TVC-Ohio POY???

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TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Orange and Brown »

Well the season is winding down. Who do you all think should be POY in the Ohio? :122245

Lets try to be nice!

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Viking Pride »

Tori Dixon of Vinton County...Has school record in 3's in season, 3's in career, assists for career (as shooting guard). Has seen the toughest defenses in every game she has played. May not always lead in points, but check the assist column. The definition of a team player.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Orange and Brown »

Viking Pride wrote:Tori Dixon of Vinton County...Has school record in 3's in season, 3's in career, assists for career (as shooting guard). Has seen the toughest defenses in every game she has played. May not always lead in points, but check the assist column. The definition of a team player.

That young lady is very good. I have enjoyed watching her play. She plays well on both ends. :122245

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Orange and Brown »

Maria Martinez is a very good player. She has really stepped up for the lady Buckeyes this year.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by ervbaseball13 »

How are you voting? Is it the senior for her career or what any of the girls have done this yr? If its for this yr, I don't see how you can give it to the Dixon girl. She is a really nice player but against Athens she was held to 4 or 5 pts total(3 or 4 in the first game and 1 in the second) , and against Alexander she only had 11 total pts in both games( 7 in the first and 4 in the second). As far as the Martinez girl goes, didn't she sit out half the season? I don't think there is a clear cut front runner but I think I would have to go with one of the girls from Alexander.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I said this on another thread but it is more apropos to be here.

I will say this and some of you will think that I am nuts, crazy, or wacky, (just as long as you do not think I am stupid), but Tori Dixon should be TVC-Ohio Player of the Year. I have seen every girls team in the TVC-Ohio this season and there is no other girl that has faced more junk defenses, or have been game planned around constantly, and generally accounted for on every trip up and down the floor than Tori. And as frustrating it may be, she has never complained, I have said it before and I will say it again, while others around her have faltered and left for their own selfishness, she has remain positive and went out and played and more importantly, competed. How can you NOT give it to her?

As far as her totals, she is still averaging 16 points a game. She had 36 against Nelsonville-York and 28 against Belpre and several other impressive totals. Going into tonight's game she has 1224 points, scoring the last 600 without a "Scottie Pippen" with some help there is no telling what she could have done.

She also the record for most threes in a game, (8), she had done it twice, both on the road, in back to back games, at Rock Hill and at Belpre her sophomore year.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by ervbaseball13 »

The Dixon girl is a nice player. As far as the defense she faced I think i read Athens ran a box and one on her for one of those junk D's you talked about and as for another junk D Alexander ran was a straight up man to man. Those girls from Alex all get after it on the defensive end of the floor. The offense comes from someone different almost every night so I don't think there is a clear cut front runner but one of those girls at Alex should get it.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 93Bulldog »

SCORES & STANDINGS ARE ALL UPDATED ON after Monday's games (Febuary 1st)

- My thoughts on the Ohio player of the year ... Uh ... Might have to get back to ya on that one O & B .... Very tough to call right now IMO, its like a mixed bag of Potato Chips - there all good and picking a best one seems almost impossible.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by zerotosixtynforty »

imo looks like ur favorites on here are the ones who scores the most, how about shooting percentage for the year also be listed with points scored? would be interesting to see if their shooting percentage is high or low, how bout considering double doubles for the year, or triple doubles for the season, usually when u shoot the most u score the most, of course headlines doesn't give shooting percentages, turnovers, assists, steals, rebounds, ultimately the team that scores the most wins,.,.,.,.just wondering. . . .but those listed in prior posts are very talented young deserving ladies and all have a vote for POY

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

ervbaseball13 wrote:The Dixon girl is a nice player. As far as the defense she faced I think i read Athens ran a box and one on her for one of those junk D's you talked about and as for another junk D Alexander ran was a straight up man to man. Those girls from Alex all get after it on the defensive end of the floor. The offense comes from someone different almost every night so I don't think there is a clear cut front runner but one of those girls at Alex should get it.

