Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by Spartan »

Best of luck from a Bulldog fan!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by pbuck »

Can't wait this one is 3 days away Let's Go Bucks !!!!!!!

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton


i'm curious, if in fact the record is set this week, what ironton has in store as far as celebration festivities, at the ball game, afterwards. i've said i'd help in any way. ut i've heard nothing. could someone pm, or call me. if they need help , of any kind.

who dey, who dey, who dey, think gonna beat dem tigers. :-D

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by loganlocos »

Bishtakes wrote:I can feel it already. Bish eating mexican food, two hours from home. I hope they have an extra supply of Charmin and Tucks. I do have a question about an earlier post that I was nothing close to being out of line, however, it never posted to the remarks. I may have not hit submit, but, do the mods see what we are typing before we hit the submit key?

I know that several Logan posters birdog all of Ironton's topics so maybe they can answer this question. While they are experiencing a nice run of football as of lately, when did this run actually begin? Every one of their posters have stated that we are basically going to get our heads bashed in and I just want to thank you for your predictions. You would think that a community that is 10 miles up the road would give us a little support. When I read posts from fuzzhead and fanofsports, I am reminded of why I hate hemorrhoids, Ford's and Blatz beer. I can understand their hatred or envy of NY, but not from Logan.

OK...I'm done whining. GO BUCKS...Fill the box, Play 4 quarters, BUCKEYE PRIDE

Oh.....I almost forgot....GO Chiefs!!!

bishtakes -

This Chieftain never roots against the Buckeyes. Tons of respect for that program.

I think Ironton is the stronger team, but Nelsonville-York has proven time and again they have the ability to play up to the level of their competition in these games.

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by buckeyefan2010 »

TIGERS90 wrote:
buckeyeguy wrote:i will say ironton will be surprised by our lines speed, i know their running game is tough but we get to the ball fast and we can tackle. ny will not lay down they will give all they got, never seen a team with as much heart as these boys, makes us proud to be buckeyes

Wheelersburg and Logan had great speed...but our line handled them up front all night long...Logan's line got beat every play...we just allowed a couple of nice passes to get past our deep guys...I don't worry about our line at all getting "Surprised"....If you have a qb that can throw...then maybe we might worry a little...but line...NO!!!!

Ironton by 21 or more

have a qb that can throw?? NY's QB (Nathan Dean"sophmore") can throw very well just most of the time we dont need to :mrgreen: but when it comes down to it we put the ball in the air and things work just as well for us

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by ndngirl19 »

I can not wait till Friday's game....i think the atmosphere itself will chill you to the bone. I have the utmost respect for mr.lutz and his coahing staff. Not one time has he wished to brag on his achievements. He has told reporter after reporter that he will never take anything away from the focus of his team, players and opponents. The man always is giving credit were credit is due, and many of you know that he is defiantly not going into friday's game thinking that nelsonville is going to lay down to the Tigers. So much is at stake. The seniors last regular season game at the tanks, preparing for playoffs, and the record. I wish nelsonville fans a safe trip into i-town and i wish all players a safe game. I hope the players and their families have a great senior night. This night is a once in a lifetime experience. I wish the staff the best, as we hope to break the record. Lutz has taken it one game at a time these past forty years and it will be well worth the wait.

[color=#FF8040]GO BIG I.................GET FIRED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by Orestes »

Ironton was gashed by Derek Arnold last year. No way they do anything but sell out to stop him.

Either Arnold will have to be better than human, or Cunningham, Andrews, or Dean will have to get the ball in the endzone during the early going. Someone else will have to loosen it up for Arnold.

NY needs to just go down there, play hard, and have a good time. There isn't much to lose in this one, but there could be a load to gain.

Again, I expect Ironton to handle things, but I hope that NY finds a way.

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by NY BUCKS »

i think Cunningham is the key to a win get him going DOWN FIELD. Make ironton run outside.CLOG THE MIDDLE.NY D LINE DONT HAVE TO GET THE BACK.The linebackers are in thier for a reason.MAKE THEM RUN OUTSIDE!!!

