D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

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Bleeding Red
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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Bleeding Red »

I will be pulling for all Scioto Co teams, not just Minford. We will all pull for the last one standing just like we always have.

We are our teams fan 1st, then we are all fans of Scioto Co football 2nd! But still we support each other because know how tough of a schedule these teams play against each other to get to where they are at!

Bushy Tail Butcher
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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Bushy Tail Butcher »

sider wrote:
mother_nature wrote:I cant take it anymore, I got on here to learn something possibly about Minford...I have done just that, you people have been appalled that a Ridgewood supporter has come into your beloved world of southeasternohiopreps.com and attempted to be civil, yet you accuse this individual of "stirring the pot." Another Ridgewood supporter comes on and gives an accurate depiction of the Woods team and everyone on here feels the need to defend Minford from the "outside world"

Guess what I have seen Minford play, on a few occassions, and your team better be ready. Just because the Wood lost to West last year and the Burg the previous year doesnt mean your Falcons will win this game, for both were better teams than this years Minford team. This years Wood team is better than the 07 and 08 team from the Wood as well.
I promise you you will respect the Wood after Friday nights game win or lose.
Now there is a post for you to feel threatened by, have a great day.

I don't think its anything against you, seops and Scioto county more specifically is a hostile place, we take our football to heart, and when someone even mentions a possible loss by the team a person supports some people seem to go crazy, its just the way it is, read some of these other threads, this one is tame compared to the Oak Hill-Coal Grove right now...now I don't think anyone really hates each other on here (I can only speak for myself), but Scioto county hasn't had a team go out of their region since 2002 (West), and we are all pulling for a team to make it to state...

That was good, yes we at Minford, are for all Scioto Co. Schools. I even hope The Burg wins Friday.

Proud to be a Falcon!!! The SOC II Champs!!!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Bleeding Red »

Mother Nature- you have 3 total posts??? Did you invent that username just to get on here and stir the pot!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

mother_nature wrote:Guess what I have seen Minford play, on a few occassions, and your team better be ready. Just because the Wood lost to West last year and the Burg the previous year doesnt mean your Falcons will win this game, for both were better teams than this years Minford team. This years Wood team is better than the 07 and 08 team from the Wood as well.
I promise you you will respect the Wood after Friday nights game win or lose.
Now there is a post for you to feel threatened by, have a great day.

When have you made the trip down to see Minford play this year? What game was it? If you're referring to past teams well guess what this team is different than the past teams just as ridgewood is. If there's one thing we're not it's "threatened". I didn't see where one person said anything about ridgewood other than they are a good team that will be a tough challenge for Minford but we look forward to the challenge. Enjoy the trip down tomorrow, but I hope you leave dissapointed.

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Bleeding Red »

mother_nature wrote:Guess what I have seen Minford play, on a few occassions, and your team better be ready. Just because the Wood lost to West last year and the Burg the previous year doesnt mean your Falcons will win this game, for both were better teams than this years Minford team. This years Wood team is better than the 07 and 08 team from the Wood as well.
I promise you you will respect the Wood after Friday nights game win or lose.
Now there is a post for you to feel threatened by, have a great day.

When have you made the trip down to see Minford play this year? What game was it? If you're referring to past teams well guess what this team is different than the past teams just as ridgewood is. If there's one thing we're not it's "threatened". I didn't see where one person said anything about ridgewood other than they are a good team that will be a tough challenge for Minford but we look forward to the challenge. Enjoy the trip down tomorrow, but I hope you leave dissapointed.

Amen to that brother!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by ChainMan »

Bushy Tail Butcher wrote:But your right, I don't know anything about your team, but I do know a little about ours. And I know that it we would have played a bunch of D-VI schools, we would have put up some big numbers. We play some real tuff teams, and you can tell by looking at who all made the playoffs!!!!

Proud to be a Falcon!!! The SOC II Champs!!!

Like Oak Hill :)

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by armchaircoach »

Chainman your right the Oaks did play alot of D-6 schools.

Mother nature, I do not think any one is disrespecting your team, it's just Minford has played several teams with good backs and they have contained them. Just take Pendleton from West he proably avg.200 yds. a game and the Falcons held him to 73 YDS. I am not comparing your Generals to West as A whole, just one instance of how the defense responded to A 1100 yd(???) rusher.As the hog man has said on here and on jj, I think this game will be A hard fought, close game.Good luck to both teams on an injury free game and do'nt miss your turn on the MULETOWN clover leaf.