Alexander did not run a "Straight Man." (I was at all four games, Athens and Alexander twice). What they did run was a man defense slash box-and-one hybrid, the person guarding Dixon face guarded her, that is complete one hundred percent deny no matter where Dixon was on the floor or where the ball was in relationship to Dixon. The other four played straight up man. This is a junk defense in my opinion. The difference between Alexander and Athens game plan was the difference in personal, Athens had maybe one or two girls that could guard Dixon, and I am just speculating and given their height, zone is better suited for the Lady Bulldogs. Alexander, on the other hand, is smaller and a lot more athletic and they are accustomed to playing man-to-man and they can send three or four girls at Dixon.

By the way Dixon had 22 points last night against Belpre and she dished out 6 assists.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Spartan »

Tori is probably the best player in the league. And I use the word proabably only to be pc.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Orange and Brown »

ervbaseball13 wrote:How are you voting? Is it the senior for her career or what any of the girls have done this yr? If its for this yr, I don't see how you can give it to the Dixon girl. She is a really nice player but against Athens she was held to 4 or 5 pts total(3 or 4 in the first game and 1 in the second) , and against Alexander she only had 11 total pts in both games( 7 in the first and 4 in the second). As far as the Martinez girl goes, didn't she sit out half the season? I don't think there is a clear cut front runner but I think I would have to go with one of the girls from Alexander.

How about we not argue against players. You are not going to change his mind. Tell us who you think should be POY and why its that simple.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 93Bulldog »

Good point O & B ...

No reason to hate on these girls - Its just an awkward year ... Alexander is such a "Team Oriented" group, Athens best player is perhaps Elena Lein - but she is only a soph - and Meigs hasn't really produced any stand out players this year. That basically leaves Dixon ...

If anyone remembers right, Alexander and Athens dominated the TVC-Ohio in volleyball, shared a league title, but the P.O.Y went to Allison Graves of Vinton ... Don't be shocked if the scenerio repeats itself in hoops.

BTW ... For those interested and use as a reference and a source of information - look over the entire site using the Navigation/Menu bar (and team pages) and let me know if I am missing anything or have something wrong ... I am really trying to upgrade the site and adding stuff almost dailey ... Check it out and I am always game for any suggestions, ideas or corrections that need made. THANKS!


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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by ervbaseball13 »

I want to say sorry if my earlier post came off as hating on any of the girls. That is not my intentions at all. The Martinez girl and Dixon girl are both good players. Like I said earlier though I think there is no real front runner for this award. Alexander can't go wrong with who ever they see fit to put up for this award. Good luck to all the girls nominated for POY and I'm sure you will be very deserving.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 93Bulldog »

HAWKEYE ... what your saying is that Alex & Athens played a 'MAN-TO-MAN DEFENSE/BOX-IN-ONE' against Vinton (and its a junk defense per say) because the girls guarding Tori "face guarded" her all game?

I don't know about that man ... Whenever a coach tells a kid before the game "hey, you got to guard their best player, stick to her/him like gum-on-a-shoe." that kid usually responds with overly aggressive defense all night - and is told to stick to her, deny the ball, do whatever it takes.

That is absolutly not a junk defense - that is one player doing their best to 'step up their game' and take out the other teams best player ... I mean, that is almost an every game scenerio/strategy with any team and coach ... Its not a junk defense, its man-to-man with one teams best defender knowing he/she has to go-over-the-top defensively to stop the opponents star player ... If anything, its a compliment to Tori (and shes not the only player around who has to deal with it and keep playing) ... Whitney Smith delt with it last year, or how about Ellena Lein having to face a 2-3 zone all night!!! That girl has to score over 2 defenders - and sometimes 3 - just to earn a bucket sometimes ... My gosh, I am willing to bet her and other good post players/centers would absolutly love to have 1 girl guarding them - no matter if it included face-guarding, fouling or tugging on their jerseys all night its still just one player, and not an entire 3-man zone gurading the lane with a 'cat quick' guard sliding down in front of them every possession.

