Valley @ Northwest 1-6-10

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Re: Valley @ Northwest 1-6-10

Post by Ex-Huddler »

Tigers, what don't you understand? I have talked to both the AD and Coach and they were ready to honor Leslie by presenting him the game ball. They said it would have taken about 20 seconds. The officials were notified before the game and also right before Leslie attempted the two free throws. Valley's coach then threw a fit and said "NO!" The officials then informed Coach Scarberry that since Valley's coach said no, they could not honor Leslie during the game. If Northwest would have used a timeout, there still would have to be mutual agreement of the coaches to present Leslie with the ball. As stated above, Valley's coach said "No."
Now, before you start questioning the AD and coach, find out the facts. They knew before he went to the line how many points Leslie had and did everything in their power to do the right thing. They also stated they could not afford a technical for going against the official's orders since the game was so close. Do you even know the coaching staff and AD at Northwest? They are in it for the kids. I personally know all of them and they are upset that this big moment was taken from Hank.

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Re: Valley @ Northwest 1-6-10

Post by Cookie »

So was Valley's coach informed before the game?

Riding the Bench
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Re: Valley @ Northwest 1-6-10

Post by eaglegrad »

I think everyone is blowing this thing out of proportion. Northwest people are going to see things their way and Valley people the other. Had Northwest administration said something before the game to Valley's coaches that this could happen and that they would like to stop and present the game ball to Hank and take about 30 seconds, Valley's coaches would have probably said that is fine. Then, if it happened with 14 seconds left, Valley couldnt argue because they would have already agreed to it. However, They didnt so that is their fault. I dont think they really expected him to get it that game because he had to have like 29 points. Seems like they gave everyone a heads up except Valley staff and that is not right either. Coach Villinger has his kids and their best interests to look out for and it was not in their best interests to stop the game down 2 with 14 seconds left. Valley coaches had no idea until Hank stepped to the line with 14 seconds left to shoot the free throws. And even then it wasnt Ad, coach or administration who said anything to them, it was the announcer at the scorers table who said something. You cant blame Valley coaches for wanting to wairt 14 seconds and that is all they wanted to do. They were not opposed to honoring Hank. There was just a lot of miscommunication in this one.

I am not a big fan of stopping games for 1000 point scorers anyways. The game is about team and the group, not an individual so dont stop the game for a ceremony to honor one person, this is not the time. Where I come from, the 1000 point scorers were always honored before or after the game. I had never seen a game stopped till i came to this area.

Hank is a great player, 1000 points is a great accomplishment for him, he was honored with a ceremony at the beginning of the next game, lets just move on.

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Re: Valley @ Northwest 1-6-10

Post by smurray »

I'm not questioning Northwest at all and no I didn't understand how everything unfolded, that's why I was asking. If it all happened the way you say I draw a conclusion that Villinger was wrong in this.

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Re: Valley @ Northwest 1-6-10

Post by Bo_Diaz »

It happend with 14 seconds left in a tie ballgame... Not the proper time to stop a close league game to have a presentation... And maybe I'm wrong, but it looked to me as if Villinger was being informed of the situation during a timeout as Leslie was headed to the foul line. I just don't understand why NW refused to do anything after regulation?

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