Waverly @ Burg 1/26

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by Eaglesnest »

marshallman wrote:WOW, Whats happened to the Burg? All the starters back from last year and a transplant, you would have thought they were the team to beat. With Valley 2x, Ironton, Gallipolis and SW to play, they could lose 5 more times. I still say the talent level in the SOC is better than last year all around with the exception of West and Minford.

Waverly is much stronger than last year due to the exchange point guard they got. He makes the team run smooth and doesn't have to score to have a big impact on the team. South Webster had all their kids back and new coach so they are much better. Oak Hill is doing well, but still no where near the team they were last season. Everyone else is "way" down compared to last season.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by burgtown2008 »

Pirate pride went out with the joke of a gym, I went twice to a game it was my first and last trip. Also to be considering the local kids are not willing to put the school and community first is a sure sign a era has come to a end. It was a heck of a run for the Burg but things are changing and not for the best.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by 91Grad »

Congrats Waverly.. Keep working hard Burg and keep your heads up..

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by drrabbit »

marshallman wrote:WOW, Whats happened to the Burg? All the starters back from last year and a transplant, you would have thought they were the team to beat. With Valley 2x, Ironton, Gallipolis and SW to play, they could lose 5 more times. I still say the talent level in the SOC is better than last year all around with the exception of West and Minford.

Although last year's team had no seniors, due to injuries and other commitments, Wheelersburg only has three of their top seven players back from last year. They are building a whole new team.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by drrabbit »

bookem13 wrote:Wasn't there some sort of disagreement between the basketball and volleyball staff about how the floor should look?

And for the RECORD: In the new gym, there was never any disagreement between coaches about what was on the center of the floor. The administration decides what is on the floor. The coaches were not consulted and neither really cares. I know this because the coaches have told me this. Please do not spread such silly rumors. The coaches of the various programs at Wheelersburg pride themselves on working together for the betterment of all the programs. Otherwise, they would not have won 12 of the 16 available SOC championships a couple of years ago. Even this year when they are 'down' they should have 5-8 championships when all is said and done. That takes a dedicated coaching staff that is in the profession for the kids.

If I was guessing, the administration have added the W because some community people complained enough. (I personally could have cared less.) :-D

And one last note: Wheelersburg had approximately twice as many fans at the game last night as Waverly (I sit each half on a different end and get a really good perspective of the crowds) but the numbers were down for both. There was plenty of available seating on both sides and on the end once the band left for the night. It was packed on Saturday night on the Wheelersburg side to near standing room. With the weather not the best and being a Tuesday night game one would expect less of a crowd. But you are right in that if the records of the two teams were reversed, there would have been half as many Waverly people and twice as many Wheelersburg people and the gym would have been packed with Wheelersburg fans outnumbering Waverly 8-1 rather than 2-1. These kids are playing as hard as any team at Wheelersburg and deserves all the support they can get. Personally I drove 200 miles last night to be there. :razz:

BTW-Good Waverly on the rest of your season.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by soccerfix »

I really don't see what the gripe is about the Burg gym. The underbasket seating for the students is great. The wooden bleachers are the most comfortable seats of all the new gyms. Everybody has gone to the plastic concaved bleachers. Either my butt is too big or misshaped but they are not comfortable at all.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by smurray »

I agree, the new plastic concaved bleachers are TERRIBLE, and usually not enough space in between them. Those two things are about the only things I like about the Burg gym (underbasket seating and wooden bleachers). The floor is way too small and seating capacity way too little. It seems as though the scorers table and spot for radio crews was an after thought.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by bookem13 »


If you'll read my post, you will see I clearly acknowledged it as a rumor, and frankly, I don't care either...no matter what side of the gym I'm sitting on. :)

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by rxburgfan »

good win by the tigers. if they had a point guard that could handle the ball they would be really tough. stegman has become a non factor scoring. 8 against northwest 6 against the tigers. you need more consistancy from a "high school" big man. bendolph is only one keeping burg close. starting to see consistancy from him.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

If you notice, there are always alot of empty seats in the reserve section and my theory on that is that they are still selling them to the same people year in and year out and those people no longer attend the games, but still yet they keep sellign them the tickets. Sure, they are geting the money for the seats but they are losing out on concession sells, program sells and split the pot sells.

I just don't understand the logic behind this. The problem I have with that is that you have parents of some of the players who can't get reserved seats and if they get there late for a big game, they might not have a seat in which to watch the kid play. I think they need to have a section that fluctuates year to year in that it is a section for parents of the players. When your child graduates or leaves the school, you have to give up your seats to the next set of parents coming in. This assures those parents of a seat every home game. Quit selling them to "Joe Blow" just because he did this or that 20 years ago.

Like was said earlier, this is the worst gym in the SOCII. I do like the student section, that is a nice touch. If you notice, the end of the bleachers on both sides down toward the lockerrooms run behind the basket. Kind of hard to watch the game on that end when you are sitting behind the basket. I know, the state don't allow the bigger gyms anymore, but from I heard, everytime something needed to be cut on the building, it was in the gym.

Plus what people don't realize and I know I've said it before, sure it holds a few more people than the old gym, but those few more people are on the visitors side. All they did was increased the visitors side and took away from the home side and it has shown in the attendance at the games. If you don't get there early and you don't have a reserved seat, you probably aren't going to be sitting down. People attend one game, recognized this and don't go back. I still think they need make one side of the vistors section home seating also. The section that is closets to the student section. Don't give me that crap that you cant have the home people sitting next to the visitors section. It was like that in the old gym for 50 years and there was hardly ever any problems. It is the only way that they are going to get the attendance back up to where it was. Sure the team is down a little this year, but of you don't have a place to sit and you know it is going to be difficult to find a seat, would you go?????

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by smurray »

RxBurgFan thinks Waverly needs a point guard who can handle the ball. That one is hilarious!

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by hoop22 »

To say, people are not going because of the seating or the "W" on the floor is silly at best.If they were winning people would flock to the courts outside on the blacktop to watch them play. I would go to watch them play portions of the people in the Cheerblock.

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Re: Waverly @ Burg 1/26

Post by bball_53 »

Either you are blind & or dumb, read this forum & you will see that Waverly has one of the best PG in the comp. Speak to your mate Bendolph, he asked to be taken of Waverly's PG in the first game, he could not stop him.

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