minfordmamma wrote:Burg needs to watch out for West going about their tricks. People said that West could contain the players from cheap shots and fights but the were back at it tonight. The coach will have his hands full with this class.
Good -luck to both teams. Hope you have an injury free night.
I was told some minford fans/parents and the coach/coaches had some problems with each other. Is that true? I'm sure any problems were all West's fault, they always are.

Even though in recent varsity games, I've seen a Valley player punch a West player for tackling him and numerous players whooping at West guys trying to start stuff, especially to Pendelton. And yes, the goody-two-shoes of Minford did it also. Alot
If you listen to some of these people, it's like West has their practices at the SOCF and should have their games with the guard like in the Longest Yard. I bet Paul Crew is QB. Open your eyes people, your youngins aren't always acting like the second coming of the Pope themselves.