SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by Trooper »

I'm from Waverly and embarrassed by some of posts from our fans. Stop whining! The refs didn't lose this game. Were there questionable calls? Sure, but on both ends, as there are in every game. Waverly only scored 13 points in the second half. That's not going to get it done at the district level.

Give Logan Elm credit. They made their adjustments at halftime and that was the difference in the game. Congratulations and good luck next week.

Congratulations to Waverly on a successful season. I will be looking forward to watching them next year.

Tone it down. I think you like to read more of what you write on here than hear yourself talk on the mic...and I didn't think that was possible.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by reliob »

Waverlys best player is not a transfer from Paint Valley,because Martin never went to Paint

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by lostgeneral »

Who were the other officials with Mr. Jenkins?

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by hbk2016 »

Dave Stamm
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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by athens78 »

Stamm also did the Wheelersburg game yesterday. I was told he is the assigner for that league by a Belpre fan. If so then he should have switched games and did the Eastern Brown vs. Alexander game.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by TheDarkKnight »

Dissapointing loss for waverly.. No need to dwell on it though.. I have a hunch that they'll be back at the convo soon :mrgreen:

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by SickRick »

reliob wrote:Waverlys best player is not a transfer from Paint Valley,because Martin never went to Paint

I agree

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by Tigers24 »

Trooper wrote:I'm from Waverly and embarrassed by some of posts from our fans. Stop whining! The refs didn't lose this game. Were there questionable calls? Sure, but on both ends, as there are in every game. Waverly only scored 13 points in the second half. That's not going to get it done at the district level.

Give Logan Elm credit. They made their adjustments at halftime and that was the difference in the game. Congratulations and good luck next week.

Congratulations to Waverly on a successful season. I will be looking forward to watching them next year.

Tone it down. I think you like to read more of what you write on here than hear yourself talk on the mic...and I didn't think that was possible.


I am also an avid TIGER supporter, and I am sick and tired of hearing about the ref's, who got to play and who didn't, etc. We had the best season in the past 10 IMO. We need to take it for what it is and move on. We grew up a bit this season, but have a long way to go to be a district champion or better. Coach Robertson is doing our program well and I can see only good in our future. Please stop complaining and congratulate our young men on the season that was. I enjoyed all of the games that I attended, which for those who know who I am, know it was all but 3. Congrats to our TIGERS, This loss should be remembered as motivation for next season just as the McClain loss was this season. To our seniors, Derek Roback, Rheadon Remy, and Sam "Sammy J" Johnston, you will be missed but will never be forgotten. Although this chapter in your life is coming to a close, your entire life lies ahead of you. Good Luck to all of you in the future.


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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by smurray »

I haven't posted since Saturday at 5:38p.m. and below was my last post at that time. I don't recall bashing any fellow posters - thanks. I even recal saying L.E. was the better team. If you don't like my announcing take it up with the AD! :aaaaa1

Post subject: Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

We can hash it over and over and over again and each person is going to see it the way they saw it. It's done and we lost:

To the Waverly seniors (Derek Roback, Rheadon Remy, Kevin Malone, Sammy "J" Johnston) you guys are going to be missed very much next year. Each of you had huge roles on this team and it's been a pleasure watching you grow over the course of the season. Thanks for your leadership and a great, exciting season of basketball. You have been a part of resurrecting the Waverly Tiger basketball program. You guys were a part of something that hasn't been done since 2003 and that was win a sectional title.
To Harrison, Jake and Devin: You guys are going to be the ones everyone will be looking to, to lead this team next year. You guys will need to step up and be the experienced leaders. You guys have this year of expereince under your "belts" and it's a successful year. Work hard on your game this summer. Get in weight room and get stronger. Motivate and get the younger guys excited to work hard and get stronger.
To the rest of the team and younger guys, work your rear ends off this summer improving your game and don't take a day off. Live in the weight room to get bigger and stronger. Be a part of bringing Waverly Tiger basketball back to the top.

It's been fun being a part of this ride with you. I look forward to riding the Tiger train with you next year.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:38 pm

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by AndyDufresne »

Let's not get on the refs too bad; they allowed Waverly a lot of stuff too. I don't think the refs had much bias toward Waverly when they allowed a kid to carry on without calling a technical. They had to stop the game in back to back posessions to calm him down, and then it takes a teamate to put him in a headlock and had to stop the game to get him off the court. I realize a T is the last possible resort, but in that case I think one was deserved.

