Dinosaur Tissue

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Space Cowboy wrote:"Gravitational Orgy"?
"Big Bang"?

Thats what happened to them dinosaurs.
It was the whips and chains and the bondage. Sicko perv velociraptors.

Now that's funny. I don't care who you are. :mrgreen:

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

kantuckyII wrote: My2cents, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE LYING HERE

I guess the big font size must make it true! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by Frogtownbuckeye »

my2cents wrote:Fuzz, this is a useless endless debate. I can't help you understand science and you can't help me understand your belief. Like I said many post ago, I don't really have a problem with your beliefs as long as you don't try to force them into the schools, or if you use Tuck's methods and lie or misquote people to try and prove your point.

The young Earth science is bad and not accepted by anyone except for hardcore bible believers and they could really care less if it is scientifically sound. As Tuck said, if science disagrees with the bible, he will take the bibles version. That's his choice.

And why is an endless univers impossible, "With God, all things are possible".

Any true Christian will believe The Bible over science without question. Science is a mixture of opinions and facts based on man's (and woman's :12223 ) findings. The Bible IS the word of God. I am not pushing my beliefs on anyone, but at the end of your time on this God created Earth, you will look HIM in the eye and believe. i just hope for your sake it's not too late.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

All I can say to that statement is....................Baaaaaaaa................Baaaaaaaaa.

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by kantuckyII »

I believe science but..I believe that if science conflicts with the Word of God then..the science is flawed. I'm only 55 years old but I can't tell you how many times I have heard science changed in my life time. How many times I've heard them say, 'we used to think that..but now we know( :roll: ) that it's this way'

yeah..right...till, they come up with another theory..heck, a few years back they were telling us to stuff all the fiber down us we could get so we can keep from getting colon cancer is one instance alone..

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue

Post by my2cents »

Yeah, I ate so much fiber back then I pooped rope.

Just because we learn more as we go along doesn't mean that it is wrong.

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