Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by Boonedawg »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
Boonedawg wrote:Key word....choice. See that's the part you all forget. I also pay all my medical cash, so your barking up the wrong tree.

So there it is. You say you believe it's your choice to do what you want with your body so if you choose to not wear a helmet and die while riding your bike then that's fine, but yet if a woman decides to choose to an option available to her about her body you scream foul.

Remember, they key word is "choice". Your own words.

Thing is if I choose to eat dashboard, I'm the one harmed not another living human being, so your rationality doesn't hold water.

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by Steely Dan »

Boonedawg wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
Boonedawg wrote:Key word....choice. See that's the part you all forget. I also pay all my medical cash, so your barking up the wrong tree.

So there it is. You say you believe it's your choice to do what you want with your body so if you choose to not wear a helmet and die while riding your bike then that's fine, but yet if a woman decides to choose to an option available to her about her body you scream foul.

Remember, they key word is "choice". Your own words.

Thing is if I choose to eat dashboard, I'm the one harmed not another living human being, so your rationality doesn't hold water.

OK, so you eat your dashboard, and suffer much more severe injuries because it is "your choice". Well, guess what? Your medical coverage on your automobile insurance policy will most likely have to pay much more for your medical expenses than if you had abided by the law and wore your seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt mitigates the severity of injuries incurred in an automobile accident. Not wearing a seatbelt increases the severity of your injuries, and the amount that your insurance company has to pay.

So, what does "your choice" mean? All of the other law abiding folks who are insured with the same auto insurance company as you incur a rate increase in their medical coverage because of people like you.......

Oh, and if you are unfortunately involved in a rollover crash while exercising "your choice", you may as well stick you head between your legs and kiss your arse good-bye, as the odds of you being ejected from your vehicle are so high and you become a fatality that it is not even funny. But that's OK, it is "your choice". I'm sure that would be quite comforting to your survivors, knowing that it was "your choice".

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by Boonedawg »

Said with all the smug attitude of a cop.....Am I close? Notice how I quoted another poster...I was talking to him because he was implying that not wearing a seat belt was somehow equal to aborting a baby.

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by Steely Dan »

Gotcha, understood. That analogy is lousy, I see your point!

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by dazed&confused »

Wearing a seatbelt is like brushing your becomes a habit you don't think about.

You do brush your teeth, don't you?

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by The Instructor »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
Boonedawg wrote:Key word....choice. See that's the part you all forget. I also pay all my medical cash, so your barking up the wrong tree.

So there it is. You say you believe it's your choice to do what you want with your body so if you choose to not wear a helmet and die while riding your bike then that's fine, but yet if a woman decides to choose to an option available to her about her body you scream foul.

Remember, they key word is "choice". Your own words.

:122245 :-D :122245 :-D :122245 :-D :122245 :-D :122245 :-D :122245 :-D :122245 :-D

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by F-4 Phantom »

BUCKLE UP!!! It's going to be a long, bumpy ride! :122245

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Leo Byrd
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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by Leo Byrd »

and lay the cell phone texting

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Those driving and texting ya who's ain't got a lick of sense either.

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by abuck76 »

I agree....When is Congress going to ban talking texting anything while driving??........... :12224

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?


Leo Byrd wrote:and lay the cell phone texting
I agree

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by dazed&confused »

I have bluetooth connection for my phone and voice dialing. It is a necessity when traveling and in sales. That combo is no more distracting than listening to the radio. I'm never going to use a hand-held phone for ANYTHING while driving.

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by Space Cowboy »

I used to do some dirt track racing years ago and Ive dabbled in drag racing since I was 17, so Ive seen my fair share of flips, rollovers, get the idea.
It has become subconcious habit of putting on a seatbelt.
This past summer, my two boys and I built a drag car. It had to have an 8 point cage, by NHRA rules for the class we were planning on running in. I insisted on a 12 point cage with extra gussets and body support plates put into place and a crashworthy fuel cell.
Most people have no comprehension of what all can go wrong when you unleash 600+ horsepower all at once.

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by C-Bolt »

I rarely wear mine around town just too dang uncomfortable, but on highways it can be a lifesaver

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by abuck76 »

The only reason I wear it is the possibility of a fine...........Hate them.......... :12224

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Re: Don't Wear Your Seat Belt?

Post by robycop3 »

I was T-boned back in March at 6th St. & 4th Ave. in Huntington - some bozo ran a red light. Had I not had my seat belt on, I woulda been seriously injured. I useta not wear it often just to practice civil disobedience, but not any more.

However, I don't trust AIR BAGS any farther than I can throw my truck!

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