Dinosaur Tissue

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Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

Anyone catch 60 Minutes? Leslie Stahl scratching her head about dinosaur tissue that is still, soft, pliable and NO WAY eon's old...hard to believe it's even thousands of years old. Showing blood vessels, clearly intact...as she said, 'won't this rewrite out understanding of history and time?'

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

But...we've known this all along, those who believe the Bible. The earth is under 10,000 years old, we've always known that..

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Oh brother, here we go again. Well, I'm sold. You're right, the mountain of scientific evidence vs. a piece of alleged dinosaur tissue has made me a believer.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

I can't believe I am even going to attempt to debate this. BUT.....

OF course you understand that it is not actually soft tissue and veins but fossillized soft tissues and veins, meaning that it was fossillized before it rotted or was eaten. It was not soft and pliable but was hard like a fossil. Even if it were only 6,000 years old, it would not be soft and pliable if it were found in the dry Dakato dust. It would have had to be frozen or maybe mummified in a Cave. So if you understand that.....................oh wait, never mind, you think the Earth is 10,000 years old, so why would you understand anything. It's sad that people's beliefs are so fragile that they will tell outright lies (Soft and pliable) to bolster their self doubts.


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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

The tissue is there; soft, pliable tissue; blood vessels, cells, tissue that can be manipulated and worked. If you choose to not believe it, that's up to you.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by The Instructor »

Dinosaurs are of interest to me so I read this thread.

I went to the 60 Minutes website to watch the full clip.

It is interesting.

Here is a link to the entire segment:

http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id= ... bsCarousel

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

Thanks for the link Instructor.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by Paladin »

Right .................. science is a fraud. I saw 60 Minutes. Didn't expect to see the local Witch Doctor spreading his black magic here, but not surprising. Ignorance is bliss as they say. :roll:

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

Paladin, you're the most close minded person on SEOP. Stay ignorant..if you like...

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

...hey, this is hard, cold facts, you can look at them. You don't have to start twiddling your thumbs and coming up with numbers, you could hold the stuff in your hands, look at it. It's real.....it's soft pliable former living tissue. I can understand why you're reluctant to receive it as it does shake up your view of the world.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by fuzzhead »

I didn't watch this, but fossilization is evidence of the Bible's truth, anyway.
Rapid burial (aka massive, world-wide flood and all it would entail) causes fossilization.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

So now the dinosaurs were drown in the great flood? :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for the clip, I did watch it, and any reasonable thinking adult (present company excluded) would not come away with the idea that the Earth is 10,000 years old. The scientist which you are so willing to use to promote your young earth idiocy repeatedly say "68 million year old dinosaur" and bones from "80 million years ago". They state that the pliable tissue, that by the way is obtained by dissolving "80 million" year old fossils in acid, goes against previous scientific thought that it could survive. They in no way even hint that it is because it is less than 10,000 years old. Why, because they know as scientist that would make them out to be idiots, and they leave that up to "young earthers". Keep up the good work.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by Paladin »

The losers have to denigrate ALL sciences -- geology, biology, chemistry, paleontology,astrology, etc. -- because ALL come to the same conclusions of all their respective work that the Earth is very old, ages that millions of years pre-dating man existed and the evidence is clear, convincing and overwhelming. Science will continue to spread the knowledge of man and destroy the attempts to use beliefs as a fake "science".

Those poor scientists even made it to the Moon with their lack of knowledge and foolish info. :roll:

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

Paladin, the problem lies in the fact that the religious text were written thousands of years ago by men who saw the world in the knowledge of their day. Sadly, many take it all literally and their ignorance sheds a "dim" light on all believers.

"You don't have to be ignorant to believe in religion, but it sure does help"

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by fuzzhead »

my2cents wrote:So now the dinosaurs were drown in the great flood? :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for the clip, I did watch it, and any reasonable thinking adult (present company excluded) would not come away with the idea that the Earth is 10,000 years old. The scientist which you are so willing to use to promote your young earth idiocy repeatedly say "68 million year old dinosaur" and bones from "80 million years ago". They state that the pliable tissue, that by the way is obtained by dissolving "80 million" year old fossils in acid, goes against previous scientific thought that it could survive. They in no way even hint that it is because it is less than 10,000 years old. Why, because they know as scientist that would make them out to be idiots, and they leave that up to "young earthers". Keep up the good work.

Ok, since you're in the degrading mood this evening, go ahead and "prove" to me that the earth is more than 10,000 years old.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

Why bother. I couldn't prove to you the sky was blue, if it didn't say it in the bible.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by fuzzhead »

Didn't think so. . .

You trash the beliefs of others, yet can't give anything to back up your own. . .
Just let everyone else do all the thinking for you, lil guy.

I once had a very wise professor who told me that you should be able to know just exactly what you believe and why you believe it. :122249

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

Fuzzy, you can talk all the smack you want "Big Guy", but your young earther group are at the bottom of the intellectual food chain. I have read every bit of dribble that comes from the young earth debaters and it is not even worthy of debate. When you find credible people with credible credentials that are teaching the subject in a way that is accepted by reasonable academia, then maybe we can debate. Until then, just paint "Stoopid" across your forehead.

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