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by Bishtakes »

Locos..Thank you for the respectful post. Are the Bucks the underdog? Absolutley.

Here are a few quotes from your cronies:
Loganphan.."Arnold wasn't too impressive ag inst Athens. Arnold finds out what defense is all about"

Noreply.."Ironton runs all over the Buckeyes"

1987Cheiftain.."To much of a punishing team"

I'm sure Arnold and company reads some of these posts,so for a grownup, I assume, to get on here and talk smack on a kid is unacceptable. Especially from a neighboring community that has NO dog in this fight.

Maybe, just maybe, if we hang in this game like Logan barely did, then maybe people will be thinking that we are a Logan caliber team and that my friend would not bode well for them All Mighty CHiefs.

Sorry for getting caught up in this nonsense.

Reach down and grab your Buckeyes, play with all your heart and that Buckeye Pride,and leave the Tank a winner!


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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by NY BUCKS »


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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by TIGERS90 »

Rick's Barbecue is a nice place to eat...they have some good pulled pork...great fish and the best hush puppies around...not to mention all the fix-in's on the side...don't forget to try the chicken and dumplings...good place to eat...good people serving it...just four blocks from the stadium on third street...

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by tomcatfan »

Ironton will win this game with ease. We (THE CATS) should have beaten NY. NY is in way over their heads on this one. I say Ironton wins by 30. I think that Trimble would give Ironton a better game.

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by Orange and Brown »

TIGERS90 wrote:Rick's Barbecue is a nice place to eat...they have some good pulled pork...great fish and the best hush puppies around...not to mention all the fix-in's on the side...don't forget to try the chicken and dumplings...good place to eat...good people serving it...just four blocks from the stadium on third street...

Sounds good!!!!!
I don't think I will be able to make the trip due to my sons illness though!! I know I will be missing out on a great chance to watch a great football game in the TANK, but I have to stay close to my little man!

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by Orange and Brown »

tomcatfan wrote:Ironton will win this game with ease. We (THE CATS) should have beaten NY. NY is in way over their heads on this one. I say Ironton wins by 30. I think that Trimble would give Ironton a better game.

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I needed a good laugh!!!!!! Thanks tomcatfan!!!!!!
They must be teaching comedy classes down there in Glouster!

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by NY BUCKS »

tomcatfan wrote:Ironton will win this game with ease. We (THE CATS) should have beaten NY. NY is in way over their heads on this one. I say Ironton wins by 30. I think that Trimble would give Ironton a better game.

How when you cant even get a EXTRA POINT!!...........7-6

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by fightintigerz »

Ironton wins, but closer than people think. Ironton-28 NY-20.

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by pbuck »

2 more days Buckeyes stay focused and finish this week of practice strong GO BUCKEYES GO !!!!!!!!

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by TigersGameDayFan »

I have been thinking about this game for the past couple days...scouting and checking out NY...and I do believe this COULD be close.....Ironton(the team not the fans) will never over look ANYONE, I dont care if they are 7-1 or 1-7. They will not be over looked.

Now on to the Game...It could be close..If Ironton lets it be close..Without turnovers Ironton will win this game by 20+ points, but if we do turn the football over, it's going to be a close football game..

Good Luck to Ironton and all of my best friends in this Senior class....

I know they will get the job done.


Ironton: 35
NY: 14

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by rut151 »

tomcatfan wrote:Ironton will win this game with ease. We (THE CATS) should have beaten NY. NY is in way over their heads on this one. I say Ironton wins by 30. I think that Trimble would give Ironton a better game.

Trimble played thier best game against N-Y and still came up short, N-Y absolutely did not play their best game and WON! Stop your crying :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Lutz goes for Record (7-1) Nelsonville-York @ (6-2) Ironton

Post by moonshine »

Please understand, I will root for Nelsonville-York, but for playoff points I would like ironton to win, According to the computer Reg 7 rating, Logan is less than 1.0 behind louisville. As much as it pains me, and this really hurts I predict ironton will win in a very close game.

ironton 21
Nels-York 14

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