Best coah in the SHL

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Best coah in the SHL

Post by shag »

I think t best coaches are Mr. Moore and Ms. Zenzer from peebles hgh school

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by davewottle »

Notrh Adams has dominated boys HS. I don't know who caoch's Fairfield MS Boys but they are undefeated in D3 and the SHL the last (2) years

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by Ironman92 »

Ray Friend of Fairfield does a great job. Rodney Beighley of North Adams has good teams every year and does a great job. John Kirchner of Ripley does a nice job and the coaches of Eastern always do a fine job.

.....but man that coach at Whiteoak is easily the best looking! lol

The league has good coaches all around.

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by ironmen1987 »

Whiteoak must've replaced their coach after last season and i haven't met the new one yet.... :122245 :122245

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by davewottle »

Fairfield did not have a female runner at SHL and DNF in the boys. Top runner 19:40.

North Adams boys were tops

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by Ironman92 »

Yes, again NA dominated the boy's side of XC in the SHL.....and yes the stats on Fairfield are correct from last year, but in his 8 or so years Coach Friend has had several high finishes in the SHL final standings at a school that never had high finishes. Friend has had his regional appearances and a runner of so make it to the state meet.

Talent sure helps make a great coach. If you didn't think Friend was a good coach last year becasue his top boy was 19:40.....well he'll be a lot better coach this coming season.

My girls' team made the first regional appearance in school history last season but my top boy was also around where does that put me? It puts me as a coach that had 4 talented girls to carry the load and several boys who were just great kids participating in XC....but not great at XC.

The reasons coaches don't have enough runners are endless. I believe that any coach that gets the most kids out that they could and gets them to their highest level at the most important time is a great coach.

North Adams caoch Beighle has the best program going right now and I imagine it will continue strong as long as he coaches. He does a fine job with the boys and girls. His wife also did a fine job duing her time. Kirschner for Ripley led his girls to an upset win over Peebles in the league meet. Both of those teams had some very good runners.

Manchester had a good program this year...why is there coach not mentioned? They haven't had much for years. IMO that is a sign of a good coach.

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by wangyantao »

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by davewottle »

Southern Hills League will be interesting this fall

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by Track07 »

What do you mean by interesting?

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Re: Best coah in the SHL

Post by davewottle »

competitive league with all the great coaching and runners

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