Marietta vs Belpre score?

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Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by Dundas »

Anyone have it?

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by bogo »

Marietta 62
Belpre 52

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by Dundas »

Thanks bogo!!

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by Spartan »

Any details anybody? I know it was a long week for the Eagles n terms of games played. Was everybody healthy on both sides? This score kind of surprises me. Nice bounce back game for the Tigers.

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by 91raider97bobcat »

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by zerotosixtynforty »

IMO, i was at the game, Marietta came out shooting and hitting, pushing the ball and making shots, Belpre had an inside game that looked to be able to score at will just didn't get it inside enough. . poor outside shooting led to Marietta getting easy transition baskets.... Belpres outside shooting is amiss and turnovers have been their down fall, tough schedule this past week playing four gms in five days, with meigs, warren, vc, and marietta. . now with at least a two week layoff or more should give them a rest and gather their thoughts and lace them up again. . .IMO coach p should start to look for alternative pt guard(s) to help with turnovers or give a good kick in the pants to their presant pt guard, better decisions, quit forcing the issues and see what the D gives u and look for matchups which could be to their advantage. . .Sims seems to find a couple of fouls to put him on the bench, Tate can create off the bounce at anytime a get his shot and should look for it more, inside out game with Sims, attack and kick out, would make his numbers even more impressive, though he tends to lose his drive both offensively/defensively when he runs the baseline back and forth and doesn't get the ball, maybe a leadership issue?, maybe a he should grab someone and have a conference on patience, look, option 2, option 3 before launching a 3, . .Parson's hasn't found the shooting touch thus far this season, is it mechanics, don't know but if ur gonna shoot it, make it, maybe some pregame shooting or after practice shooting, the team needs his shooting to improve, and has been having a fouling issue, fouling out of 2 or 3 of the 6 gms thus far. . . . Leasure, role player, does a good job,. .Waderker, hustles on D but looks like he lacks confidence in his shot, seems worried about getting shot blocked on the inside and thinks about it too much on the outside, but his hustle on D overshadows his shortcomings on O. . . Cambell gives good minutes and could be a starter, good hustle, quick leeper, plays great D. . .Slattery comes off the bench and is playing better each game, maybe some more minutes could become a starter,. . . Miller can play just not enough minutes to share for him to get on the floor other than a rest for Tate, Parsons, or Waderker, great role player and good kid. . will get his shot next year. . . All the talent is their for the Eagles to be a very good team.... and IMO all will get their over the season and should make a run for the Convo . . AGAIN, IMO, AND JUST AN OBSERVATION. . . . Good luck Eagles. . .

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by Eaglepapaw »

zerotosixtynforty wrote:
Miller can play just not enough minutes to share for him to get on the floor other than a rest for Tate, Parsons, or Waderker, great role player and good kid.

Don't agree that he should only get minutes to give those 3 a rest.Feel he should be playing more because he is good enough and as you said the point guard isn't quite getting it done,but never seems to be taken out.RaShawn is just as good as the present guards and should be playing more than he is.He can shoot just as well as either of them and he sees the floor better than any of them and can get the ball inside to the post players.
Just my opinion,he should be playing more.

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by beleagle05 »

The Eagles are really struggling right now, from what I hear Marietta is not a real good team this year...I agree Rashawn should see more minutes, especially when Parsons is not hitting because he is turning the ball over too much from what I have seen.
zerotosixtyinforty---very good observations IMO...would love to see Slattery move into the starting line up.

Hopefully the break will let them regroup and get things back together because they defintely have the talent to make some noise in the TVC.

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by zerotosixtynforty »

eaglepawpaw, IMO just don't see Rashawn getting any more minutes while team is struggling, agree with u that he should get more minutes but where is he going to get them from?? Sims, Tate, Parsons, Waderker, Leasure, or split some with Slattery? Agree he does have all the potential, skills, and talent to be a player., IMO just don't see him getting much more than he is right now. . .just can't wait for the game when they all fire on all cylinders, would not want to be that team when it happens. . .Happy Holidays Eagle Fans. . .and all others too. . ..

