SEOAL 2010

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by loganlocos »

GalliaGrad78 wrote:Doesn't the OHSAA get the gate revenue from playoff games?

Schools get money for the tickets THEY sell during the pre-sell period. All tickets at the gate go to the OHSAA.

Schools get all the money from parking, concessions, programs, etc. Home playoff games are a nice money maker for schools.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by 1987chieftains »

LetsGoPSU wrote:The point of my post has went directly over everyones heads.
Ill print it out nice and neat. Until Logan does something in the playoffs themselves, they should refrain from telling everyone else why they fail in the playoffs :)

if your refering to losing in the playoffs, all but 1 team loses in the playoffs.
so i'll not put this 1 over anyones head. and ask you seeing as you seem to know it all. why is LOGAN a failer program when it comes to the playoffs?
if LOGAN is a failer program then what your programs sucess in the playoffs?

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by noreply66 »

LetsGoPSU wrote:The point of my post has went directly over everyones heads.
Ill print it out nice and neat. Until Logan does something in the playoffs themselves, they should refrain from telling everyone else why they fail in the playoffs :)

If it goes over anyones head it is because you don't even know what you are trying to say yourself.
Your talk says nothing at all.

You are in a room and speak and everyone looks at each other and ask --"what was that"

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Paladin »

Just another cheap shot artist who fails again. I'vs spent decades, DECADES watching the plight of SEO and the playoffs. It is the WIMP region of the state, regardless of division because most down there fail to challenge their kids and force the program to get better, taking cheap wins vs cow pasture teams. Logan competed for years as one of the smallest teams in D-I and did respectable, making the playoffs and humbling some much bigger schools, twice their size, playing in much tougher leagues. That is impressive. Now in D-II, so long as they play up, at some point a good program has a chance at a break-out year.But for an injury to their best player, they had a shot this past year of makingmore noise. No one in SEO can play D-I let alone D-II ball at a state competitive level, except Logan. Most in SEO are small division schools with little to no success in the playoffs in their own division and many of them go to extremes to AVOID competition. So , to repeat, some will strive to get better by playing up and have some limited success while a break-out season may soon show up. The rest of SEO will continue to play down & easy and whine about not getting anywhere or being embarassed in the playoffs.

The point is, some try. However , most don't try down there. There is a difference.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

The above post surely about sums it all up. But, I am sure the wise one from Youngstown will most certainly pick it apart somehow....... :roll:

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by noreply66 »

Paladin and 4ever have to be twins of different mothers--lol

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Paladin »

I hate repeating myself -- the chat was about Jackson & their poor schedule, but most of SEO could apply as well . Jackson is near both Wheelersburg & Port. West. Its not out of their way to play either or both IF IMPROVING their program is desired. Wellston & VC just doesn't do it. One game every other year ( home & home) could be played with a Central Ohio team of better quality. Does Jackson do either to improve their program ? The reality is much of SEO could improve if the "powers" sought each other out and make a limited move out of the area for another game. But since MOST don't do that, the excuse is "we can't get better because we are in the boondocks".

Cry me a river...........

Those who try will get better. Those who offer up excuses will remain poor quality. Its simple.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by noreply66 »

you two should get a room lol

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by moonshine »

Good points on both sides! At least the schools you guy's are talking about did not "cut and run like Athens"

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by GoChiefs »

Dang guy..get over Athens already. How long ago was that? Time to move on!

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Paladin »

Heres your lesson for tonite -- pull out a map of Ohio and look at the Northwest section. Very much like SEO. Also home to the MAC -- the toughest small division league in the state. Other than Toledo, whose teams play intra-city and never venture far from home , NWO is farm country with tons of small division teams who play up very well. Few years ago, the illustrious D-2 Jackson team hosted D-5 Patrick Henry, who promptly ripped the Ironboys a new one. I'm sure the whining will continue, but few teams in SEO are doing the right thing for their programs, which is why the area will be looked down on. That is why many lament that fact that while Logan tries to play up & better teams, most duck real competition & are satisfied with wins over the cow pastures. Just remember, Patrick Henry is pure cow pasture, but they'll kick your butts because they run a real FB program. Ditto the cow pasture teams of St. Henry, Marion Local, Coldwater,etc. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

2009 Logan non league
D1 Lancaster 6-4
D1 Pick North 7-3
D2 Hamilton Township 0-10 Not a quality opponent
D2 Zanesville 9-1 Not playing up but the Blue Devils are a quality opponent.
With 2 D1 qualifying teams on their schedule last season Logan did as you say “play up” last year.

2008 Logan non league
D1 Lancaster 6-4
D1 Pick North 5-5
D2 Hamilton Township 5-5
Not as strong as the 09 schedule but still good

2007 Logan non league
D1 Lancaster 7-4
D3 Chillicothe 4-6
D-1 Pick North 5-5

2006 Logan non league
D1 Lancaster 10-1
D3 Chillicothe 7-4
D1 Pick North 3-7
With a 20-20 record in the last 4 years Pick North isn’t much better than the cow pasture teams that you say Jackson plays. Hamilton Township is far from a state power too, but has served as a good whipping boy the last few years. Lancaster is a quality opponent and has developed in to a good series with the Chieftains. When you consider that Logan is a D2 school who is a normal playoff participant it is pretty easy to see that they aren’t exactly seeking out the best opponents either. I’m not calling their non league weak, but they aren’t playing the Hilliard Darby’s, Dublin Coffman’s, or Louisville’s either. The chieftains are doing something right as they have been able to make the playoffs several times of late, all I’m saying is that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by 1987chieftains »

you are right trojan. and you just showed some of the points paladin and i are saying. LOGAN D2 has played D1 teams for a few years now. and has beaten those teams from time to time. (lancaster/ North pick). hammy D2 on the other hand was a big bust! LOGAN and bob jocoby had a history from when he was at desales. so when he took over the hammy program and wanting to build up his program.... he and LOGAN WAS to do a hammy home,home away. but, jocoby is gone and hammy cut and run from the away part of the deal. so, have we picked up reynoldsburg. are they a power house program? far from it. but. they are D1 and OCC with that LOGAN has 3 D1 OCC teams on its schedule for this year. will LOGAN beat all 3? time will tell but, the AD is trying to take the steps to better his program this year and the future years to come and thats what you want. for the young kids to see it so when it time for they to step up, its a been there did that thing.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Paladin »

