Monroe Central vs Columbiana predictions

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Re: Monroe Central vs Columbiana predictions

Post by selonmc »

Yeah he dropped a TD. I won't name names as he tried his best and probably is upset more than anybody else but he was definitely in the clear.

However, Kinchen overthrew his brother at the 10 who was so wide open a few plays earlier. He wouldn't have scored but would have gotten the ball down to about the 5. The fades were tough catches to make. I can't blame the WR because the defenders were there to knock the ball away. And while on Kinchen he needs to relax yelling at his WRs. His passes were consistently high. It wasn't like the passes were flawlessly on target.

Columbiana obviously circled MC and were out for blood. MC got off the bus and thought they would just mail it in. I'm hoping it was more that MC was just flat, but afraid it's much deeper than that. They were beat by a team that will win quite a few games... that's about all they can take from it.

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