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Faclons Forever »

Here we go boys... This is your time!!!! Less than 24 hrs. till game time!

(game face) ----> :mad:

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Stu Pedasso »

okay, as the wife of the old lineman, i am embarrassed that what appears to be the only other woman logging in here has behaved so badly. Both teams have obviously worked hard to get where they are and no one has done any "wood" splitting here. I am a Falcon Fan thru and thru, i believe our boys and the Coach B crew have done their jobs. I hope it will be a very good, hard hitting game and injury free on both sides of the ball.

We are proud of all the SOC teams and want them all to win. Good Luck to all the SOC playoff teams. No need to defend our boys, they speak for themselves on the field! Go Falcons!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Neutron Man »

Good Luck Falcons!!!!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by sider »

hog-rancher wrote:Chainman your right the Oaks did play alot of D-6 schools.

Mother nature, I do not think any one is disrespecting your team, it's just Minford has played several teams with good backs and they have contained them. Just take Pendleton from West he proably avg.200 yds. a game and the Falcons held him to 73 YDS. I am not comparing your Generals to West as A whole, just one instance of how the defense responded to A 1100 yd(???) rusher.As the hog man has said on here and on jj, I think this game will be A hard fought, close game.Good luck to both teams on an injury free game and do'nt miss your turn on the MULETOWN clover leaf.

He had 1400 yards thank you very much :122249
And I agree Minford has a swarming defense they can get 11 hats to the ball

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by tigerdad »

Good luck Falcons, from I-TOWN

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

good luck to the Falcons.........

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by zbd »


I guess I will take the under dogs dont know alot about either team but I will go with the WOOD

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by oldcoachb »

The OC wrote:Who was the best Falcon? Tom Martin in '86 or Matt Martin in '87?

Jason was the best Martin! :lol: Or Tim or Steve!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

old lineman wrote:okay, as the wife of the old lineman, i am embarrassed that what appears to be the only other woman logging in here has behaved so badly. Both teams have obviously worked hard to get where they are and no one has done any "wood" splitting here. I am a Falcon Fan thru and thru, i believe our boys and the Coach B crew have done their jobs. I hope it will be a very good, hard hitting game and injury free on both sides of the ball.

We are proud of all the SOC teams and want them all to win. Good Luck to all the SOC playoff teams. No need to defend our boys, they speak for themselves on the field! Go Falcons!

Amen sister. I have given respect to Ridgewood here and on JJ Puddle, as have other Minford fans. If you think we are going to bow down and kiss your feet mother nature, then you have another thing coming. We respect our opponents and you will be challenged to find more passionate fans than those in Minford and southern Ohio. Maybe that isn't how things are up north in the flat land but it is how things are here. GO FALCONS!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by vladimir »

Sounds like to me, Mother Nature needs a Midol and a hug. :lol: :lol:

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by Crab's Brother »

Good luck to the Falcons tonight. I hope they come out and represent the area well. I have watched the 'Wood the last two seasons on their trips into Scioto County and I'm sure this year's team will not be much different from those teams. They will hit you in the mouth and not quit. I'm sure Minford will be ready as there schedule over the last 7 weeks has prepared them.

The only other thing and I know I will get jumped on for this because I'm from Lucasville but I don't care. I would hope that someone at Minford would very nicely asked the PA announcer to tone it down just a little. I can understand that his blood was boiling a little last week due to the game being against a hated team and all, but try not to due this against a team from outside the area. It is tacky.

I know that last paragraph will get me bashed, but I'm ok with that. Good luck Falcons.... Get a win so I don't have to go far to watch a game next week.

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by MuletownManiac »

Ok boys its gameday, week 11....time to seperate the men from the boys and make southern Ohio proud. I know in my heart that we can beat Ridgewood, its time to starting cashing in all those checks that our mouths have written this week. No room for errors this week and we cannot let up, we have to enforce our will when necessary and keep our foot on their throats when we get them down. :twisted: :twisted:

Lets Go Big Red!!!

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Re: D5 - Region 19: (#6) Ridgewood at (#3) Minford

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Good luck to the Falcons..........you win this one and we may see you in the Tank next Friday........

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