Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

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Poll ended at Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:51 pm

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The Ghost of Swanker
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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

she wasn't faking thats for sure.

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by statingthefacts »

i made the trip down to webster for this game and i just thought i would put my thoughts in on this one. to all the rude oaks fans.. please cool it down. you got the win now lets move forward to tomorrow for the game against northwest. to all the webster fans saying that Cook was being double and triple teamed, you are completely wrong. oak hill was clearly in a man to man defense but Cook just tried to drive thru 3 people, which leads to three people being on her. help side defense is what it is called. ever heard of it? whenever she got hurt she tried to drive through 3 or maybe even 4 oak hill defenders. why? i have no clue? 'out of control'


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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

Would some one please post the stats of the game seeing that the wonderful PDT has not had a word about the game What a wonderful News Paper!!!!

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by MightyOaksFan »

This is the best I can do for you. I can tell you that Lakin Caudill had a double double and almost a triple double and blocked Cook twice. Cook did not score a field goal until the fourth quarter.


Kelsey Burton 3 2-3 8, Taylor Hale 1 0-0 3, Brianna Butler 3 2-2 9, Rebecca Puckett 4 2-2 10, Mikie Strite 3 0-0 8, Krissa Adkins 6 0-1 14, Lakin Caudill 8 2-3 18, Jessica Humpries 0 0-0 0. TOTALS: 28 8-11 70; 3-point goals: 6 (Strite 2, Adkins 2, Hale 1, Breanna Butler 1).


Tosha Blanton 1 2-3 4; Kaci Messer 1 1-2 4, Katie Hanes 1 0-1 2, Brittany Rawlings 2 4-4 9, Kayla Cook 2 7-10 12. TOTALS: 7 14-20 31, 3-point goals: 3 (Messer, Rawling, and Cook 1 each).

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by greengiant »

What's the deal? Why did't you just post the stats. Why do you have to keep picking on Cook? She had a bad game, she has no help, what do you expect. I'm sure she is upset. Just let it go.

To Miss Cook, I wish you luck the rest of the season, just keep working hard and move on from this game.

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by SENDEM »

Well I said enough said about the game on Monday night, but last night was the 1st time that I had the chance to talk to ALL " 3 " South Webster coachs in person an I asked them IF ANYONE from Oak Hill came up to them an said that we have a player that needs x amount of points to break 1000. An they all said that NO ONE said ANYTHING to them. SO to PINKLADY an ANYONE else that thought this, get ur facts straight before U start talking about CLASSLESS by the South Webster bench, Karissa is a VERY nice kid an a VERY good basketball player an she deserves the Recongnition of what she has accomplished thus far in her High School career. U need to point the finger that u pointed at Coach Johnson an point it at Oak Hills Coaching staff cause they are the ones that dropped the ball on this!! an thats a Fact! Now that i have that OFF of my chest Oak Hill is a VERY VERY good team an should be a BIGG contender for the STATE TITLE an I hope u do Win it. Good Luck on the rest of the season an in the Tourny.

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by MightyOaksFan »

I think that alot of the Webster fans are taking the Cook comments the wrong way. They wouldn't be posted if she wasn't that good. I wouldn't get on here and say that so and so had 2 blocks on just any player. Any time your name is brought up as an individual and is singled out as Cook was against Oak Hill then it is out of respect, not to pick on her.

I think that it is a great feat by Oak Hill to hold her to just 2 field goals. Someone asked for stats and I think that is the biggest stat of the game. Someone tell me a stat that was bigger than that.

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by PinkLady »

I have my facts straight, I asked the Oak Hill coaches and Karissa Adkins myself after the game was over because I saw Coach Hale go to the scores table and then call a time out and then they claimed to have no PA system so they could not announce what happened. So yea I think I can blame it on who I feel like.

Cook was never even double teamed, help side defense is big in Oak Hill.

Its a big deal to us to hold a person with such good stats to so little because it is a huge accomplishment. Threat to us? I don't think so. . . Our girls and program is just very competitive. So when there is someone that is know to be a good as Cook, that makes our girls want to play harder than ever. That should be a compliment to Cook.

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by SENDEM »

Sorry but u are wrong!! I was the one that was keeping score for Webster, Yes Doug did come to the scorers table after he called time out an asked if Tim Conley was announcing ( the one that announced the starting line ups ), We very seldom have a announcer for the game other than for the starting line ups, but if someone would have brought this to someone attention before the game started an not wait til it happened, there would have been someone to announce it or I would have my SELF. An yes we do have a PA system. Nobody had a CLUE on the Webster side Until someone on the Oak Hill side held up the sign stateing it. So ill state again BLAME the people that shouldve done it the Right way. Hear is the right way for Future use.

Go to the opposing coach ( if an away game ) an tell them, an let the refs know. Then the score keepers an keep track an so the game can be stoped to present the player with a basketball. That is excactly the way that we done it for Kayla ( at Jackson ) an that was the way it was done for Kara Cayton when she broke it (at Webster ) when she played for Minford.

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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Post by 8102ra »

greengiant wrote:What's the deal? Why did't you just post the stats. Why do you have to keep picking on Cook? She had a bad game, she has no help, what do you expect. I'm sure she is upset. Just let it go.

To Miss Cook, I wish you luck the rest of the season, just keep working hard and move on from this game.

Jeez......"she has no help"......"To Miss Cook, I wish you luck the rest of the season"...

How about rooting on the entire team? No player is out there by themselves doing it all. That is usually why basketball teams win games. Goodluck to all the teams this season.

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