LogangradKD wrote:mhs95_06 wrote:I witnessed the Marietta vs New Lex game tonight and as a result I have 3 questions regarding rules:
Can slapping the backboard defensively while a shot attempt is pending properly be called goal tending? in tonight's case the slap seemed to jostle the ball off the rim at a time it was probably going to fall through for a deuce. If so, is it something that should be called only if it appears to knock the ball away from the opportunity to go in.
When there is a loose ball can a player sliding/crawling toward the ball be calling for a time out before he reaches the ball, be given the TO immediately when he then grabs the ball? Is there no penalty for calling for a time out when your team does not have the ball? Is the only penalty for calling for a TO when you do when yo have none left?
At least 2 times near the end of the game the trailing team swished a trey and the net flipped up on the rim causing the ref to stop play to get the net straight and allow the trailing team to set up their press. Back in my day loose nets were always getting flipped up stopping play, but today with most nets in use that happening is a rarity. The nets at Logan seem to be very loose and prone to flipping up. Are there no guidelines on nets to prevent that kind of thing to give a team an advantage?
I was at the game last night as well and although I DID NOT officiate the game I was working the table and I am also a Class 1 official. The time out in question was completely legal. The TO was not given until the Marietta player put hands on the ball and as soon as he did the granted the time out. Yes he was sliding but like it was already mentioned it was a legal play. A player can slide as far as his momentum takes him without traveling unless he rolls over or stands up or goes out of bounds. And slapping the backboard is legal unless it causes the ball to leave the cylinder and last night that wasn't even close to happening. As for the net issues, ANY TIME there is a caught net, the officials will stop the game. I don't think It has anything to do with allowing another team to gain an advantage or set up a press. They stopped the game to fix the nets, nothing more.
I'd like to point out that slapping the backboard is legal as long as, in the official's judgement, the player was legitimately trying to block the shot.