just a thought

GoBigRed wrote:Sneaky1 is there a reason you intentionally removed Josh Arey from your list of greats? Not even an honorable mention in your list of, "memorable mediocres"???
GoBigRed wrote:Simply found it interesting that he was the only player from that list you didn't mention. Just checkin' ;)
GoBigRed wrote:Actually mattchristopher said SOME were in a certain order. And yes you took Brett Justice and Josh Arey out? lol sounds like some bad blood to me.
sneaky1 wrote:I just heard on the radio that tonights game against manchester was cancelled. Bummer...was looking forward to seeing both "bods" back on the bench! Now what is a girl supposed to do? I reckon I could go rent a Brad Pitt movie, but it won't be the same.
I am going with co-POY this year....Andrew Seaman and Blake Justice.
dunkfest34 wrote:im not trying to take anything away from seaman..he has had a very nice year this year and has had some real good games..i havent been able to see all of peebles games but have made it to most of them. i am constantly reading on here how seaman does so much more than justice and how he is such a great defensive player? the only disagreement i have is that according to max preps seaman only has around 8 more rebounds than justice and in the games i have seen his D wasnt amazing...he gave up 30+ to maxwell at the convo and hasnt really shut any1 down all year...except for the cox kid...(but he also had tons of help that game from justice on the backside which forced fairfields gaurds to not want to throw it in there and also help from countryman, stephens, arey and so on with all the ball pressure they put on the gaurds to not allow easy passes)...now as for justice..he has the other teams best player on him every game...even bad teams go into the game wanting to shut him down. as far as defense goes he has done a very good job in a couple of games (NA) and also gives a nice presence underneath with backside help...like i said both players are fun to watch and deserve to be mentioned in this blog..however im goin to have to look at justice in this one knowing he's done what hes done with the best defensive player on him since his freshman year...but this takes nothing away from seaman hes a very nice player and has done a nice job this year!
luvit wrote:as far as playing both ends of the court and never quitting....i'd have to go with seaman
dunkfest34 wrote:i agree both are nice players...seaman does work hard and justice is a very impressive player any1 who can put up 29 in one half has some talent...i just half to go with justice in this because of the fact that he faces the other teams best player and is the main guy teams focus on! that in its own is a challenge every night