I missed the Minford game but heard they turned it over against the press the first 5 or 6 trips up the floor. They are avg 28 TO's per game. That's almost one per minute. I think Yabbadabba is exaggerting by saying they don't have an inbounds, what he probably means is they don't have one that seems to work. How else you can explain the large amount of 5 second calls, besides the fact that they never call time out when they can't get the ball in.
I saw several of the players at the girls game last night at East and watching the girls run a 1 - 3- 1 trap press and getting some TO's and steals. I asked them why they don't run a zone full court press, instead of the ineffective man to man press that they have run for the past three years. Their answer, the coach doesn't believe in zones.