Problems with games at the Convo

Riding the Bench
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Problems with games at the Convo

Post by ervbaseball13 »

OU is again not gonna pull the bleachers out taking the high school atmosphere away. They are gonna charge Pep buses $20 to park and charge everyone else $5. The gym will be cleared at the end of the girls games. I wonder if they are told to do this by the OHSSA or is OU being greedy again. Not to mention letting talented athletes get away from this area and play against them in the MAC when not very many of the programs at OU are any good anyway. Take for instance Butcher (Kent State), King (Akron),Cook (UC) and I could go on and may later. Imagine the money they would make at the gate just having those local kids around. I think they should keep these games at Waverly or find some place else. The atmosphere at Waverly is unreal, all the kids love playing there and as a fan I like it too.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by fulltilt »

Do you mean they are clearing the gym after each game ? Hate to say it but I would have to guess the players don't really care to have the chance to play at the convo means alot to them. No way is Waverly a better place to play. Now I do agree they never get the local talent and that is a joke.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by Black Panther »

For Girls D3 basketball Waverly is better.And in case no one has noticed, D3 wont be playing the regionals at Lancaster this year-which is another great atmosphere for Girls basketball.Just guess where they will be playing?That's right, the convo...
Last edited by Black Panther on Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by ervbaseball13 »

No they are not clearing in between every game but they are after the 4 girls games before the 1st boys game. I'm not sayin the kids don't like playin at OU but just all those other little things OU takes away from the game. Like, charging people to park and not pulling the bleachers out taking that High School atmosphere away from the game probably because they don't wanna clean up under those bleachers.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by ty.stephens »

The convo is a good experience for the kids but your right they should at least pull out the bleachers. It really does take the atmosphere away. The games are always more exciting at waverly.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by athens78 »

I've been to Waverly and what a great place to play.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by smurray »

The girls D3 District Championship atmoshpere at Waverly cannot be duplicated at the convo. I am sure girls love the opportunity of playing at the convo but the tournament atmosphere is no where near what it is at Waverly. Waverly runs a top notch tournament and for most of the title games in the past the "palace" has been packed. Great electric atmosphere.

OU is doing a diservice of not pulling out the lower bleachers and clearing the convo after the final girls game.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by pushinit »

Have to kind of agree with a few of those comments, It would definitely be nicer if they would pull out the bleachers. Having that much empty space around the court has sometimes seemed to throw off the players perception, and definitely makes the atmosphere a little off. I do like that OU is closer or more centrally located for some of the teams (especially TVC teams :122249 ) The recruiting issue is a sure strike against OU, I agree they'd get much more gate with some local talent, but I don't know if they're just not interested, or if the girls aren't, basketball for women there has been a little weak the past few years. I noticed that the Volleyball gate went up when Whitney Maiden played and she didn't even start. Lauren Raines has quite a following too, and she got some playing time as a freshman. Attendance for womens games at OU is pretty abismal. As far as having to pay for parking at a high school tournament, it sucks, but I don't know there's anything you can do about that. (You'd think OU was making enough money on the overpriced concessions!).

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by MightyOaksFan »

Here is my take on it, take it for what it is worth.

It was a long time coming for the girls to get the chance to play at the convo. If anyone every played in the last couple of decades or even being a fan in southeastern Ohio what is usually the goal: Get to the Convo. For the longest time that was not even an option for the girls. Last year having it at the Convo was a real treat for the girls, coaches and fans. I really don't think that should be taken away from the girls in the Southeast district.

I said all that to say this. As long as they have the regionals at the Convo then I would like to see the 2 games at Waverly. I am a little biased as far as that goes because Waverly is my favorite gym and always enjoy games there. You can't beat that atmosphere. I also don't know if the regionals are going to continue to be at the Convo or if it is going to be like the D4 boys where it switches every year between Lancaster and the Convo. Speaking of Lancaster, I love the atmosphere there as well and have had some amazing memories, but the facilities are not very good. The gym itself is dark, and does not seat enough. The restrooms can hold about 4 people at a time, they don;t have a great method or room for people to wait before their game and leave their game. And don't get me started on the locker rooms.

IMO, it should be district semis and finals at Waverly. Then have regional semis and regional finals at OU. Also pull the bleachers out especially for regional finals. For the regional semis game make sure that it is one ticket for both games which I am guessing that it will be this year.

In the end I don't think we should complain too much especially if we can keep the regionals in the southeast.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by Jughe@d »

They cut the nets down after each District Final game, right? Maybe the parking fee goes to buying new nets. ;-)

OU has charged $5.00 for parking for the boys tournament for quite a while now, so I'd assume this was the thought process. There are a few ways around this fee, but I wouldn't recommend parking in said spots unless you want the chance of being towed. I also don't recall any boys team bringing pep buses in the past 5 years, (please correct me if I'm wrong), but $20.00 is not bad for a bus.

I cannot explain why they do not pull out the bleachers other than the fact that only one side is bleacher seating, while the other side is individual padded seats. I'm not sure many people know this.

I also cannot explain why they are clearing the CONVO after the final girls game. As recent as last year, they hosted 6 games back-to-back without clearing the gym. I don't see why they couldn't do that this year as well. However, the original plan was to have all the boys games on Sunday, so that could also be a reason for the potential emptying of the arena.

Oh, and by the way, where did you get this information?

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by jottings »

Back in the 1980s, OU always pulled out the bleachers for boys games. Said the reason they stopped it because it avoided trouble with spectators. As long as our crew went there, never did see any problems on the floor.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by Gib25 »

I think the boys games are District games and the girls games are regionals. This is two separate tournaments. I work the pass gate for district administrators and coaches and I only work during the district games, not the regionals. They did not clear the gym after the first game tonight and will not clear the gym during the six boys games that are being played Saturday. On the 13th, the girls play the Regional final at 12. The gym will be cleared and then the District boys finals can be seen for one admission. Probably a pretty good deal if you want to watch alot of basketball.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by slamdunk »

Wrong! The Girls games on Saturday are District Final games! So I guess we can try another excuse!