Trojan......... lets be a little serious. What do you think would be the reaction if D-II Logan was to schedule a non-league game with a D-5 school? And even better, lost to them ? Logan for a long time now has tried to play up or tougher schools and their program has benefited from that, producing better players and tougher teams. I can show you dozens & dozens of teams in NWO who live in the cow pastures , yet take on tough programs in order to get good. They have the same or similar situation that SEO has. The difference -- they strive for excellance while SEO ducks competition. The "numbers" game doesn't bother them -- less than 30 kids on the team, frosh included, bring on bigger, tougher schools. LOgan plays in a weak league and most of SEO is abysmally weak because no one plays to get better & tougher with stronger competition. Thats just a fact.

Its already embarassing for SEO. Don't make it worse.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Orange and Brown »

Paladin wrote:Trojan......... lets be a little serious. What do you think would be the reaction if D-II Logan was to schedule a non-league game with a D-5 school? And even better, lost to them ? Logan for a long time now has tried to play up or tougher schools and their program has benefited from that, producing better players and tougher teams. I can show you dozens & dozens of teams in NWO who live in the cow pastures , yet take on tough programs in order to get good. They have the same or similar situation that SEO has. The difference -- they strive for excellance while SEO ducks competition. The "numbers" game doesn't bother them -- less than 30 kids on the team, frosh included, bring on bigger, tougher schools. LOgan plays in a weak league and most of SEO is abysmally weak because no one plays to get better & tougher with stronger competition. Thats just a fact.

Its already embarassing for SEO. Don't make it worse.

How is it embarrassing for SEO?? I wasn't aware that we were all supposed to put bags over our heads because we don't win state championships or schedule tough enough teams.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by ironmen1987 »

Jackson scrimmages Burg every year. I don't know the reason for not playing them in the regular season. If i'm not mistaken we recently explored the possibility of joining their conference but it appears that we aren't welcome even though in most sports we would be pressed to be competitive in my opinion. Don't know which teams were against us and don't care. If we wanted to play against schools that openly recruit or count on their success to entice transfer students then we would join that type of league. This is Jackson, not Youngstown or Cincinnati. If we beat Gallia and make the playoffs thats good enough for alot of us. We do not measure the success of our children based on the number of state titles they play for. Give us all you have for 4 qtrs, love the game, respect your opponent, and walk off the field knowing you did your best. That is all the success that really matters.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by ironman02 »

I'm not willing to get into a debate about Jackson's schedule because I have had that conversation multiple times with Paladin before. There are things that he and I agree on, and there are obviously things that we do not agree on.

However, I would like to comment on Patrick Henry. That game was scheduled because Jackson and PH were the ONLY two teams in the state of Ohio with open dates during Week 9 of the 2003 season. The Patriots beat Jackson in a back-and-forth battle as gahs4ever said, and the young talent on that team helped win the D5 state title just two seasons later. Marc Krauss, who was a sophomore stud WR on the team that beat Jackson, is the 4th leading receiver in career yardage EVER in the state of Ohio. He killed Jackson's secondary all night. PH was D5, but they were VERY good and VERY talented. And by the way, the Jackson team that Patrick Henry beat...they beat Logan 27-2.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by ironman02 »

I do have a question for Paladin. Why do you love to hate on Jackson so much? I don't think anyone from Jackson claims to be a state powerhouse, nor do we act like our non-league schedule is a meat grinder. Jackson has a good program for SE Ohio (550 wins, 20 SEOAL titles), one that has fared very well against Logan throughout history. Remember, Logan holds only a five game advantage over Jackson in the all-time series, something like 45-40-4 if I remember correctly. I have a great respect for the Logan program, and I love the fact that they have played a tough non-league schedule over the last few years, but you need to chill a little. In an ideal world, it would be nice for Jackson to play some "better" non-league games, but it doesn't always work that way. The kids can't help administrative decisions, but they're the ones who take the heat from you on here all the time. They play the schedule that they're given, and hopefully they'll do well against that schedule this coming season.

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by 1987chieftains »

I do have a question for Paladin. Why do you love to hate on Jackson so much?

there is no ironton in the league anymore. :lol:
i love these threads that go from 1 thing to another. ;-)

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Re: SEOAL 2010

Post by Paladin »

02 -- no hate here, just pointing out reality and as I see it, a divergence in the league, where the rich are going to get richer thru tough schedules and the rest will fade. I see Jackson in the latter group. Itown has been badly over-rated by many, but they have elected to take their ball and go home since they can't win anymore. And, if fact, I merely use Jackson as the model for what afflicts SEO -- weak scheduling and stunting a program. But the problem pervades almost all of SEO. Unlike NWO, where similar demographics and same type school districts exist, they have shown what other areas of the state has known for decades -- you get better playing better people, not ducking competition. If the problem is the administration ( which I find hard to believe as most coaches have a say over who to schedule, I did), they are truly gutless. But let me repeat -- thats fine for me. Its to Logan's advantage that the status quo continue. Cheers !! 8)

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