Importance of junior varsity basketball

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Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by warningtrackpower »

On this week's SVC Sports Talk (podcast show for we had a great discussion on the importance of JV basketball. It is in the middle of the show - love to hear some feedback - thanks ... talk010917

Nuke LaLoosh
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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by Nuke LaLoosh »

Great topic. JV teams for any sport are vital to the long-term success of the program. Any school that consistently cancels its JV games is creating nothing but a recipe for a declining and dying program. On a practical note, JV provides a needed transition from middle school to high school (varsity) ball, where the pace of play, size, speed, athleticism, etc. are all on a much different level. The reps a kid can get by playing JV games (win or lose) should not be underestimated. I see way too many teams these days canceling JV games. Why? How can some D4 schools with 160 kids in the entire high school field JV teams consistently but some D2 schools cannot???

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by Coach93 »

Enjoyed the podcast you guys made some great points . I think it is vital that kids play JV ,freshman basketball I think to many times we push kids into varsity before they are ready. By playing JV or Freshman basketball kids can work on their skills such as handling the ball or maybe getting better on the defensive side of the ball. Sometimes I don't think fans see the big picture of what a Coach is trying to accomplish . Also I have noticed over the last few years especially with girls teams a lot of teams are just playing two quarters instead of playing a full game . I understand sometimes numbers are low but it is happening way to often by doing this I feel that the kids are getting cheated especially when a team has 20 girls and dress 15 which five or six are JV and play the last minute or so of a Varsity game I just think it is hurting the kids on both teams. This is just my thoughts again great podcast. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by baseball16 »

Should be a Huge Priority. But I see a decline over the Years. A lot of it has to do with the coach and his attitude towards playing it. I think the Varsity coaches get so caught up into their game and really don't worry about the JV game as much. Many coaches want to get the night over with (bad season) and move on. Terrible Attitude. The other night, the JV teams had 8 and 9 Respectively, but they only played two qtrs. 0 of these girls were used in the Varsity, so it wasn't to save qtrs. It was to save hours and allow people and coaches to get home early. It's a shame!!

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by REFEREE11 »

I agree that Junior Varsity is important and is going downhill. They get minimal practice because of the focus is all on varsity. Who is the future??? And when they find games to play they only are getting 2 quarters in. It is making kids not play due to putting in practice time and getting a few short played games in. Some teams don't even use their JV players on varsity and still only playing 2 quarters.

father time
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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by father time »

I think Ohio could benefit from allowing junior high players to play in high school like Kentucky does, that could ensure there are JV games.

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by george »

father time wrote:I think Ohio could benefit from allowing junior high players to play in high school like Kentucky does, that could ensure there are JV games.

Big difference in a 12 year old boy and a 15 year old young man

father time
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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by father time »

george wrote:
father time wrote:I think Ohio could benefit from allowing junior high players to play in high school like Kentucky does, that could ensure there are JV games.

Big difference in a 12 year old boy and a 15 year old young man
Yes there is a big difference but that is why not all kids in middle school in KY play up, just the ones that are capable.

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by george »

true on capable. Few and far between but at the same time you could be playing with even a 18 year old . School have to be very careful Most of the time school not having enough to have a J V team is school change coaches every year .Which you can not build a team like that.

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball


The biggest problem I see is a lack of coaching. Varsity practice should be an 1 1/2 to 2 hours at most and if effectively ran should only need four days with a possible shoot around on Friday and or Saturday. ALL kids should practice together same gym from 9th-12th. Every kid on the same page running the same D same O.

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by warningtrackpower »

Thanks for all the feedback on here and in the inbox - we did a little follow-up on this week's show (at the beginning) - here is the link - ... talk011617

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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by coachmkc »

I believe to be a successful program, you not only need to have a strong JV program, but a program in place from K-12. I seemed to fight that constant battle in my last coaching stop. The more I wanted to change things, the more they stayed the same. At most successful programs, kids are developing at a young age, adding new skills every year. In Ky, we started an intramural program grades 1-3. Then, as time went on, started with travel teams, etc.

Ed Ott
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Re: Importance of junior varsity basketball

Post by Ed Ott »

coachmkc wrote:I believe to be a successful program, you not only need to have a strong JV program, but a program in place from K-12. I seemed to fight that constant battle in my last coaching stop. The more I wanted to change things, the more they stayed the same. At most successful programs, kids are developing at a young age, adding new skills every year. In Ky, we started an intramural program grades 1-3. Then, as time went on, started with travel teams, etc.
Good point about k-12

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