Can you provide any info about Wellston's offensive scheme for this season, or is that top-secret information?

boilermaker wrote:Its no secret, Spread,em wide and let it fly.
boilermaker wrote:Hey A-town , how about talking your AD into scheduling Jackson ? I can answer that for you they dont want to play Jackson . Much rather feed on small schools where they have a chance to win by a touchdown or get blown out by a school their own size.
Hey 02 , I think everyone knows what this coaching staff at Wellston wants to do . Physical football.
boilermaker wrote:I fully expect the streak to end this season.
boilermaker wrote:Hey A-town , how about talking your AD into scheduling Jackson ? I can answer that for you they dont want to play Jackson . Much rather feed on small schools where they have a chance to win by a touchdown or get blown out by a school their own size.
Hey 02 , I think everyone knows what this coaching staff at Wellston wants to do . Physical football.
boilermaker wrote:Copay, The only reason for not having a 7on7 is to get the new system (offense and Defense) in place.The scrimmage against Zane trace will give the Rockets some looks in the passing game. The coaches are working these kids very hard ,and the boys love it.They go just as hard at the end of practice as they started it.This will be a good year for this Rocket squad,a good mix of all classes.
The streak end 8/28/10!