SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

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SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by mattash »

Who is the best team?

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by shlfreak »

i dont really know much about the matter, but i do know that it will be a tight race between manchester, peebles, and whiteoak in the small schools. If manchesters pitching holds up and they find a couple new bats they should be hard to beat. I think peebles fate rest on justice, seaman, and countryman's shoulders. They really only lost Arnold. And for Whiteoak, they lost ben harmon and marshall banks, but coach veidt will have them ready by the start of the season.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by 60' 6'' »

Peebles lost Shoemaker and Arnold however Justice will carry them. Don't count out Eastern, they seem to always win year in and year out. Manchester lost Varney Flora and Shelton which were all starters and the left side of their infield. If they can repace them then they will be competitive, however that is alot to replace in such a small school. Isn't last year the first time they have won in many years. Wonder what happened, congrats to the team

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by fhs_shl11 »

Fairfield sohuld be in the race too...if some young pitchers such as miller(all-league selection), Campbell, and Fife step up and shut some teams down fairfield will win. The lost of Seitz is huge! but they lost noone else besides a senior who batted a whooping .000 for the year. They will score runs behind the hitting of adams and miller. Everyone seems to forget that two years ago Fairfield started 4 freshman and won a league title so watch out for those atheletes who are now juniors.

Whiteoak lost to much talent.
Peebles will be able to hit obviously with Seaman and Justice but idk about pitching.
Manchester though has one of the better chances to win league because of pitching of tolle and their hitting.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by BuckeyeFan2011 »

I like the Fairlfield Lions. I think the lions have good enough pitching with Miller and Campbell. The bats will be hot this year with Adams, Campbell, Tolle, Miller, and the Carson boy if he stays in the box. Watch out for the lions this year.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by ty.stephens »

Don't get me wrong Justice is a great player but not the best hitter on the team. There are a couple of other kids on the team that will need to step up and take control of the team. Justice's main role will be pitching, as he should be the #1 man in the rotation.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by fhs_shl11 »

Yea he is a good baseball player as well...Seaman is the best hitter in the league....but i have to like eastern for big school league title and fairfield for small school

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by ty.stephens »

Again, not to take anything away from kids but seaman is not the best hitter in the league nor his own team. He wasn't even the team leader for hitting for Peebles last year.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by fhs_shl11 »

Seaman is the best hitter in league..

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by ty.stephens »

How do you justify that? I think seaman hit somewhere in the low 200's last year? Not taking anything away from the kid, but the best hitter in the league is stretching it.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by fhs_shl11 »

Well maybe not average wise...but definetly intimadation wise...there was only 2 pitchers that probably werent afraid of him last year...and they were Seitz and Harmon. Ill tell u kno...his power puts fear into pitchers.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by sports_fanatic34 »

I like Fairfield in the small school, alot of experience on this still young team. Four of the juniors on this team were starters as freshman. Pitching will be the only question on this team (Seitz is a hard one to replace), however if Miller, Campbell and Fife step up and pitch like they are capable of they are going to be hard to stop. I think the bats of Adams, Tolle, Miller and Campbell can plate alot of runs.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by lions99 »

Fairfield, Peebles, and Manchester are my favorites for the whole league.
Fairifeld - with the pitching of Miller and Campbell and hitting of Tolle, Adams, Miller and the Carson brothers should be good.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by slug »


Just wondering, but if you don't think Seaman is the best hitter on the team who gets your vote?

Who in your opinion is the best hitter in the league?

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by ty.stephens »

Just to clarify, Im not saying seaman isn't a great hitter because he is. Unfortunately I didn't attend as many games last year as I would have liked to but I honestly think there are 4 kids on the peebles team that on any given night can lead the team. Powerwise I would give the edge to blake justice. Average wise I would say nate stephens and just being able to put the bat on the ball at any given time I would say andy countryman. Seaman is also a threat for power and putting the ball in play. This team has a lot of talent and should be a threat to contend for the league. The main priority should be PITCHING.
Top 4 (no certain order)

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by TAR HEEL FAN44 »

How did West Union do last season? Do they have anyone coming back?

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by lefty_49 »

I don't really think West Union had much last year, and if they did, they didn't show it in the Fairfield game. As far as upcoming freshman, im not really sure. I know that they return the lefty and the Grooms kid pitching wise, but that's all ive got.

Big School-Eastern. Look for Coach Downing to put together a tough team despite the loss of a few big seniors.

Small Schools is really a toss up. I have it between Peebles, Fairfield, and Manchester. But I wouldnt count out the Wildcats or the Rockets either. I was able to see each team play last year and I would have to say Peebles looks the strongest on paper. With Justice, Seaman, and Stephens in the heart of their order I look for them to make a strong run. Fairfield is really on the bubble or at least I believe so. Replacing Tim seems impossible, but if Tolle or someone else can step up and pitch they should have a legitimate shot. Manchester lost three or four starters but return strong pitching in Tolle and I believe its a Rigdon kid? They were deep last year with the 7-8-9 hitters sometimes out-hitting the core hitters. Don't know much about Fayettville other than the fact that they lost their #1 pitcher. They also have a strong core of seniors which should carry them fairly well. And Coach Veidt should have Whiteoak ready to bring home another league championship. They may not be as talented as the other teams in small schools but with Barnett and Bingamon returning, the cats should make a run as well.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by YC08 »

Didn't Coach Downing leave Eastern? If so who is their new coach?

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by fhs_shl11 »

YC08 wrote:Didn't Coach Downing leave Eastern? If so who is their new coach?

Im pretty sure he stayed from what i have heard. Downing is the best coach in the league. Year in and year out he has a league contending team, and you cant say he is lucky by having good players. Eastern should be happy they still have him because idk how he hasnt left yet for a college team or something.

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Re: SHL 09-10 Thoughts and Predictions

Post by ty.stephens »

No downing left...he took a job in WV

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