tjhtygeverve wrote:I just want to wish the Wheelersburg Pirates the Best of Luck this coming week. We have had some great games and continue to have a great atmosphere of comraderie and sportsmanship at our games and for each other the remainder of the season. I think Wheelersburg has a lot to prove and will. Even if they have an inured player, they are just like us. We pull one in the game thats just gritting his teeth to get playing time and then has a smashmouth game. I want the Burg and Ironton to go all the way... It can happen. I am only concerned about how much the burg let their week eleven opponent score. Defense wins games, especially in the five game season it takes to win the state. I strongly feel the Burg will have a challenge with Fredricktown, but will pull away. I also think it will be the opposite of last week, where the score will be like 21-7, something in that scenario. I am so proud of the Burg and Ironton, and I just love how both can pull from five nice sized backs that can leave the other team scratching their heads, like "who the heck is he, he wasnt in films"!!!
Now, I am totally against crashing another teams thread, as Many had to endure earlier in the year for weeks, but when you respect the Burg as I town fans do, if ya have any class at all, ya chime in and say good luck, and I will even say... Burg's the word! I pride myself on class, being from Ironton, and for several years i have had to literally bite my tounge in not saying anything when reading the regional standings and I would just giggle until having to run to the bathroom when i read about Fredricktown. YES, a great team, But their team name always makes me giggle until i hit the urination depository.... "The Freddies"... Just cracks me up in a good way, but I am sure they could come up with a last minute slogan like" giggle at fredricktown and the "Fred's knock you dead"! or like the the kill bill movies... the fred's kill..????? Oh my give me a day off, and see what happens.. I havent even made it to the Ironton thread yet either..
good luck BURG!!!
I am completely serious in support of Wheelersburg, and having wholesome fun about fredricktown's nickname. I do not mean to offend, although I am sure it will.. If this makes anyone from the Burg upset, I apologize in advance... go burg go!!
BURG is pulling for Ironton as well. BURG and Ironton = 2 great programs! We support Itown in every game(but the first one..LOL).
I wish ALL area teams the best of luck Friday and Saturday(Burg, Oak Hill, and Ironton).
I think and feel that all teams can win. Just play football like you have all season! I look for the BURG game to be a great game. I am not sure if its going to be a high or low scoring game. Last week there was 94 points scored between the 2 teams. Hope that BURG's D steps up and can shut them down.
Once again GOOD luck to all teams!We are...The BURG!!