you two together. It must be nice to finally have someone to compliment your views. You guys should get a raise for your prompt defensive responses. If you worked for me, and your probably glad you don't, I would make you two my editors. And yes, more pictures would be nice. I also totally agree that the Scioto Voice is much better and they are in Wheelersburg! But I still feel the same about the PDT, not just over the sports section but the whole darn paper. I wouldn't wipe my butt with it because I don't know what crayons would do to my @#*! No offense intended!