Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
csk can tell by your hostile responses you are extremely jealous of something maybe your looking for a friend. from your above response you seem to really be focused on the backside of upright people. remember that some do not know the difference between chicken salad and chicken____. good luck finding out the difference.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
RxBurgFan wrote:csk can tell by your hostile responses you are extremely jealous of something maybe your looking for a friend. from your above response you seem to really be focused on the backside of upright people. remember that some do not know the difference between chicken salad and chicken____. good luck finding out the difference.
Not jealous; just having fun!!! By the way, save me some time and tell me the difference!! I promise not to tell who told me!!!

Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
i'm not telling. a wise person once told me the difference and i have never forgotten. one suggestion beware the one that has the least appealing aroma. the wise one told me to choose but choose wisely. hats off to any one that covers high school sports. pdt and scioto voice keep up the good work.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Fair enough! Game over!!! Why does everything taste like chicken? 

Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
CSK, all I can figure is somewhere in the past SW has been slighted and you haven't gotten over it. I have seen nothing but good things said about them in the paper. Now as for on here, there might be some beefs. I have seen and heard them play and if calling your opponenets "MFers" on the field is okay with you, then so be it.
I wish them luck and hope they go far in the tourney and represent southern ohio proudly.
I wish them luck and hope they go far in the tourney and represent southern ohio proudly.
Last edited by my2cents on Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
my2cents wrote:CSK, all I can figure is somewhere in the past SW has been slighted and you haven't gotten over it. I have seen nothing but good things said about them in the paper. Now as for on here, there might be some beefs. I have seen and heard them play and if calling your opponenets "MFers" on the field is okay with you, then so be it. What usually happens is a coach will get a talentend team and run over opponents and 3 or 4 years down the line there will be payback. Who knows, maybe this years SW team is making paybacks from things in the past, but that is up to the coach to control his boys.
I wish them luck and hope they go far in the tourney and represent southern ohio proudly.
First off I made a comment about an article in the PDT and I'm okay with the disagreements I received from it. Now your comments are directed toward SW coach and kids. I'm not going to say "mfers" don't happen and I don't like it but you seem to only see half of what goes on during the games. You make it sound like SW kids just say it for no reason which let me say there is no reason for it ever but here is how it happens for your info; SW or any team for that matter get up a few goals and frustration on the (your) other team starts setting in and before you know it you're seeing more cheap shots and late slide tackles out of frustration and a coach (that only sees half a game) starts putting too much pressure on his kids (creating more frustration) because he thinks his kids aren't trying their best. Secondly, SW coach controls his kids very well, when he sees tempers starting flare he removes that kid and talks to him about how silly his reaction was to the verbal abuse or the cheap shot he just retaliated on. Also SW's AD will usually have a chat with that person the next morning. You could learn something from the SW coaches and staff. Third, SW hasn't ran over anyone this year! I would call the Clay and West game a run over game wouldn't you? Finally, instead of watching the other team's actions so much, try watching your kids and if you do, you just might be surprised at what you're angels are doing unless you're two-faced!

Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
Sorry I upset you so much, but if my kid is playing dirty and running his mouth, I want to know and I will correct it, not defend it.
As for the Clay vs West game, it was 4 - 1 at half. Clay only has 2 subs so all you can do is drop back your better players. One freshman boy scored his first two goals ever, another got his first goal in 3 years of play, a third got his second of the year and the foreign exchange student put one in near the end, mainly because he doesn't speak a lick of english and didn't understand not so shoot.
And as far as why I was upset about the game in question. My kid got flipped over on a cheap undercut shot on a high ball with 2 minutes left in the game being beaten 8 - 0. The foreign exchange kid got beat half to death because he was able to dribble thru traffic.
As for the Clay vs West game, it was 4 - 1 at half. Clay only has 2 subs so all you can do is drop back your better players. One freshman boy scored his first two goals ever, another got his first goal in 3 years of play, a third got his second of the year and the foreign exchange student put one in near the end, mainly because he doesn't speak a lick of english and didn't understand not so shoot.
And as far as why I was upset about the game in question. My kid got flipped over on a cheap undercut shot on a high ball with 2 minutes left in the game being beaten 8 - 0. The foreign exchange kid got beat half to death because he was able to dribble thru traffic.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
my2cents wrote:Sorry I upset you so much, but if my kid is playing dirty and running his mouth, I want to know and I will correct it, not defend it.
As for the Clay vs West game, it was 4 - 1 at half. Clay only has 2 subs so all you can do is drop back your better players. One freshman boy scored his first two goals ever, another got his first goal in 3 years of play, a third got his second of the year and the foreign exchange student put one in near the end, mainly because he doesn't speak a lick of english and didn't understand not so shoot.
And as far as why I was upset about the game in question. My kid got flipped over on a cheap undercut shot on a high ball with 2 minutes left in the game being beaten 8 - 0. The foreign exchange kid got beat half to death because he was able to dribble thru traffic.
I'm not upset. I just commented on your post. Sometimes parents only see what happens to their kid and even when it isn't intentional the parent feels that it was. I think you're one of those parents and I have been guilty of it too. You must remember that a 50/50 ball is up for grabs and if one player is late to arrive the other player normally pays for it. I'm sorry that your son was turned upside down and I hope he wasn't hurt. Did your team get a free kick from it? Soccer is a contact sport and collisions will happen regardless of the score. Tempers will flare and mouths will smack but it happens in all sports. I try very hard to convince my son to smile at the other player taking shots at him and jump up and keep playing hard because that's all that player can do once he knows he can't beat you. Sooner or later that kid will be on the other end of a hit too. Play hard and physical not hard and cheap! As far as the Clay and West game, I don't really care I just thought is was funny how you think, you know the Parent thing!

Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
I actually understand the rules of the game, I wish I could say the same for all the other parents who come to watch their kids. Most have never seen a televised game or anything else. We took several kids up to watch the crew vs la galaxy and hope to take the whole team up at the end of the season. I hate hearing the comment "This ain't footbal", ummmmmmmmmmm well yes it actually is, and 50/50 balls and slide tackles, advantage play after fouls are things the most parents don't understand.
As for how I think, as mentioned in the other post, the 14-4 drubbing by Waverly (it could have been 30-4 if Waverly wanted) and the 7-0 loss and 8-0 loss to Whbg and SW earlier in the season, I had no complaint with. But the rough play at near the end of the game in question was uncalled for. The throw in to the back of the opponents head was what brought it to a head. If it slipped, fine, you apologize and move on. You don't say "what are you going to do about it!" The coaches had words over it as did the players.
My son wasn't hurt, he landed on his hands, but the player that undercut him had no intention of playing the ball. I have seen Clay's coach pull a player off the field, even today, and rip him for a cheap shot and would expect the same from any coach.
As for how I think, as mentioned in the other post, the 14-4 drubbing by Waverly (it could have been 30-4 if Waverly wanted) and the 7-0 loss and 8-0 loss to Whbg and SW earlier in the season, I had no complaint with. But the rough play at near the end of the game in question was uncalled for. The throw in to the back of the opponents head was what brought it to a head. If it slipped, fine, you apologize and move on. You don't say "what are you going to do about it!" The coaches had words over it as did the players.
My son wasn't hurt, he landed on his hands, but the player that undercut him had no intention of playing the ball. I have seen Clay's coach pull a player off the field, even today, and rip him for a cheap shot and would expect the same from any coach.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:18 pm
Re: Porstmouth Times soccer coverage???
I agree but like I said before its a two way street and two wrongs don't make it right.