Waverly is lucky that Captain Technical, John Evans, wasn't doing the game. That kid would've been T'd up, kicked out, and the Captain probably would've tried to have charges filed against him! :mrgreen:

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by Tiger 71 »

Trooper wrote:I'm from Waverly and embarrassed by some of posts from our fans. Stop whining! The refs didn't lose this game. Were there questionable calls? Sure, but on both ends, as there are in every game. Waverly only scored 13 points in the second half. That's not going to get it done at the district level.

Give Logan Elm credit. They made their adjustments at halftime and that was the difference in the game. Congratulations and good luck next week.

Congratulations to Waverly on a successful season. I will be looking forward to watching them next year.

Tone it down. I think you like to read more of what you write on here than hear yourself talk on the mic...and I didn't think that was possible.

I am embarrassed that you would even pick on people for making comments. Have you ever heard of freedom of speech? I completely disagree with you. I am a true tiger, always have been and always will be. Go Tigers. 2010, fellow ball player back in the day, thanks for donating your time in all of our sport programs. Good Job, keep up your efforts and do not apologize.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by Tigereyez »

I do not think it is proper for a defender to hold on to a player's jersey. The ref called out the player for swatting at the defender's hand for holding on to him. The ref reprimanded the player twice by pointing his finger and shaking it at him. This does stop a player or team from playing his or their best by the adult getting in the kid's head. Coaches, players, teams and yes of course ref's can change the pace of a game. Fair is fair and I do believe in Karma.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by Eaglesnest »

Tournament play has been very physical this season. Logan Elm took advantage of what the refs allowed them to do. If this continues, the state final 4 will look more like football.

Congrats to Waverly on a good season.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by Tiger 71 »

hbk123 wrote:Logan Elm was the better team, no one is disputing that.

This issue has nothing to do with LE, the problem for the past few years has been with Chad Jenkins and the Waverly program. Whether he does a game in the waverly gym, OU or the playground. He has some beef with Waverly, he has done it as long as he has referee'd them. His mother teaches at Waverly, you would think he would at least be neutral! ha!

Problem isn't with the coaches, he has done this through many coaches over the years.

Anyone know what his beef with Waverly is?

The answer about the beef with Waverly. Chad Jenkins's father applied for the Waverly Basketball coaching position and was not hired. They packed up, left the Waverly School System and became a Jackson Ironman.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by smurray »

A little history lesson. :aaaaa47 Thanks for the info, Tiger71 and :aaaaa58 for having my back.

Looking forward to the 10/11 version of the Waverly Tigers! Basketball pride is returning to Hawhee's Palace. :aaaaa41

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by johndeere »

Is this the same official that took his clothes off in front of a female official-naked-and nothing was done??? There are a few of these guys/gals that are to big for the game-UNTOUCHABLE!!!!!!!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by CoyDuke »

To beat Logan Elm you better match their physical aggressiveness. I watched an under maned Vinton County team have a chance to beat LE because they didn't back down when rough play occurred. From what I saw on Friday, Waverly looked for the officials to bail them out rather than to "fight back." Waverly had just as strong a team as Logan Elm.

While this is true, there is also a real problem with the Southeast District as it pertains to how tournament games are being officiated. I watch just about every game at the Convo each year, and it seems like officials are letting it get out of control. This is still basketball, not rugby, yet some officials seem to think calling a good game is measured by how few fouls are called. Also, I don't know how many votes it takes to get district games, but I'm seeing some of these "old timers" that can't even make it up and down the floor continuing to get tournament games. The quality of officiating is better in the regular season than it is in tournament and it really should be vice versa.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by toast »

People enjoy coming to this site for a variety of reasons. One is to discuss how the officiating impacted the game. There is nothing wrong with that and it's not whining!

Most of the Waverly posters have given Logan Elm credit evident by several different compliments. Once again, they are the best team Waverly faced this season and I hope they return to state.

Waverly returns a strong nucleus of players next season and should be in the running for the league championship and hopefully another trip to the Convo and even beyond. Go Tigers!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

:122246 :122246 How many votes does it take to get a District game??? Even all of us who officiate don't know the answer to that!!! :? There is just a list of 120+ officials who are tournament eligible!!! How do they choose the ones, we don't know!!!!!!! :aaaaa17

Don't just take my word on this, please just as ANY official you know and see if they don't give you the same answer!!!!!! :?:

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Logan Elm vs. Waverly

Post by thundercat#1 »

I'm interested on how the kids that didn't play much for the Tigers this year to step up next year for the team.

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