Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wheelersburg 12/15

Post by BigOrangeOne »

OZZIEOHIO wrote:How many fouls was called against portsmouth in the last three mins????

I dunno. Probably ABOUT as many as they comitted. :)

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wheelersburg 12/15


BigOrangeOne wrote

I dunno. Probably ABOUT as many as they comitted

Dont you have some spot lighting to go do. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wheelersburg 12/15

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

OZZIEOHIO wrote:How many fouls was called against portsmouth in the last three mins????

And it still didn't put the Burg in the bonus now did it?

And I'm not saying that the refs cost the Burg the game, that was due to poor ball handling and missed free throws, but they sure didn't help them out like you say.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wheelersburg 12/15

Post by biggdowgg »

it was not the fouls they did call,it was the fouls they DID NOT CALL, in the last 3 minutes we was pushed out of bounds ,knocked to the floor I dont know how many times,,,yes there was bad/no calls for/against Burg also, the refs let things go to far...esp late in the 4th period whe things got crazy,,trhey did not have a clue!!

bottom line,the Trojans went to Burg and came away with a not many on here thought they had a chance

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by biggdowgg »

What a difference Johnson makes when he is on his game.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wheelersburg 12/15

Post by biggdowgg »

good call Mr. Tobias!!!

Tobias wrote:Upset special:

Portsmouth 52
Wheelersburg 50

Oh, I've said that before. Well, I've now said it again.

Portsmouth will be ready to play tomorrow night.


Moses Guthrie
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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by Moses Guthrie »

Great win Trojans...... Good call Tobias. Not many others believed...... Gotta like Coach Collins and his ability to rebound from a loss against a tough opponent on the road.......

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09


Were undeafeated in there new gym. Was it crowded??? how did the Trojan fans like it???

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by Ironman92 »

Another surprise

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by BigOrangeOne »

OZZIEOHIO wrote:Were undeafeated in there new gym.

And we're undefeated in your new stadium.

68-14 WOW !!!

(The Portsmouth refs couldn't have stolen that one with an AK-47 ) :lol: :lol:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by biggdowgg »

OZZIEOHIO wrote:Were undeafeated in there new gym. Was it crowded??? how did the Trojan fans like it???

there was a decent crowd,but no where close to sold out.

my self,I can understand why so many Burg people dont like it,not much more seating then the old place,if any,our student section was on the south parking lot,we had to phone in game reports to them, you can not get in and out of the visitors side bleachers without walking on the floor,or climbing over both teams bench players...I looked for the elctrical outlet on the playing floor ,like a Burg poster told me about,but I diddnt see it.

I understand this was totaly diffrent then what was in the original plans for this Gym,and understand why so many Burg fans are b ing about it...I was told to ask coach Barrick about the new place,,,but refused to do so :oops:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by biggdowgg »

BigOrangeOne wrote:
OZZIEOHIO wrote:Were undeafeated in there new gym.

And we're undefeated in your new stadium.

68-14 WOW !!!

shouldnt this belong on the football thread? :mrgreen:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09


68-14 WOW !!!

added together is your age!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by BigOrangeOne »

68-14 WOW !!!

added together is your age!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

.... and double my IQ..

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Great ball game. Could have went either way as Burg had two good looks at three's to take the lead, the last one with 4 seconds left, but it didn't fall.

Those refs were the same three clowns that did the Clay-NB game I went to and they are horrible. Stegman was called for three very cheesy calls on the defensive end and then goes to the offensive end, everytime the ball came inside to him he had three guys surrounding him slapping the crap out of him. He never could get on track. When he went out, that really hurt the Burg because they have no one on the bench that can come in and spell him. Also, more than likely he would not have been covering Underwood if Burg had certain players on the team. There depth, or lack thereof hurt them tonight.

Great game by Bendolph also against a hostile crowd. Gotta love it when adults were booing him, let alone the kids. He made the choice to leave for whatever reason he had and everyone should just live with it.

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09


I always thought you was a smart feller.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

biggdowgg, the outlet on the floor you are refering to is in the grade school gym I believe. This gym was not planned out very well, but then again that's what you get when you let a glorified janitor make your decisions. He cut the size down twice I was told and he didn't design anywhere for the radio people to set up and announce the games. If I was WNXT I would almost refuse to do a game up there. That's why Roger was having such a hard time seeing the floor and announcing the game, he probably couldn't see from where they put the radio guys.

I was also told the original plans called for 13 rows on each side and not the 11 that there are, plus a walkway behind each side and he cut those out. I've only been to a few games in the past two years at home because if you don't get there really early you can't hardly find a seat on the home side.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wheelersburg 12/15

Post by BigOrangeOne »

biggdowgg wrote:it was not the fouls they did call,it was the fouls they DID NOT CALL, in the last 3 minutes we was pushed out of bounds ,knocked to the floor I dont know how many times,,,yes there was bad/no calls for/against Burg also, the refs let things go to far...esp late in the 4th period whe things got crazy,,trhey did not have a clue!!

Here I thought you were one of those "let'em play" fans. :roll:

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Re: Final: Portsmouth 64 @ Wheelersburg 60 on 12/15/09

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Burg will never sell out a game because unless you arer a season ticket holder, you have to get there before the gates open to get a seat and did you notcie how many empty seats were in tnhe reserve section? It is like that most every game. I even sat in a reserve seat tonight and my dad told me the three games he has been to, no one has been in that seat. The problem is that they don't care if there are anyone in those seats since they have the money.

Come on dowgg, r u serious about the gym? Sure, it is way more seating on the visitors side that what you are probably used to but you have to notice by making the visitors side bigger, they shrunk the home crowd. Not smart and it has showed by the attendance so far.

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