Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Johnny Quest »

It is easy to root for a team ,while they are winning. When a team hits a bump in the road is when the TRUE Warrior fan shows their support! The fans may have lost control momentary, but I would lay odds Coach Maddox has not. GO BLUE!

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by 339 Tiger »

Freeing up Cunningham and Hastie isnt what the warriors need, Looks like they are getting plenty of shots off...(maybe to many)...I agree that Brandon needs to take some more shots but just not forcing the issue and maybe just setting up the offense and working the ball around a little more. From what I have seen the last 2 games that I have watched is that it looks like not near enough movement and to many BAD shots. 3 pointers are great ( when your hitting them) but def not good when thats the only shot you are looking for. Maybe you should watch the JV a little closer because it seems like they really play alot more under control and dont rely near as much on the trey.
Ever considered placing Venham and Fivecoait with the 3 guards from the JV team and see what could happen?
Now that would really be interesting? That would open some eyes and maybe be a treat to watch but Im sure that would NEVER happen because it actually might work. Oh well, Good Luck to the Warriors in getting this program back to where it could possibly compete with the better teams in the league. Going to try to catch the warriors in action again soon but need to focus on the Tiger downfall at the moment, need to try to get us rolling again. Secrest has his work cut out for him thats for sure. So next time I am in the Warrior Gym maybe the boys in blue will be playing a little better and harder. GO TIGERS

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Warrior C C »

Amen 339 Tiger! To many outside bombs and not enough ball movement..stop relying on the 3 pointer. Good idea mixing some younger shooting guards with Venham and Fivecoait, I think that would be interesting. Then you could use Cunningham, Lang, and Ellenwood off the bench to give us great depth. The movement that the JV boys bring and the drive and dish strategy would then open up for some OPEN trey looks...onces that are not forced. Great post!

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by BLUEMOON »

Are you guys serious? Bring up JV players to start varsity, don't you think the coaches know who can play varsity level ball by now. When i have seen the JV's play they have been very good against some suspect teams and their guards still love to shoot the 3 ball often also. Quit hating on some of these players Warrior C C, and just enjoy what we have, it will improve.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by jcbigblue »

Wasn't at the Ironton game but have seen the Warriors play enough to say that yes they settle for too many 3 pointers at times. This team is at its best when they are in transition and having the guards penatrating the paint, not standing on the perimeter. As for the JV players they are very good but are they really ready physically and mentally for varsity level style of play. This is a very good team here in Vincent that is just having a rough stretch these last two games. Enough about the past on to Logan Tuesday night. Great facility at Logan, hope all Warrior fans can make the journey up Rte. 33 and cheer on the Warriors. I'll be there rooting them on.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Sportsfanallnitelong »

I agree with u, jcbig 100%. We have just hit a rough spot. We are only into the 6th game of the season. Still 15 or more.... games to play. We were just outplayed the last couple of games. I think our players realize that. They do have to give better effort on defense which in turn helps our offense. We can't be giving up 70 or more points a game. That in itself is enough to cause any team problems. I believe we will be fine if everyone just works harder and plays smarter. GOOD FORMULA!!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO WARRIORS THE REST OF THE WAY. HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Warrior C C »

Bluemoon...First of all I am not hating on any player....Just to voice my opinion and state that jv players can help us out is far from that....I have nothing but respect for every Warrior player out there. However it is obvious to the human eye that If Warren is to improve it will need some offense from somewhere. The line-up as of games played is not showing it. There are im sure 3 guards that could play at varsity level right now that could really make things click with a mixture of juniors and seniors right now. The Cadets just proved that with the start of the Smith boy that helped them win there first game. The Tigers also have a couple sophomores that are contributing to their program.....It seems like the Warriors are just worried to much about making somebody mad if they overstep the older athlete....So lets move on and Im sure Coach Maddox will get this mixture in soon cause if he wants to win it is something thats going to have to happen....unless a couple athletes received a boost from Santa this Christmas? So Good Luck Warriors and Im positive that Coach Maddox will do the right thing because he is a pretty smart coach at times. :roll: The sun comes out tmrw.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by 339 Tiger »

Warrior c c...You are right in our 2 sophomores that help us out...Grosel and Williams are a big asset to the Tigers. The more that Williams gets to play I see improvement. He recently showed that against Chili and held his own with their big boy. If im not mistaken they have both played AAU and that really helps. As far as the Jv guards at Warren I also believe that they to have played AAU and have showed they can hold their own. As far as Blumoon saying that its hatred ur speaking, not sure if Im seeing it? Its all about the truth and I really agree that from what ive seen of the team that a couple of those guards are better than a couple starters...but taking nothing from them, its just that some players work harder to make their game better and if it shows then why not reward them and play them ahead. This sometimes makes the older player realize that they just dont get to have a spot for being a senior? It makes any athlete go out and play harder if they want that spot back...a win-win situation. Nobody is to good to sit out whether it be for whatever reason even if its for a freshmen...Its about Team play and whatever works...Swallow your pride and just play hard-- Approach it this way and The warriors could get things rolling and be Dangerous...until they come to the Tiger Den..ha

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by WHSwarrior »

Ya know what I think?

Two of the posters on this thread are just JV players/relatives/friends trying to get some playing time on varsity because they know they can't go talk to the coaches about it.

Quit hating on the starters and other players and coaches. All teams need time to gel. And if we're going to struggle at some point in a season (all teams do) I'd much rather see us struggle in the beginning and be strong at the end.