I interviewed coach Guthrie after the Vinton game in McArthur, I sat at the scorers table all night next to Randy Dillenger at the end (which actually put me in the seat next to Courtney, or sometimes a Vinton player waiting to go back into the game) ... but anyway, Guthrie said during his interview (when I asked about the strategy to contain Dixon) that he challenged Whitney Daugherty before the game 'to guard Dixon and try an keep her from scoring' ... I asked if it was part of his game plan heading in to focus on Dixon? He replied "Well, we knew heading into tonights game that Dixon is an outstanding player and one of the best pure shooters in the league. We knew we were going to have to play good, hard nosed defense if we wanted to have a chance to win the game. Daugherty actually approached me before the game and said she wanted to guard her and I said o.k."

"I guess it ended up working out pretty good," added Guthrie. "Whitney (Daugherty) did just an outstanding job for us all night, I believe she held Dixon to just two field goals and four points. Actually, I don't think she made a field goal until the second half. I think our full court pressure really got them and our man-to-man defense in the half court was great all night except for late in the fourth there."

GUTHRIE ADDED MORE QUOTES LATER ON IN THE ARTICLE AND TALKED MORE ABOUT HIS DEFENSE: THE KEY PHRASE THOUGH WAS 'MAN-TO-MAN' IN THE HALF COURT ... And he made it clear when I was talking to him that Whitney wanted to guard Dixon, and she was basically the only person guarding her all game unless she was on the bench.

That was not a case of a team playing any kind of junk defense what so ever ... that was a team - or very good defensive team actually - that plays a ton of man-to-man and applies a lot of full court pressure and are confident as they do it ... Alexander has been that way for the last what, 5 years now? They didn't box-and-one Tori, or play a zone or any combination of man/box1 ... they beat Vinton County with the full court press, forced 21 turnovers and with Daugherty sticking to Dixon and holding her to 4 pts - while the other 4 players stuck to their player (in the man-to-man defense.)

Its the price for everyone knowing that your a good player - you draw the other teams best defender and their always out to get ya! Plain and simple. Like I said, its really a compliment to Tori for teams to always put their best defender on her.

Against Athens the first time: I covered that one too ... Dixon had 0 field goals and was 1-for-2 from the line for 1 point ... in the rematch in McArthur, the write-up in the Messenger said she had 0 field goals and was 2-for-2 from the line for 2 pts. First game versus Alex = 4 pts ... in the rematch she made three field goals for 7 points ... A total of 14 points scored in four games versus the best team (Alexander) and Athens, which is in the mix with Meigs, VC and even NY for the second best. team. But when its all said and done, I just can't think of anyone else who might win P.O.Y this year ... If Dixon did good against Wellston, Belpre, Meigs, NY - then she will probably get it ... Alex is too much a 5-man-team with no real superstar, Athens has a sophomore leading their team and uh.... well, there is none really. I thought Shelly Bailey (Meigs) before the season, but she dropped off the face of the earth as did her teamate Morgan Howard. Martizez (NY) is a good solid player and so is Cox, but not overwhelming and deserving of P.O.Y honors ... if they won the league, yes. But not at 7-10 overall and 4-5 in the TVC-Ohio.

Im still guessing Dixon wins it; the only real sleeper would be Morgan Grinstead (Alexander) ... she runs the point, she is the Spartans faciltator ... she passes well, she can shoot the three, plays good defense and is consistent from the line. I believe she ended up 11-for-15 from the charity stripe in the 1st game versus Vinton and led all scorers with 20 points, 8 rebounds and five steals ... that's one heckuva of a night for a 16 year old girl. But she is a junior and may not even be nominated. It could end up Daugherty (Alex), Dixon (VC), Lein (AThens) & Grinstead (Alex) as the top 4 candidates ... or I may be completely wrong, who knows.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Kenny Bixx »

Dixon girl hands down. i went to school with grandmother they are good people. bull dog go back to wear you came from, loser. quit putting the viking kids down.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 93Bulldog »

Go back to where I am from? I'm already there chief, been here on-and-off for about 33 years now ...

