Thrown out of a game.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

i have seen players throw the ball along the baseline and if it hits the line it has been called a violation. i have seen players step on the line on throw ins and it has always been called a violation. give the rule number and page that shows this rule.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

sparky - maybe the ball broke the plane of the inside edge and/or the player's foot broke the plane of the inside edge. If you are looking at the regular rule book, the rule book is orgainized by rule so they are in order. The particular rules are 4-9 -2 which is rule #4,
section #9, article #2 then you have to look at Rule #9, Section #2, Article # 2 then look at the end of section 2 and it will give you the penalty. If you are sincere about learning more about the rules and their applications you could go to the NFHS website and order Rules by Topic, which give you the rule, Case Book plays and rationales together or order the case book. 5$ to 10$ each. The page #'s are around page 30 and 56, 57. The reason I say around is I grabbed the first rule book (an old one) I came across. For rules study I use the Rules by Topic book everything is on one page.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

CB1 - with knowledge comes responsiblity. As far as looking smart I would rather be rich. "If its brown flush it down"

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Ridgerunner1 »

These stories are great. Thanks for the laughs everyone!!!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

sparky-Are you still screaming at the officials???-Blockcharge and I officiate almost every night and have told you the rule and you still seem to not believe us!!! Sounds like one of those hard headed fans who thinks they know the rulebook!!!!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by southernohiofan »

officials are humans and will make mistakes i will give them that, but missing calls cause you are out of shape to keep up or in front of the actions should be a sign of retirement

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by gametime »

some officials don't know all rules,just like the fans

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

i have seen my share of games over the years and i have never seen a ball or a player touch a line and it not be called out of bounds. are you sure you are not talking about baseball? they call it a foul pole when in essence it is really a fair pole.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

100% sure. also you changed the situation originally it was a throw in. take the class, take the test, join us we do actually enjoy it.

nuff said

peace, out

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Ironman92 »

lol at sparky

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Out of Bounds »

Sparky.....cmon ma'an!! Doesn't it make sense that if you are in bounds and step on the the line you are out. But if you are standing out of bounds and step on the line, you are not in bounds till you touch the "in play" side of the court. The line is out of bounds. So if you step on it but don't cross it you are still out of bounds when in-bounding the ball hence no violation.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

your logic makes sense but i still have never seen a passed ball on a throw in that hit the line that was not called a violation. same with inbounder stepping on the line on a throw in. i also have never seen a ball hit the foul pole and it not being called a fair ball.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Ole_Cuzin_Funk »

blockcharge wrote:By the way its not just Manchester, in Adams County if you are removed from the game it is an automatic Disorderly Conduct which carries a fine. We have one guy whom we tease and say that the Court house in West Union sends him a Christmas card every year

So basically the ref have arrest powers???????????? Dont sound right to me!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by boomer633 »

Ole_Cuzin_Funk wrote:
blockcharge wrote:By the way its not just Manchester, in Adams County if you are removed from the game it is an automatic Disorderly Conduct which carries a fine. We have one guy whom we tease and say that the Court house in West Union sends him a Christmas card every year

So basically the ref have arrest powers???????????? Dont sound right to me!

The refs don't but the police officer who escorts you out does.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

It shouldn't be up to the ref's to have someone escorted out of the gym. The Administration should be responsible for asking people who act like idiots to leave the gym.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Out of Bounds » are right about that. The administration should take more of an assertive role in removing the idiots. But they don't hear everything said to the officials and it's easier to let someone leaving town in an hour to handle it. Your a contractor, they have to see the parents every week.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

i have spoken to a veteran official and he has cleared some things up for me. on the throw in when i have seen the violation called for stepping on the line he says the passer had to have stepped over the line into the playing area for it to be called a violation. on the pass from under the basket he says that the ball cannot hit the out of bounds line on the throw in unless it is after a made basket then the ball can be thrown from player a to player b and it can hit the line or the out of bounds area, but a pass cannot hit out of bounds when being passed inbounds.
i remember in some of the smaller older gyms there was a restraining line. i also remember an old gym where you had to put one foot against the wall on the throw in. i can't remember which gym that was.
i also have only seen this called a few times is when the guy throwing the ball in runs along the baseline out of bounds to get to the other corner. he must enter the floor immediately. i remember the first time i saw that call it was at the end of a game and it cost the losing team a chance to tie the score as the ref called the player for not entering the floor immediately. this happens quite often but is seldomly called.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Heavy D »

Someone got thrown out at the Trimble v. Nelsonville game last night. :lol:

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I have been on all sides of this equation and let me tell you, the doing the escorting is much more fun! lol

I have been kicked out of games as a player, coach and had to escort people out as an AD! lol

My coaching ejection was bogus! I received a T for nothing more than telling the ref in polite way that the other teams players should really put a saddle on my players back she has been riding her so long! Wow, cant believe he T'ed me up for that. Anyway, the second T came from my 7th grade coach, who later on a questionable call started to stand up, and when his butt left the seat the ref T'ed him up and put it towards the bench and ejected me! lol That was embarrising to say the least.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by johndeere »

Sparky-You really listen well!!!!! You have been told that on here!! Oh well, if anyone should be allowed to be thrown off or T'd up on SEOPS it should be you!!!!!!!!!

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