Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by sparky »

where will the regional final be played? could be an interesting factor for which team has to travel to the other site. big difference between the convo and the barn.

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16


sparky wrote:where will the regional final be played? could be an interesting factor for which team has to travel to the other site. big difference between the convo and the barn.


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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Eagle82 »

Good luck to Manchester. Newark Catholic to win easily, now that is a surprise. :roll:

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by d-5 »

Manchester by 15 ;-)

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Ironman92 »

I recall the last time an SHl team defeated Eastern Meigs @ the Convo.....that team went on to the regionals...won their first game and then had the extreme disadvantage of playing the loaded Fisher Catholic team who just won theri regional semi by around 30.

.....but the SHL team prevailed again and onto the Final 4

I think sparky was at most of those that correct or is my comparison way off base?

Seems like Oak Hill heard these exact words last'd they end up?

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16


[quote="Ironman92"]I recall the last time an SHl team defeated Eastern Meigs @ the Convo.....that team went on to the regionals...won their first game and then had the extreme disadvantage of playing the loaded Fisher Catholic team who just won theri regional semi by around 30.

.....but the SHL team prevailed again and onto the Final 4

I think sparky was at most of those that correct or is my comparison way off base?

Seems like Oak Hill heard these exact words last'd they end up?[/quote

Fisher Catholic has never been a good basketball school ( I don't remember them ever being loaded) and Oak Hill had one of their closest and most hard fought games with Newark Catholic last year in Athens before winning the state title. NC had their nucleus returning this year and have the talent to win their first basketball title. They'll probably win the baseball title again this year also as they have about everyone returning and next fall they've got a boat load of talent to work with in football to contend for another state title there also. All I know is that it must be nice to go from sport to sport and the biggest conversation topic is about which sport you won't be competitive enough in to at least challenge for a state title !!!!!

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Pol pot »

Ironman92 wrote:going from 15 to 5 was simply just a stretch in the game.....overall they finished the win by 10

I understand that but the implication is that teams will come all the way back and beat you if you let them stay in the game in the middle of the 4th quarter after you had a 15 point lead in the 3rd.

Manchesters style of play is not real conducive to holding leads in tight ballgames, they will have to force the issue against TOL.

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16


Pol Pot wrote:
Ironman92 wrote:going from 15 to 5 was simply just a stretch in the game.....overall they finished the win by 10

I understand that but the implication is that teams will come all the way back and beat you if you let them stay in the game in the middle of the 4th quarter after you had a 15 point lead in the 3rd.

Manchesters style of play is not real conducive to holding leads in tight ballgames, they will have to force the issue against TOL.

That's what I am thinking and it (style) could backfire !!!!!

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Good Luck Manchester........

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Regionalchamps2011 »

i hate to get on here and bash our coach, but i just dont understand him sometimes...we ( manchester ) had a good lead-18,19 or so ? near the end of the 3rd quarter and he put 2 kids out on the court that never play, and pretty much had a 4 guard lineup...what happens? southern gets a few buckets and some confidence and slowly start to creep pback into the whole thing is, i played high school basketball when i was 15-18 yrs old and i NEVER got tired theres no reason to EVER have combs,hanson,blevins and ricketts sitting the bench "resting" at the same time.....with that being said go hounds, tough game tuesday, could of been worse ( harvest prep lost ) and hopefully coach lockhart reads this

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by noreply66 »

sometimes a coach will do this for different reason then just rest

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Buckeye-4-Life »

Who in the heck is the Tree of Life? Is that really a school? Is this another BB prep school?

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by moose »

Tree of Life. Playing on 3:16

This could be an omen.

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by trojandave »

Good luck Manchester........the Greyhounds have already beaten some very good teams, so this game is winnable if MHS brings their best game.

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by houndsfan3015 »

good luck greyhounds and keep the winning streak going. knowone wants to go home yet so lets keep riding this all the way to the end! hounds by 3!


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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by houndsfan3015 »

does anyone have tree of lifes roster and schedule?

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by homeless_camel »

This is from a newspaper article in December...

Tree of Life is led by 6-foot-4 senior forward Bryan Redic, who scored a game-high 25 points in a 64-57 win over Delaware Christian last Friday. Last season, he was named first-team all-MOCAL, all-district, as well as special mention all-state.

Also back are junior point guard Nick Levin, who was honorable mention all-MOCAL last season, and 5-10 senior guard Dannye Winkfield, who scored 20 points against Delaware Christian.

Senior center Joel Lutsch (6-7) has provided muscle in the middle and junior guard Tremayne Blanks (6-1) also has been a valuable contributor.

Also on the roster are seniors Michael Marrah (6-2), Sam Sheedy (5-10) and Mitch Shonkwiler (5-11), junior Chase Grayson (6-1) and sophomores Kyle O'Donnell (6-0) and Rashawn Thompson (6-2). ... up_sp.html

As for their schedule this year...

@ Northside Christian 68-22 (W)
@ Northridge 60-36 (W)
Gahanna Christian Academy 75-47 (W)
@ Fairfield Christian Academy 68-40 (W)
Whitehall-Yearling 57-69 (L)
Delaware Christian 64-57 (W)
Ridgedale 60-29 (W)
@ Grove City Christian 57-37 (W)
Fisher Catholic 57-53 (W)
Horizon Science Academy 70-37 (W)
Madison Christian 67-42 (W)
@ South Urban Academy 54-57 (L)
@ Gahanna Christian Academy 72-53 (W)
Fairfield Christian Academy 69-28 (W)
@ Delaware Christian 76-46 (W)
@ Mount Vernon Academy 57-43 (W)
@ Gilead Christian 58-37 (W)
@ Madison Christian 58-48 (W)
Grove City Christian 61-42 (W)
Delaware Christian 64-34 (W)
@ Marion Catholic 53-35 (W)
@ Harvest Prep 49-40 (W)

That schedule is from Max Preps. It's worth nothing that even though they have had an obscene amount of success in their Mid-Ohio Christian Athletic League over the last decade, this year marks the first district title the school has ever won.

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Regionalchamps2011 »

I don't have either on hand as I'm on my mobil posting this, but tree of life is a pretty big team with 6 guys over 6"1 with a 6"7 and 6"4 guy... Their 6"7 center is not that good, just tall.... Their 6"4 Bryan redic is very good avgs about 20 pts and 12 reb and dunks pretty easily in games..... Tree of lifes schedule ( 23-2 ) was fairly easy beating alot of teams ranked 700th or worse, but with all that being said they did beat harvest prep , so we can't take them lightly

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Shazbot »

I like Manchester in both this game and the next one if you play with intensity.

I'm an Eastern Meigs guy and I believe you've got the ingredients to win this regional. Don't be distracted by the naysayers or the fact that this is a regional game. I know I'll get pounded for this but you're not going to play anyone better than you've already won against this season. You should go in expecting to win.

Few teams win a state championship without a little luck somewhere along the way....could be in one of their games or maybe somewhere else along the way (ToL knocking off HP). Preparation and hard work tilts luck in your direction.

Good luck and I hope you win.

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Re: Manchester vs. Tree of Life 3-16

Post by Ironman92 »

Apparently Manchester must win every 30 second block of the game. No way can they allow more than 2 points in a row at any time or they'll lose.

houndsfan just said they had an 18 point lead late in the 3rd and took out 4 starters.......maybe in thsi game he'll leave thsoe guys in to hold onto that lead longer and then tire out very late and only win by 12 instead of 10.....big, big difference.

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