Belpre Eagles Football 10
- JV Team
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- screamineagle54
- Waterboy
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
zerotosixtynforty wrote:bigred, why do u think it is an easier conference?
I agree with zerotosixtynforty why does everyone think its an easier conference i dont think we've beat trimble in the last two years. This conference is more fitting for us though because we are not as big an we don't have as many kids anymore.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
The TVC Ohio div is harder than the Hocking so therefore it is an easier conference....
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
The Hocking may have the best team in the TVC overall every once in a while, but top to bottom the TVC-Ohio is better and that is for the simple fact that the schools are larger. The same reason the Seoal is better than the TVC-Ohio.
- JV Team
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
tks bigred for clearing it up. . .was worried for belpre, now that they r going to an easier conference, 9-1 next season cause everyone has a down week thru the season, undefeated would be asking to much of a new coaching program. . .tks, all belpre fans have nothing to worry about next season. . . . lets hope. . . .Go luck eagles
dundas, agreed, larger schools should be better, numbers game, more athletes to pick from, statistically speaking, but not always a given. . . . belpre defeated warren couple of years back. . . .
dundas, agreed, larger schools should be better, numbers game, more athletes to pick from, statistically speaking, but not always a given. . . . belpre defeated warren couple of years back. . . .
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
I don't know if what I heard is true but I think I know the Head Coach is and his assistance not totally fact but a strong rumor. I hate to say on hear because it may not be true. If it is I think what belpre is getting is a dicipline set of coaches, these coaches have coached at Belpre years back but with Junior High. If what I hear is true I think it is a good move for Belpre. With this group of coaches it will be old school. No being late to practice, no excuses period it will be definatly diciplined.
- screamineagle54
- Waterboy
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
I didnt know they already decided who was going to coach at belpre, but everyone in belpre knows who the coaches are going to be because one of these people have appllied for the postion the last two times their has been a coaching change. I don't know if there disciplined. Screaming and yelling is not discipline its just khaos. Most of these coaches have pee wee experience and the ones who coached junior high football had one great year and it wasn't do to coaching either they had great athletes and those kids would be the class of 2011 if you didn't know. Belpre needs to hire someone outside of Belpre, outside of the area, but our board will just hire any joe shmoe.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
The TVC Ohio div is harder than the Hocking so therefore it is an easier conference....
I have read this over 10 times and i still can't understand it..please elaborate
- screamineagle54
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:17 pm
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
eaglefan1 wrote:The TVC Ohio div is harder than the Hocking so therefore it is an easier conference....
I have read this over 10 times and i still can't understand it..please elaborate
I believe what he or she is trying say is that the TVC hocking has smaller schools which magically makes it easier since belpre has ton of kids that attend.(like 300 something maybe)lol. Belpre has struggled the last 5 years with hocking teams. So i really don't know how easy it's actually going to be.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
I TOTALLY agree with you about the above mentioned coaches. And I disagree with otterslide...these two men ran more kids off in the pee wee/junior high program than anything. And winning in Peewee and junior high does not make you a good high school coach. And one of them was back stabbing Bolen in the back as an assistant and is one of the main reasons Bolen left . IMO this will not be a step in the right direction by any means.
Hire teachers that coach!
I TOTALLY agree with you about the above mentioned coaches. And I disagree with otterslide...these two men ran more kids off in the pee wee/junior high program than anything. And winning in Peewee and junior high does not make you a good high school coach. And one of them was back stabbing Bolen in the back as an assistant and is one of the main reasons Bolen left . IMO this will not be a step in the right direction by any means.
Hire teachers that coach!
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Thats what amazes me about Belpre, and I have lived there all my life, We love to complain about coaches, the truth is and I said it before, Belpre is small in the near future with the boys coming up there are no true Football players just athletes. There are good Athletes and good kids trying to have fun Playing a few years of Football. I believe we will atleast be competitive next year because we are playing schools that we are comparable too. I don't know who the coaches will be but I know they will have to put up with alot just like all coaches. Belpre coaches don't have the luxury of having 40 boys on a team they have 21 or 22, maybe 24.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
hunting1 wrote:Thats what amazes me about Belpre, and I have lived there all my life, We love to complain about coaches, the truth is and I said it before, Belpre is small in the near future with the boys coming up there are no true Football players just athletes. There are good Athletes and good kids trying to have fun Playing a few years of Football. I believe we will atleast be competitive next year because we are playing schools that we are comparable too. I don't know who the coaches will be but I know they will have to put up with alot just like all coaches. Belpre coaches don't have the luxury of having 40 boys on a team they have 21 or 22, maybe 24.