If you can't take simple facts that are brought to the surface, then maybe sports isn't for you ... I was absolutly not hating on any Vinton kids, the thread stated who wins TVC-Ohio P.O.Y ... My post could be considered 'insight', 'analysis', 'facts', 'a game breakdown' ... etc...etc... That is what a SPORTS FORUM is for ... to talk about and debate anything that has to do with sports in Southeastern Ohio - Hence S.E.O.P.S.

THE CHEERLEADING, GRANDSTANDING, STUPID REMARKS, ETC...ETC... GETS OLD ... TRY MAKING A VALUABLE STATEMENT OR ADD SOME WORTHWILE INFORMATION ... Its great you went to school with her grandma, I am sure they are great people (almost all folks in Southeastern Ohio are) ... Now try giving a reason why Dixon should win the award, a real reason and not just a simplified oppinion.


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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

In all fairness, 93, you can hide behind your journalistic credo, but I had taken it that you have been adversarial in your retort to my opinion why Dixon should win the award. I have stated my thoughts and reasons articulately, but yet, because they differ from yours, I am wrong. Dixon is the best player in the league, unfortunately for her, her supporting cast as not contributed as a coach may wish. And every other coach in this league knows this, you stop Dixon, you stop the Vikings. As you said, Coach Guthrie said just as much. Now we can argue the philosophies of what junk defenses are or are not, but I will say this, I have been around or coached the game for 25 plus years, and I know a lot of coaches and they say that if it is not Man-to-Man (trapping or straight up) or zone whether it is a true zone or a match-up zone, then it is "junk." Some older coaches think zones like a 3-2 or 1-3-1 is junk. And that could be the problem, maybe it is a matter of generational communication.

Just because you do not agree with Kenny Bixx (and he is more than moronic), does not give you the right to warn him. I hope that because I do not agree with you, that I do not get warned either.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 93Bulldog »

Kenny Bixx wrote:Dixon girl hands down. i went to school with grandmother they are good people. bull dog go back to wear you came from, loser. quit putting the viking kids down.

That statement does not warrant a warning Hawkeye? Calling anyone, let alone a moderator, a 'loser' and to go back where he/she is from. Im sorry man, but a statement like - I don't care if it was from my own mother - deserves a 'warning.'

Also - I am not hiding behind anything ... I only wanted to show that I was at the game and seen with my own eyes what transpired ... I wasn't trying to put Tori Dixon down by any means, I really like the girl as a player ... I did a game last year in Nelsonville where she shot the lights out (but Kline did too while breaking the school record for points in a game) so Tori kind of overlooked.

My post was just a statement of facts about a couple of games this year: and to dispute a claim about a player playing overly aggressvie defense means its a 'junk defense.' ... I didn't say you were 'wrong' about a lot of things you said - and I don't remember saying I was right either. I just wanted to make a point on what "I" "think" is true and that's: A kid playing his/her butt off to shut down an opposing player all game is by no means a junk defense ... It's a great effort and shows determination by the player willing to do it on the defensive end ... No more, no less.

If you watch a lot of boys games in Vinton: Levi Lawhead does it all the time ... He playes outstanding defense, always is right there on his man - denying passes, shaddowing the player at all times ... its the same thing. A hard-nosed man-to-man defense (which Vinton does very well) and Combs probably tells Levi to stick to that one guy and do whatever it takes to keep him from beating them.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Again, no. Levi plays according to what the defense is called. Coach Combs has straight up man, but that means that if the ball is away from Levi, then Levi is to be at the mid-line in help defense. So he would not be necessarily in the face of his opponent 100% of the time. Unless, there is a different defense called.

I am done with this.


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