Merry Christmas.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by warriorfan79 »

well said WHS warrior and I think you're right

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by BLUEMOON »

Warrior C C.......not sure the examples you used are very good, Fort got their first W at the expense of a winless Caldwell team, also Marietta seems to be in a rebuilding year and have lost the the services of a few players to allow their sophomores more playing time. Now i'm not sure why you think in your opinion that there are 3 JV guards that are better served to start over any of the guards on the varsity roster. By the way i have seen all but one game of both JV and varsity the last 2 years and just don't see what you guys are talking about. The only people that seem to think this is yourself and Tiger 339 and in my opinion i think that the two of you are bitter about either your child or yourselves getting passed over in some sport and not getting to shine or prove yourself, or just maybe you resent some of these starters because they are actually better than yourselves.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Warrior C C »

Well considering Im prob old enough to be a grandparent, I have just seen alot of Great Warrior athletes be snubbed time and time again due to this program. Thats why u have seen alot of great athletes not in the basketball picture when they get to their senior year....Its gets frustrating to watch after I have sat on the hard
bleachers for the past 8 years and watched this go on. Its really not that hard to see if u take your blinders off and see it, and by listening to several players that have moved on from years past. Just talk and listen to parents and us ol folk and you would be suprised of what you hear... So guess we will see soon if the true talent arises....
:twisted: The sun comes out tmrw

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by 339 Tiger »

Rebuilding year not only this year but probably the next 3 years. It will take the Tigers a while to gel but every team goes thru it. Sounds like warrior country has some bitter fans but wish you would just move-on and wait and see whats going to happen. Im sure it will work out in the end, every team has to lose at somepoint. Support ur team nomatter what the outcome is...Its the people who post items that cant seem to be happy about most anything or want to voice their opinion. Its nice to chat about things but be open in every aspect of what someone says. Tryin to assume what people are thinking is kinda far fetched. But Im sure thats what keeps sights like this going. Just dont hurt the kids for thats what the game is for... not the has beens, nor the parents, nor past alumni. So goodluck Warriors in the upcoming weeks....and Go Tigers for we have to get the Home court advantage back!

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by BLUEMOON »

Talk about blinders Warrior C C, all you can see is the negative of players being snubbed as you would say. Maybe they aren't being snubbed, maybe they just aren't as talented as some people may think.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Diehard Fan »

Why do you people from Warren think that this years team is good or going to be treated any different from previous years. It has been this way for at least 9 or 10 yrs and will not change until u get rid of or make a change at the root of the problem which all of you know by now what needs to happen.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by tribetime »

Right now, the Warriors sit at 4-2. At this rate the Warriors will finish in the 12 to 14 win range, which is unofficially average over the last 10 years in Vincent. The fact that someone would suggest that Coach Maddox is the root of the problems exposed in the last two contests is absolutely ridiculous. Find one school that wouldn't accept three league titles and over 120 wins in ten years. Negativity in the last few years has been blown out of proportion by the minority on internet forums such as these, while the majority is overwhelmingly pleased with the job the coaching staff at Warren has done. My hope is that Coach Maddox will be in Vincent for another 10 years. I know they'd love to have him back in Logan.

The last two games have obviously left a bad taste in the players, coaches, and fans mouths to think about over the Christmas break. I know that the Warriors will bounce back with a win at Logan to silent some critics. I believe this team will hit 15 wins, and get back in the race for the league title. Cunningham, Venham, and Fivecoait are among the best players to don the blue and white under Coach Maddox, and the rest are capable of leading this team to success the rest of the year.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Warrior C C »

Its true that we have some outstanding athletes this year and just like every year. But if you are going to go to the next level, you have to become someone you dont want to be sometimes, and make decisions that may be hard, but are whats going to be the right ones, nomatter what feet you stepon and who u hurt along the way,if it pays for itself and gets you to the end of the rainbow, then you will all be rewarded in the end. And it will be one of the hardest thing one will ever have to indure but thats what lifes challenges are about and you have to believe in what you think is right and just do it. Everyone will win and you will take alot of unwanted stress off of you instead of worrying about making everyone happy...So lets just sitback and see what the rest of the year has in store for us...and hope that that choice is made and we go along way, Im sure the kids will give nothing but support no matter what decisions are made...Lets support whatever we are handed...Its just BASKETBALL!!!!!! and like I say over and over.... :12223 The sun comes out tmrw.

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by tribetime »

Warrior CC,
Your post makes very little sense. It seems as though you've tried to say something, but don't really want to say what that is.
I believe it does matter how you "get to the end of the rainbow", and Coach Maddox and company can certainly get Warren there. One thing Coach Maddox and Duckworth do well is teach their players that there's more to life than basketball, and it does matter "what feet you step on and who you hurt along the way".

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by Warrior C C »

Tribetime....didnt mean anything in a negative way....Dont mean win at all costs...just that sometimes it takes decisions that dont just keep the peace...its for the better of the program and to help your team win...being a team player. But willing to see whats gonna take place in the next several weeks and hopefully it will be positive. Goodluck Warren! Play Hard, Play together, United as ONE! :| The sun comes out tmrw

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Re: Warren @ Ironton, 12/22

Post by goldentoe »

The difference between the 3 league title teams and the rest is those teams played defense. This years team has given up more points in 6 games then any Warren team in the Maddox era

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