Bo_Diaz wrote:your kids played well but your coach paints a bad picture as the face of your team.
Because he and his kids were wronged and he was arguing with the refs? I seen Daniels charge out onto the field last season screaming and yelling at the officials. He runs a good program and he's been very successful and his former players would run through a wall for him. The way things went down at the end of the game was very bush league and something I've never seen happen. I've complimented you as a football team on numerous threads, and yesterday was a great football game. But the things that have been said about our coach is bogus, and it's crap that people are able to come on here and say some of the things that have been said on previous threads. Good luck this week and I hope you represent the SOC well in the playoffs.
Yeah yeah you guys got cheated. You have said it everyway possible except for just saying it.
Every coach gets upset with calls but yours cries and whines and yells at the officials the ENTIRE game. I was CLOSE and had a front row seat to his antics. If the sideline judge didnt have kids that played for Valley's coach we both know he would have been out of the game in the second quarter.
The funny thing is he argues even when he knows all along he is wrong, like on the onside kick, gets the fans buying it, and when you get BEAT everyone walks away thinking you were cheated.
Thats a great example for 16-18 year old kids.
Proud to be a Falcon!