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by belpreboy92 »

Belpre has all the talent in the world to be a great team.But just like every great team you have to have a GOOD point guard. Ive been to every home game and its painful to watch Parsons shoot. I watched hime probably shoot 5 3's vs VC and only hit the rim on 1. I know hes a senior but my god. You cant wait the whole season to get it right. Miller should play more. Anyone couldbe better than #23 right now. This team is way better than how they are playing.

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by eaglefan1 »

Belpre has all the talent in the world to be a great team.But just like every great team you have to have a GOOD point guard. Ive been to every home game and its painful to watch Parsons shoot. I watched hime probably shoot 5 3's vs VC and only hit the rim on 1. I know hes a senior but my god. You cant wait the whole season to get it right. Miller should play more. Anyone couldbe better than #23 right now. This team is way better than how they are playing.
Belpre has all the talent in the world to be a great team.But just like every great team you have to have a GOOD point guard. Ive been to every home game and its painful to watch Parsons shoot. I watched hime probably shoot 5 3's vs VC and only hit the rim on 1. I know hes a senior but my god. You cant wait the whole season to get it right. Miller should play more. Anyone couldbe better than #23 right now. This team is way better than how they are playing.

Totally agree with you..Rashawn and Slattery should be getting way more minutes. Channing just isn't getting it done as of now. Hes lazy with his dribble, lazy with his passes and takes bad shots. He forces way too much and needs to look to pass first. Erik Waderker should be playing the 1, with Slattery/Miller at the 2, Tate at the 3, Campbell/Leasure at the 4 and Sims at the 5. Parsons should have the role that Slattery/Miller has right now. From what i've seen Parsons is doing an good job as coach. Hes disciplining his players, suspending them for unnecessary tactics and for getting technicals. He has turned Belpre into a 'team' and has the kids playing together, somewhat. Hes kept Tate and Sims heads in it in most games, and we all know thats not easy to do. The only mistake i see is leaving Channing in and STILL letting him play PG when he has the most turnovers on the team.

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by tvcfan1 »

I think the starters should be waderker miller slattery Tate and sims Tate can play inside and out waderker is a good point not very good shooter and slattery and miller can shoot the ball very well sims is the best big man in the league have cambell who is strong come off the bench parsons come off have the defense role then leasure the rebounding role... Miller needs more playing time he can help this eagle team alot! Let's go Eagles!

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by hardwork65 »

i dont know about mille starting. i would have waderker, slattery, tate, leasure, and sims starting out the ball game. campbell and miller coming off the bench first. IMO parsons will still start every game which i think is no fair for slattery and miller. They both come in the ball game and hustle and work hard and try to make their team better instead of just bombing up 3's and going to the hole and throwing up a circus shot.

hope everyone had a merry christmas and has a happy new year

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by belpreballer44 »

belpre is an all around good basketball team but they need to clean up thier game and get rid of the attitudes.... they play so well together and they always have,,,,they just need to keep thier heads up and quit giving up when the other team scores...if you have a bad game, oh well it happens....get over yourselves and play ball like proffesionals instead of children....

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Re: Marietta vs Belpre score?

Post by justlookin »

belpreballer44 wrote:belpre is an all around good basketball team but they need to clean up thier game and get rid of the attitudes.... they play so well together and they always have,,,,they just need to keep thier heads up and quit giving up when the other team scores...if you have a bad game, oh well it happens....get over yourselves and play ball like proffesionals instead of children....

If I'm not mistaken these are high schools kids correct? I think the coach let them see the results of the games played their way and from here on out I see them playing his way. Alot of pressure on both the coaches and the players, still plenty of time and alot more chances to get things right. The big layoff should benefit the players and make them hungry to get back at it Jan 8 at home. :?:


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