... Gilbert Arenas gets paid $167,000 PER BASKETBALL GAME ... a teacher on average with 25 years experience makes approximately $45,000 PER YEAR ... yeh teachers are paid too much for what they do (he says sarcastically) ... when I think of what WE as teachers do during the school day, the school year, what WE do to continue to be THE BEST at what WE do , throw in the time, the teaching/coaching WE do as coaches during the season, during the off season AND I read a post that reads :
Under paid please.....
Where else can you work half a year and make 40k, 50k and 60k? Now lets say your a coach, so lets add another 3k. dont forget about the money that is made at the football and basketball camps during the off season. Under paid, really?
... I have been a teacher, and a coach for 27 years AND work a second job during the summer on top of doing off season work with my athletes ALL summer... ON TOP OF doing summer coursework STILL - wouldn't change anything ... to read such a post that questions whether I/WE as teachers/coaches are paid too much for the jobs we do as teachers/coaches ?????????????????? I suppose the least offensive statement that I can make is to agree with other who are in the same boat ... "clueless" works for me ... now IF the poster had commented on a Gilbert Arenas being OVERPAID for what HE DOES for a living /along with the pro athlete in general THEN I MIGHT give it read BUT ................ no ...