good job indians

indian5674 wrote:I dont see how this is even a debate, seaman is hands down the poy. He plays both ends of the floor every night and never takes a posession off! I think he makes justice better with his penetration and passing ability. you can put seaman right up there with any player from peebles and the way it looks probably at the top of the list!
indian5674 wrote:Lol. Dont think so jimmy, just call them how i see em
jchitwood wrote:indian5674 wrote:Lol. Dont think so jimmy, just call them how i see em
I love it when people know my avatar's first name even though it's not part of the screen name.
luvit wrote:or maybe tribemaniac or mattc. or rooster
PHS09 wrote:Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth. Both Blake and Andrew live and breathe basketball and have since they were kids. I think that their presence on the court together makes both of them better, and if you plan on shutting down one of them, they are both unselfish enough to let the other have a big game. Maturity, and the understanding and buy-in to the "team' concept. Isn't it funny that the teams that always achieve to the higher levels work as a team, yet the individual stats don't suffer?
Now, best all-around player of the 2? Offensively, Blake. He draws every teams best defender and double teams that allow Andrew to get open at times. Defensively, Andrew. His quickness, feet movement, positoning, and understanding of ball movement is superb....not to mention that he plays defense this way the whole letdowns. Clutch? Hard to say...both have game winning baskets several times in their careers. The ball in either ones hands at the end of a game is a positive. Passion for the game? Both have it though Andrew's shows more because it is visible to the crowd. Blake has it inwardly and its not in his personality to show alot of emotion...which is not a bad thing. You need both, and they compliment one another in this area. The only tie breaker at this point is mental toughness....when the chips are down and you know you are going to lose....something we haven't experienced this year. In the past...this would go to Andrew, but Blake has matured. To me, the true mark of a player's greatness is how he plays when all hope appears to be gone for victory. All of us have seen teams down in the district or regionals sometimes by 10-18 points in the 4th quarter...yet come back and never give up. I am always reminded of Grantland Rice's comment in this area. He said, "When the one Great Scorer comes to write against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game." My hope is that we have a great run this year, and this topic can be argued for years and years with Peebles fans! My choice....I will say this. If I were putting a team together from any era in Peebles basketball, I would want both of them on it.
PHS09 wrote:Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth. Both Blake and Andrew live and breathe basketball and have since they were kids. I think that their presence on the court together makes both of them better, and if you plan on shutting down one of them, they are both unselfish enough to let the other have a big game. Maturity, and the understanding and buy-in to the "team' concept. Isn't it funny that the teams that always achieve to the higher levels work as a team, yet the individual stats don't suffer?
Now, best all-around player of the 2? Offensively, Blake. He draws every teams best defender and double teams that allow Andrew to get open at times. Defensively, Andrew. His quickness, feet movement, positoning, and understanding of ball movement is superb....not to mention that he plays defense this way the whole letdowns. Clutch? Hard to say...both have game winning baskets several times in their careers. The ball in either ones hands at the end of a game is a positive. Passion for the game? Both have it though Andrew's shows more because it is visible to the crowd. Blake has it inwardly and its not in his personality to show alot of emotion...which is not a bad thing. You need both, and they compliment one another in this area. The only tie breaker at this point is mental toughness....when the chips are down and you know you are going to lose....something we haven't experienced this year. In the past...this would go to Andrew, but Blake has matured. To me, the true mark of a player's greatness is how he plays when all hope appears to be gone for victory. All of us have seen teams down in the district or regionals sometimes by 10-18 points in the 4th quarter...yet come back and never give up. I am always reminded of Grantland Rice's comment in this area. He said, "When the one Great Scorer comes to write against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game." My hope is that we have a great run this year, and this topic can be argued for years and years with Peebles fans! My choice....I will say this. If I were putting a team together from any era in Peebles basketball, I would want both of them on it.
PHS09 wrote:Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth. Both Blake and Andrew live and breathe basketball and have since they were kids. I think that their presence on the court together makes both of them better, and if you plan on shutting down one of them, they are both unselfish enough to let the other have a big game. Maturity, and the understanding and buy-in to the "team' concept. Isn't it funny that the teams that always achieve to the higher levels work as a team, yet the individual stats don't suffer?
Now, best all-around player of the 2? Offensively, Blake. He draws every teams best defender and double teams that allow Andrew to get open at times. Defensively, Andrew. His quickness, feet movement, positoning, and understanding of ball movement is superb....not to mention that he plays defense this way the whole letdowns. Clutch? Hard to say...both have game winning baskets several times in their careers. The ball in either ones hands at the end of a game is a positive. Passion for the game? Both have it though Andrew's shows more because it is visible to the crowd. Blake has it inwardly and its not in his personality to show alot of emotion...which is not a bad thing. You need both, and they compliment one another in this area. The only tie breaker at this point is mental toughness....when the chips are down and you know you are going to lose....something we haven't experienced this year. In the past...this would go to Andrew, but Blake has matured. To me, the true mark of a player's greatness is how he plays when all hope appears to be gone for victory. All of us have seen teams down in the district or regionals sometimes by 10-18 points in the 4th quarter...yet come back and never give up. I am always reminded of Grantland Rice's comment in this area. He said, "When the one Great Scorer comes to write against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game." My hope is that we have a great run this year, and this topic can be argued for years and years with Peebles fans! My choice....I will say this. If I were putting a team together from any era in Peebles basketball, I would want both of them on it.
lefty_49 wrote:-I think P.O.Y. should go to Justice without a doubt. With those numbers you cant really deny him.
-Seaman may be the heart of the team and put up great numbers, but it would be hard for anyone to put up greater numbers than Blake. He's a ball player.
-With that being said I think Blevins should be more in the mix than what he is. After seeing the stats jchitwood posted for him, well its hard to deny that he puts up big numbers consistantly.
-I'd also like to know the numbers Knabb from Eastern averages. I saw him play against Peebles and West Union, and he was pretty impressive.