New Coach at Northwest?

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by sider »

If people think that Nw needs some new blood in the school systems, get out and vote...this is the one election that you actually control, no electoral colleges, just people that live in the district getting who they voted for...take 5 minutes and study who is running, then you can change some things, but until then it will all stay the same

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by bash »

for the so called idiot man...he is 70 years old and a great guy.He's not a druggy,thug or anything like that.He did make a mistake and believe me he feels worse for it then most would.There has been alot of other accidents at other schools that are just as bad and they get brushed under the table.I believe this man(cause of the law)should pay for his mistake but,jail time?????.......when a teacher(clique man)can beat a kid up and the administration covers it up(they somehow lost the tape)can get by with that then c'mon,when they ,administration, can cover up the mold problem over and over cmon.for the football new coach,like i said before a clique man.The people obviously don't care(with an exception of a few)as long as it doesn't directly bother their kid and sometimes that isn't even the case.Those who do care move out cause they no it takes more then a few to get the clique out.Oh well another great years of football to thompson had a great coaching staff around him and all most of the teams he played had great things to say and look what it got him.ANOTHER great job nwest keep up the great work.

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by ddavis »

I don't know why this is such a secret. As far as I know only two people interviewed for the job and I was one and I didn't get it. Brooks Frye was the other and all indications are he will be the next head coach. I also heard Mike Smith is returning to assist which is a good thing. The Northwest kids are great and don't deserve the bashing they get. They have the talent and schedule to go .500 or better. Good luck boys and shut the naysayers up!

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by sider »

ddavis wrote:I don't know why this is such a secret. As far as I know only two people interviewed for the job and I was one and I didn't get it. Brooks Frye was the other and all indications are he will be the next head coach. I also heard Mike Smith is returning to assist which is a good thing. The Northwest kids are great and don't deserve the bashing they get. They have the talent and schedule to go .500 or better. Good luck boys and shut the naysayers up!

What is their schedule like?

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by bash »

davis.....there was nothing in my statement that bashed you or any specific kid.I know the nwest heritage and it seems to never change.when you coached at east those years did you ever have worries of the nwest game.all i'm saying is its been this way for years(since apel) that nwest football has anything to shine about.go back and look at their record history and s.o.c. history.its a joke.the biggest school in the district and they can't even compete with the small schools.they have used excuse's such as it's the kids,the parents,the coaches,the district is to spread out.c'mon it's time to just say what is in front of with the clique in there it will go down further.If you stayed around long enough would see what i'm getting at.i said this was the best coaching STAFF that nwest ever had and the clique broke it me on that matter,i know.tell me what happened if you disagree.scott thompson-d.davis-mcdavid-kurt thompson.thats one hell of a coaching staff in my opinion.I heard a statement awhile back,you dont stop the bleeding by putting a band-aid on it.

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by bash »

oh yeah,do you know for a fact there was only 2 interviewed?cause in the past to get who they want they seem to lose applications or deny that certain people interviewed for the job.

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by Mohawk »

Good post ddavis I do not bash the kids I only bash coaching an I think it would have been better if you got the job. I am turning away from the northwest district. The kids are great but the administration is impossible to put up with. The voters won't get involved either becaue they don't want to know what is going on.

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by ddavis »

It was only a coincidence that I used the term bash or bashing. I wasn't directing anything at you and didn't feel insulted. I was just responding to comments made in general this past year or so not only on here but everywhere from coaches to administrators out there. Too many people accept that things will never change. They say good coaches have tried and failed. These kids want to win and they're not stupid. Don't blame these kids or sterotype these kids because past teams didn't have what it takes. They need to be shown how to win. I agree we had some good coaches this past year but we didn't gel as a staff because we had varying philosophies and didn't mesh as well as we should have. I was as much to blame as anyone. I feel we should have beaten East and Symmes Valley. That would have been four wins. The confidence gained may have enabled us to play a little better in the conference games. Next year Northwest has Huntington, Southeasten, East, Symmes Valley and Notre Dame out of league and then conference play. Northwest should compete and I think has the talent to beat each of the out of league teams. I also feel that Waverly is a getable game. The others are going to be tough but cut the loss margin each year and soon you're competing in the league. In order for the level of success to improve expectations must also improve. This is the last thing I can do for the boys at northwest. I want to put the pressure on the new coaches to give these boys what they deserve. I will be scouting for East next year but I'll keep my Mohawk sticker on my Yamaha windshield. Oh yeah, I cannot say for a fact that we were the only interviews. That's just what my friends out there told me. Most applicants were eliminated by no teaching vacancy.

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by Mohawk »

I agree with you 100% and good luck in the future coach

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by jumpman »

Mohawk wrote:Good post ddavis I do not bash the kids I only bash coaching an I think it would have been better if you got the job. I am turning away from the northwest district. The kids are great but the administration is impossible to put up with. The voters won't get involved either becaue they don't want to know what is going on.

Guess you won't be running for a public office any time soon

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by jumpman »

Mohawk wrote:Nw is getting a new coach and I think it will either be Coach Davis or Brooks Fry, I would love to see coach Davis get the job but if its the other thats okay too

Mohawk wrote:The next coach will be a Clique man and on the board agenda will be the name of a cliquster named Brooks Frye to be hired as per reccomendation of the clique superintendent


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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by doubledutch »

Can someone answer me one question? Both Mohawk and Ddavis cut Coach T up the back representing the Click and the roague board members...but what did either one of them gain? If they want to see a football game they will both have to pay to get a ticket this year. But they helped to take a way Coach T- he loved us and he loved the game.... What would be my 5th year of organized fball I would be learning my 3rd system for my 3rd coach and who is to say that number 4 wouldn;t be one th way before I could graduate?.......a hard decision to make.....

