Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by #1clayfan »

Just don't want to hear any complaints when the coach is doing this after the game!!!!!! LOL! :aaaaa17

Jake Lane
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Jake Lane »

Yeah! Seeing how he doesn't have much padding on top of his noggin'. I have a friend videoing the game for me and some friends, so we hope to see a victory! How have the boys been in practice since last week?

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by gunit »

I can't wait until these boys get to high school so we can bring some more state championships back to Scioto County. I can't believe that Junior High kids are a little unfocused.

rosemount rebel
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by rosemount rebel »

I know the 7th grade has never lost to a s.o.c.1 team in 3 years. they beat N.D S.V GREEN. EAST. N.B. BUT THEY NEVER PLAYED EASTERN OR WESTERN. WESTERN WAS IN TOURNY AT CLAY BUT DIDNT SEE EACH OTHER. CLAY CAME IN 2nd to p- town ballers. weastern was 3rd. they are a good group of kids they know how to win. they dont give up. biddy ball coaches miller and gilliland do a good job of getting these kids ready for j.r. high.

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by claybball »

I agree with you Rosemount rebel. The 7th grade team from watching a few of their games this year seem to play well with each other and are a good group of kids. I like watching these boys play. Phillips and Phipps can push the ball up the floor and pressure the other teams point guards well. I went to one game when I saw Phillips make about 3-3 pointers. Unless that was just a fluke then Phillips can shoot from the outside and I remember from biddy ball he can rack up the 2 pointers. Phipps is a fighter and isn't afraid to attack and forces turnovers. Scrappy kid!! Hurt I remember from biddy ball can drive the ball and scored often. Hurt is like Phipps not afraid to attack the other team. Not sure if Hurt has been scoring in all the games like he did Monday night if so he will be hard to deal with. I believe Smith has been working under the boards and he can rebound the ball well and isn't afraid to push around to get those rebounds. I'm not sure who else starts for the 7th graders but they have a good bench to turn too. Swayne can put the points on the board and isn't afraid to fight for a jump ball. Hines can guard the boards and rebound well and score under the boards.
Good luck to both 8th grade teams Thursday and LET'S GO 7th GRADERS!! From what I have seen on here Western will be a tough team to beat!!!!


By the way I agree Miller and Gilliland are good coaches.

Jake Lane
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Jake Lane »

You are right about them not losing to an soc1 team rebel, but they will not only have trouble with Western, but they will play the same boys that the 8th grade played on Monday. New Boston only has one team, a combination of 7th and 8th. I don't think it matters to the boys though, because after their first game jitters they have been walking with a swagger in their step.

rosemount rebel
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by rosemount rebel »

I think IF they play like they can it will be a good game.with a good outcome but some times coach has to make a point to the kids WIN OR LOSE if you dont come to practice you dont play. if you stay home to play your video games dont come back at all. that shows your team that you dont care. to much of that kind of stuff goes on at clay and i blame the coaches/parents(sorry Jake ) this is not biddyball grow up boys! it just gets harder from here on out. as for new boston the 7th grade can handle there own if they can run up and down the floor and play good D. NB coach will play the 3 or 4 7th grade kids they have. and if not i would rather play better teams and lose than play weaker teams and blow them away. it only makes you better. SO GET YOUR GAME FACE ON STEP UP PLAY HARD BRING HOME A VICTORY. :twisted:
Last edited by rosemount rebel on Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Ridgerunner1 »

Not sure if the coach heard about the kid not wanting to come to practice because of "video games". It wasn't a mandatory practice. It does show who wants to play and who doesn't and I sure don't want to hear any complaints from the parents or the kid for not getting play time.

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by #1clayfan »

SOOOOO sry about that RR, I did read it wrong and thats why I deleted it! Didn't mean for u to get so offensive PEPE', I do apologize. Please forgive me :aaaaa1

rosemount rebel
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by rosemount rebel »

I forgive you #1 it's all cool. 8)

rosemount rebel
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by rosemount rebel »

