Blue_nd_Gray wrote:[
My point is they didn't win every year they won 2 years and lost 2years to Kyger Creek which was a single A power in the area from the 50's until the school was shut down in 91 for River Valley,Kyger Creek prob graduated 40 or less kids every year.
You might want to get your facts straight before posting. Wait..... I forgot some people won't let the truth get in the way of a good story. Oak Hill was in the SVAC for six years, not 4, and won the title at least 4 of those years. Jeff Conroy for 4 years, Scott Bartholomew for 2 years as head coach during those SVAC years. They probably didn't know what they were doing either, and I am sure they were not responsible for any of that success because neither had much success after they left Oak Hill

Kyger Creek prob graduated 40 or less kids every year.[/quote]

What were they New Boston?????? You might want to check those figures also. Oh wait... I forgot. You don't care if what you post is
true as long as it makes a great
gwell, Blue_nd_Gray, and others keep up the complaints and digs about Oak Hill. One thing I know for sure is that it might bother the adults (like me) who read this site, but the kids who played on this team won't care one bit if they beat a division 6 or division 1 team when they look back on this season. They will have great memories of a wonderful accomplishment no matter if they win one, two, or no games in the playoffs. The community is proud of this team. Your complaining and whining will not have any effect on that, whatsoever!