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by ervbaseball13 »

Waverly nor Lancaster charge you to park and to charge a pep bus. C'mon man. I'm sure schools in this economy are gonna wanna send a pep bus up and pay $20 more than they already have in the trip. Let these schools keep that money. All this will do is take more of the atmosphere away from the game because some of these schools might say the heck with it meaning less people (students) to come to the games. The bleachers are always talked about this time of the year, I know it won't change but IMO it takes away so much about the game. As far as telling you my source, NO WAY but its an inside source;) 64 the girls games Saturday are District Final Games. 4 games are girls and 2 are boys. The gym will be cleared after the 4th girls game. Kinda curious to see this work with so little time inbetween the last girls game and the first boys game.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by Pol pot »

OK, so let me get this straight, on Saturday you are getting 4 games for $6.00 ($1.50) a game and you ar bitching about the cost because you are not getting 6 games for $.80 a game! You are not serious?

You also need a check in reality and real world. OU does NOT set prices on tickets, nor do they set the schedule of these games. Also a news flash, OU does not control if the bleachers are pulled out or not! OU does not get the gate, they simply rent the facility the group who rents the facility is the one who sets prices and makes most of the policies regarding rules and regulations. And before you go off on the OHSAA check their website, read the rules and regs and see who really runs the District Tournaments.

As for Waverly, it is a great place, but do you really think you are watching three, four, six games on one ticket? They run split sessions on many sectional games.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by Pol pot »

Hmmmmm, let us try a little logic with the clearing of the gym between the girls and the boys.

THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT TOURNAMENTS! Hence two sets of financials, income reciepts, expenses. How would you keep the books straight, where and how would you split the gate?

As for parking, OU has charged $5.00 for 20 years+ without an increase in fee. Follow your team to the Cow Palace and drop $20 to park and then tell me how much you like $5.00

You talk about how much OU makes, you act like OU is taking the gate money, but you have no clue of the facts.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by ervbaseball13 »

First off you need to back off on your language and tone partner unless you wanna come out from behind your screen name. You could had said that stuff without being so disrespectful, I don't talk to people that way and you won't talk to me that way. I do know OU doesn't set the prices and they don't get the gate. Thats not my grip. OU charging the pep bus is my biggest grip. Who makes the call about the bleachers if its not OU? So since you know so much are you gonna say OU doesn't get the parking, concession and not to mention the money from the group that rented the facility? As far as them clearing the gym, I think if they don't clear the gym they have more people stick around and have a better atmosphere. JMO. If you wanna have an opinion thats cool but don't bad mouth me about mine pol pot.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo


gahs4ever wrote:The restrooms are first class in the Convo, the hospitality room is super, parking for the most part is very close to the Convo; making for short walks, and the seats are the most comfortable Ive sat in in any facility; especially the Schott.

All in all, a great tournament experience, and the ticket prices per game are half or less than what regular season game tickets cost at any high school.

What negative could there possibly be, other than the high price of concessions, but even there, have you ever tried to eat at the Schott?

Yeah, compare the concessions at the Schott and the Barn in Columbus and they are vastly different than the Convo. You will spend half as much for the same amount of food and drinks in Athens than you will in C-bus. Also, the seating is a heck of a lot more comfortable as stated above.

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by 300 »

Not sure what the parking price or the concessions at the Schott or the Barn in Columbus have to do with the Convo but the reality is that most fans won't ever know. I agree the convo is a great place to watch games. The comfort there is amazing for the casual fan who wants to sit and watch b ball all day long. I do think however that OU does try to gouge people on parking and concessions. I took my family of four to watch Eastern last night. That was a close and exciting game that if played at Waverly would have been amazing not to mention the fact that it cost me 50 bucks! $5 to park, $24 for tickets (4 of us) 2 pepsi's $6 2 water's $6 and 3 popcorn's $9 for a total of $50. I know we did not need to buy the popcorn and drinks but it's kind of a "family ritual" at high school games for us. That same amount of snacks would have cost $6.25 at my high school. I am not broke or poor because of this but it does seem a little bit much to me. This is Southeastern Ohio not Columbus!

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Re: Problems with games at the Convo

Post by mister b »

Waverly does a great job. Have been there before for the girl's games and it has been electric.

I have also been to Lancaster for the girl's regional games and they do a great job too. It is great to see so many folks fired up for girls basketball at these to places.

While I think the Convo is probably the best place in Ohio for view basketball from, it does take away from the atmosphere of the game from the casual fan standpoint. If your team is not playing or the game is a blowout, the atmosphere can be less than electric at times.

The only problem with prices that I have at the Convo is for parking. I can remember the cost only being $2 some years ago. I don't begrudge OU making some money off the games, I am sure the rental of the Convo to the OHSAA includes some profit, but the $5 parking is a little much for the fan who only is there to watch 1 game that their team is playing. $5 isn't much divided over 3 or 4 games but if you stay all day you will notice that the vast majority of the folks stay for about 6 quarters of basketball, 4 for their game they came to see their school play and about 1 quarter each for the game before and after.

The one great thing about the Convo is that they have room and excellent seats. They don't clear the place after every game and you can come and go if you like. No worry if you go to the restroom that your seat will be gone.

As for no bleacher seating, I moved past that years ago.

On a scale of 1-10 I give the Convo a solid 9 as a place to view a basketball game from and give the SEODAB major props for the way they run their parts of the tourney.

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