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by Kenraken Ahta »

quote="doubledutch"]Can someone answer me one question? Both Mohawk and Ddavis cut Coach T up the back representing the Click and the roague board members...but what did either one of them gain? If they want to see a football game they will both have to pay to get a ticket this year. But they helped to take a way Coach T- he loved us and he loved the game.... What would be my 5th year of organized fball I would be learning my 3rd system for my 3rd coach and who is to say that number 4 wouldn;t be one th way before I could graduate?.......a hard decision to make.....[/quote]


First of all, I admire your courage to make your first post to address the issue of Northwest Football. I was not on the practice field during this past season and I can not answer your question, but maybe I can help you sort out a couple of things. I truly believed that Coach Thompson was moving the program in a positive direction. For what ever reasons, that is now over. Being a head coach is a very difficult position to hold. You often times inherit a staff of assistants that may not know you or want to give you a chance to implement your system. As Ddavis mentioned in an earlier post, there were several different philosophies of coaching bumping into one another, which causes problems. Mohawk loves the game and wants to win as much as anybody, Ddavis does as well. It is tough to be an assistant coach when you have been a head coach for many years. Ultimately, the head coach needs to make the final decision as to what is the best course to follow for his team to be successful. A good head coach will listen to the advice of his assistants and use it or not. A good assistant coach will accept the head coach's decision, whether it is what he wants or not. In short, if the coaching staff can not show the kids a "united front" it will cause problems as you well know. I do not know Coach Frye or what he has in mind for Northwest Football. There are things that need to be addressed in order to make this program worth your while as far as you playing the game in 2010. If there are no meetings, if the weight room is empty this winter, if there is no recruitment within the school to convince some of the athletes to come out and play, if there is not enough kids to field a freshman football team in 2010, then there is a good chance things will be no better than last year. Personally, I believe there is enough talent to win six or seven games in 2010. Will that happen? That will depend on how quickly this coaching staff goes to work. If there has not yet been a meeting of coaches and players as of this date, I'd say it will be a safe bet that it will be another losing season in McDermott. As much as I love the game, I would not play for a program that does not do everything possible to put the team in a postiom to win. You are right, it is "a hard decision to make". If you do not see the things I have mention above happening in the school the remainder of this school year, you may want to give some serious thought to working hard on your grades and planning your future. There will be no memories of your football career to talk about at your class reunions years down the road. Talk to your parents and close friends. In the end it will be your decision to make. There are more importamt things in life than football. Best of luck to you young man. Shoot me a PM when you have made your decision. I will be curious to know what you decided to do.


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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by Bleeding Red »

bash wrote:for the so called idiot man...he is 70 years old and a great guy.He's not a druggy,thug or anything like that.He did make a mistake and believe me he feels worse for it then most would.There has been alot of other accidents at other schools that are just as bad and they get brushed under the table.I believe this man(cause of the law)should pay for his mistake but,jail time?????.......when a teacher(clique man)can beat a kid up and the administration covers it up(they somehow lost the tape)can get by with that then c'mon,when they ,administration, can cover up the mold problem over and over cmon.for the football new coach,like i said before a clique man.The people obviously don't care(with an exception of a few)as long as it doesn't directly bother their kid and sometimes that isn't even the case.Those who do care move out cause they no it takes more then a few to get the clique out.Oh well another great years of football to thompson had a great coaching staff around him and all most of the teams he played had great things to say and look what it got him.ANOTHER great job nwest keep up the great work.

If this 70 year old brought a gun to school and it went off, then he is a 1st degree moron!

I assume, and only assume, that he has his concealed carry permit....I mean he DID have it...

I have a concealed carry permit and it is a MAJOR NO NO to ever have a firearm on your person on school property.

Time in the slammer is the punishment. I can only imagine what he could get since it went off.

How would you feel if this "great guy" would have accidentally discharged the gun and it killed a student?

Not bashing this guy, because I dont know who he is or anything about him, but come on. He should have known better.

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by ddavis »

First, I'm sorry if anyone thought I was taking a shot a Coach Thompson. I wasn't. He was always an optimist. It's time for everyone to get behind the new coach. More dissention will have no positive effect. The Northwest boys and coaching staff must now make hay in the weight room. They had a great junior high season two years ago. If they get all those boys out and they work as hard as the teams they played that season then there is no reason they can't win at the varsity level. Good luck Mohawks!

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Re: New Coach at Northwest?

Post by all-time athlete »

Bleeding Red wrote:
bash wrote:

If this 70 year old brought a gun to school and it went off, then he is a 1st degree moron!

I assume, and only assume, that he has his concealed carry permit....I mean he DID have it...

I have a concealed carry permit and it is a MAJOR NO NO to ever have a firearm on your person on school property.

Time in the slammer is the punishment. I can only imagine what he could get since it went off.

How would you feel if this "great guy" would have accidentally discharged the gun and it killed a student?

Not bashing this guy, because I dont know who he is or anything about him, but come on. He should have known better.

He never came in to school when their were kids there, EVER....and I do know this because I helped coach the 8'th grade girls so I can tell you that!...and he did not even know that he had the weapon on him it was just a tiny deringer that he was gonna give to his wife but she did not want it, so he put it in his coat pocket and forgot it was even in there for a few days im assume...he went to pick up his nephew at the school nobody was in the school and the gun fell out of the coat while he was shooting a few shots. ....and you can't put "great guy' in quotations then say you're not trying to bash him when you so clearly are

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