Your post is a very accurate picture of Belpre. They have some good athletes but to win year in and year out, you have to have some boys who just love football and enjoy the physical nature of the game. Plus, you need depth on the sidelines.
Best of luck to Belpre in finding a new coach and best of luck to him and the players next fall.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
It has nothing to do about winning, it's about getting the best out of the players that you have. We haven't been doing that at Belpre. Example, Belpre had one of the biggest O-lines in the tvc and the couldn't block anyone.
- JV Team
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- Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:51 pm
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Thats funny the coaches I know of only one may be from the peewee program and he may only be an assitant if that. Don't take my post as you know who I am talking about, Because obviously you don't.
- JV Team
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- Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:51 pm
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
teach123 wrote:Screamingeagle,
I TOTALLY agree with you about the above mentioned coaches. And I disagree with otterslide...these two men ran more kids off in the pee wee/junior high program than anything. And winning in Peewee and junior high does not make you a good high school coach. And one of them was back stabbing Bolen in the back as an assistant and is one of the main reasons Bolen left . IMO this will not be a step in the right direction by any means.
Hire teachers that coach!
There are no teachers that I know of that want to coach. by the way you obviously don't know what coaches I know of because only one of them may be a pee wee coach and if so he may be only an assistant assistant.. Who the heck are you thinking of as from the junior high? The person I know is from coaching in the 80s and early 90's. The other I am speaking of coached 8th grade football when I played back in the 80's and 90's. So how the heck can you disagree with you can't disagree with me if you have no idea.
- JV Team
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- Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:51 pm
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
screamineagle54 wrote:I didnt know they already decided who was going to coach at belpre, but everyone in belpre knows who the coaches are going to be because one of these people have appllied for the postion the last two times their has been a coaching change. I don't know if there disciplined. Screaming and yelling is not discipline its just khaos. Most of these coaches have pee wee experience and the ones who coached junior high football had one great year and it wasn't do to coaching either they had great athletes and those kids would be the class of 2011 if you didn't know. Belpre needs to hire someone outside of Belpre, outside of the area, but our board will just hire any joe shmoe.
This is totally funny to me because I know who you are talking about and it isn't remotly who I am speaking of. "Screaming and yelling is not discipline its just khaos." you can have this but when the time is right. Problem is these kids get diciplined then cry to their mom and dads and then they cry to the board or AD and it becomes a mess. I would like to see more military dicipline instilled in these kids. STOP treating them like they are your buddy. You should be a coach who teaches and instils dicipline ...if you want to be their buddies then find another job. You are not coaching to make friends but to be successful and teach kids. Being their buddies does not work.....Suck it up!
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
This is totally funny to me because I know who you are talking about and it isn't remotly who I am speaking of. "Screaming and yelling is not discipline its just khaos." you can have this but when the time is right. Problem is these kids get diciplined then cry to their mom and dads and then they cry to the board or AD and it becomes a mess. I would like to see more military dicipline instilled in these kids. STOP treating them like they are your buddy. You should be a coach who teaches and instils dicipline ...if you want to be their buddies then find another job. You are not coaching to make friends but to be successful and teach kids. Being their buddies does not work.....Suck it up!
1. remotely not remotly
2. discipline not dicipline
3. instills not instils
And this isn't the military, its high school football

- JV Team
- Posts: 395
- Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:51 pm
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Sorry about the typos didn't know we had typo police on here. ..... obviously you have never seen other football programs and how they are ran...have to have structure...and MOTIVATION...where do you find majority of that...hum ...military is the most stuctured organization on earth where you find motivation to be the in that case I would say a military TYPE of approach would not be bad...not saying strictly a military standard but take the way they structure objectives and motivate and use it..
Don't are prime example
Don't are prime example