Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

The Outsider2
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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by The Outsider2 »

The Vikings better have very good players if they are going to be solid...... Fuller may have hard time pulling things together. His only experience is in bustin' things up........

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by mattash »

Makes no sense to get rid of Alvin. Everyone back and SOC Champions last year.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by beaverlover »

I thought Western won the SOC outright last year

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by Eaglesnest »

beaverlover wrote:I thought Western won the SOC outright last year

Beaverlover is correct. Western got first and Eastern finished second.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by chapit »

Why don't you move on to something else besides coaching experience? Everyone starts somewhere.

Yes they do, Biddy league, Junior High, Freshman, Reserve and Varsity basketball. If they are not successful they do not progress. You are trying to make a positive out of a negative. I will watch this for two years. And you will be taking the same positive outlook on a different coach. As for the other part of your thread the coach has to make that decision based on his experiences.

Go vikings!!!!

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by PopCorn »

I will always try to make a positive out of a negative if that is how you want to put it. You have made four posts now. I would say you are one of the boys who chose not to play!
I consider Alvin a very good friend from way back. He has coached my kids from biddy league up through high school. I am not going to bash the new coach just because I happen to like Alvin. Things change and yes I will support a new coach when the new coach's time is up. Be it in two years, four or nine.

The glass is half full !

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)


Well said Popcorn. I agree, with just four posts you would have to assume it is one of the boys who thought they would hurt the team by not playing. As for the coming up through the ranks idea. You have got to be kidding. Our Jr. high coach would tell you he was only in it for the money. They could not even get anyone to put in for the Jr. High coaching job for years. He was also the one who made the statement that you can't coach girls. "One play is the most they are able to learn"! He coached the girls Jr. High for years with this mentality.
Based on your theory of coming up through the ranks follows the same thinking as you must have a teaching degree to coach sports for the school system. Alvin was very successful with no teaching degree as is Chad Renfroe for the baseball team.
I support the Vikings no matter who is coaching. The board gets paid to make the decisions on who to hire or not hire.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by soc1fan »

i heard alvin didnot apply and also fuller has played college ball coached jr. high and also freshmen boys and won the tournament with alot bigger schools in it.If you only go by what level a person has coached then alvin should not have been hired with bitty league the only exp.i'm glad they took a chance on alvin and its time to move on. everyone needs to check the record of the team the last 9 years 1soc championship and only went deep into the playoffs once its not about the coach only about the boys on the team.good luck alvin in your new job and good luck fuller on your new job i hope for the kids we talk about the team and how we can help the team and not make it about the coach.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by iam4osu »

The Vikes will be in Ironton for a scrimmage on Friday evening.
We might get some of these questions answered tomorrow.
Whos playing
Whos not
Should be very interesting....I think there isnt a soc I team that stands a chance.
This team is stacked
lots and lots of talent......
Who in their right mind wouldnt want a chance to coach this team.
Good Luck Coach Fuller and the SV Vikings

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by claypantherfan »

Iam4OSU wrote:The Vikes will be in Ironton for a scrimmage on Friday evening.
We might get some of these questions answered tomorrow.
Whos playing
Whos not
Should be very interesting....I think there isnt a soc I team that stands a chance.
This team is stacked
lots and lots of talent......
Who in their right mind wouldnt want a chance to coach this team.
Good Luck Coach Fuller and the SV Vikings

So are u saying that symes valley is going to blow out every one?
well i am pretty sure Clay is really deep this year and so is Eastern will be too

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by riverball »

Iam4OSU wrote:The Vikes will be in Ironton for a scrimmage on Friday evening.
We might get some of these questions answered tomorrow.
Whos playing
Whos not
Should be very interesting....I think there isnt a soc I team that stands a chance.
This team is stacked
lots and lots of talent......
Who in their right mind wouldnt want a chance to coach this team.
Good Luck Coach Fuller and the SV Vikings

Iam4OSU, I follow SV sports and appreciate all the programs out there in the small community. However, I can't stand behind someone making these types of bold predictions. Are you a player? If so, or even it not, it is never a good thing to get on a message board and making these types of comments. It really doesn't show a lot of class. It is good to have confidence and stand behind the team and coach but to say other SOC 1 teams don't stand a chance and that this team is stacked, even before the the season starts is pretty much way out there.
I do believe that this team will be very good and should win a lot of games, but don't add fuel to the fire for some other very good SOC 1 teams to come after you. Believe me, they will all be inspired enough.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by iam4osu »

I made no prediction
I simply stated my opinion.
They have the ability to do very well.
We have a new coach and most are looking for him to make
a big difference in our program.
They lost games last year that shouldnt have been lost.
I was at those games and I am very aware that there is other good teams out there.
As for having class I am not the one on here telling other people they dont have a right to speak their opinion. That tells me you have no idea what class is.
I am not talking trash and I am in no way saying your team is no good.
This thread is about the Vikes....
And I will keep it about that
and not make this about you ......

No....I am not a player.....sorry just a fan

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by riverball »

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to slam you our anything. I hope you are 100% right. However, saying that the other teams didn't stand a chance just sounded like some kind of prediction. I just don't think that it is a good idea to add that kind of fuel to the fire and put that type of pressure on a team and a new coach that hasn't even hit the floor yet in a real game. I know with the talent that SV does have this year, teams are going to be really coming after them anyway, that's all.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by mattash »

How is the scrimmages going?

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by PopCorn »

Can't believe no one has posted a reply to Matt's question on the scrimmage. I am interested too. I was over at the other gym with the JV and everyone I asked about doesn't have much to say. They scrimmage again this Friday at Fairland. I will get to see that one I think.

Good luck Vikings.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by d2dragon »

fairland web site says scrimmage is 4:30 Tuesday?

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by #1_fan »

I probably looked over this, and I'll go ahead and apologize for that. But who did they scrimmage?

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by WestBuckeye »

Lets go fuller and the vikes! Good luck this season!!!

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by SVBIGFAN »

Chesapeake won by 35 or 36
Last edited by SVBIGFAN on Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Symmes Valley VIKINGS (09-10)

Post by John Rocker »

vikings will have hands full with oak hill friday night.

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