I think coach is great for our kids and is a good coach/ teacher of the game of b-ball! But why wasn't it mandatory? I don't know if this is true about the video game but if it is it is very disrespectful to the coach and the team. The coaches here at clay biddy ball to high school put alot of time in for our kids to teach them the game to make them better! I just get so up set when I hear stuff like this when it happens. I just want the best for our kids boys/girls! And yes I do blame the parents more. And if our jr high program is the best around how come our high school program is not! I know the coaches don't play and I don't blame the coaches. The kids here are not challenge if you have 8 or 9 kids that is all you have we don't have 30 kids to choose from so it is very important that they show up at practice and open gym if you want to be a very good team and beat teams like the burg, portsmouth, valley. So when I say that I blame the coaches make it mandatory if you don't show up you don't play at all. Because we can lose/ win with you or without you! So if that makes me a fool then I am the biggest fool of them all! If you know me then you know I care! :twisted:

Jake Lane
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Jake Lane »

Ask your athletic director, Mark Rose. "If there is no school, you cannot make practice mandatory."
Also, don't put words in my mouth. I said we had one of the most successful programs, not the best (yet)
I have disagreed with Compton on some things, but usually it all comes out why he does things. He just doesn't air the "dirty laundry" or embarrass the boys, he keeps the discipline in house.

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Snowman »

no school (weather), no mandatory practice may be the official policy of the school and i would have to agree if the weather is that bad. if it is not then i dont see any reason why the kids cant practice (even if it isnt mandatory)

that being said i dont know of a coach, athletic director, or supportive parent who would not want their kid in the gym or at practice when possible. the key is supportive parent. if you allow your kid to miss any team event (unless it is something very important like sickness or death) then you need to question whether you are supportive or not or if you care enough. and if the kid is always making excuses about not wanting to go or doesnt care if they miss then you need to wonder if they really should be playing.

whatever happened to kids wanting to be in the gym. i would think you would have to lock doors to keep them out of the gym.

what about teamwork, dedication, school spirit, wanting to get better??? and as ridgerunner said, it does show who really wants it.

Jake Lane
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Jake Lane »

Let me throw this into the hat. We have some boys who stay at home by themselves on snow days. Their parents both work. Do you hold that against them?

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Ridgerunner1 »

Jake, you don't hold that against the parent or the kid if they have no way to practice. I do hold it against the kid when the kid is playing video games with another player from the team and the parent of the other kid offers to give a ride to the kid and the kid says "its not mandatory so I'm not going". The whole team has played together since biddy ball and everyone of those kids know what parent(s) to call to get a ride.
I agree with you Snowman what has happened to school spirt, teamwork, and dedication?? I remember when I went to Clay we would have to have tryouts and people would not actually make the team, so you worked hard in the summer and worked hard at open gyms so you would make the team. Now they walk in and say I want to be on the team and they are and Jake I'm not saying its Compton's fault, I'm saying that this is a problem a small school has when the 8th grade probably has around 40-45 kids in it and the 7th grade has around 50-55 kids in it.

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Ridgerunner1 »

Rosemount Rebel I just went back and read what you said and I guess you and I are on the same page.

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by #1clayfan »

Well it saddens me to say that the Clay 7th graders lost to western, but not by much and not without a fight! They did awesome and never quit! They were a good team with great ball handling and moving the ball consistently! Great job boys! Your an awesome team! Even though it was only 1 loss on the season do get down on yourselves, it happens to the best.

And for the 8th graders, they won! They played well and ball handling was on for pretty much everyone of the boys. But the highlights of the game was Evans stealing the ball from behind and going in for the layup, Maddens buzzer beater 3 pointer, and Nobles steal and layup during his foul shot when it was 4 on one!!!!! All you boys did awesome and were all proud of you! The coaches did an awesome job, and we all commend them for the class and integrity of taking out his starters and playing the entire bench, on both the 7th and 8th grade games! Lord know that clay has been on the receiving end of that a few times during a season. Great job coaches!

Next up is South Webster I believe, now lets go out there and have a great win and bring home W's for both the Clay 7th and 8th grade teams! Good luck!!!!

Jake Lane
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Jake Lane »

Sorry to hear about the 7th grade. If I heard right, who is the boy that didn't get to play?

rosemount rebel
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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by rosemount rebel »

It was a great for the 8th grade boys good job keep working hard and you will be rewarded with alot more wins it's fun to watch! To the 7th grade boys keep your heads up and learn from this.Love the way you keep fighting and not giving up. Can't wait watch the next game! :twisted:

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Re: Thoughts on Clay 7th & 8th Grade Vs. Green 7th & 8th Grade

Post by Ridgerunner1 »

Phipps couldn't play because of an injury to his foot. Hopefully he will be back on Weds. for Webster. Riffe had an emergency out of town. Not sure when he will be back.

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