Zane Trace Freshman program.....

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Zane Trace Freshman program.....

Post by Kickinurz »

I heard that part of the program is being cut. Also was told that asst. varsity coaches boys and girls are being cut.

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Re: Zane Trace Freshman program.....

Post by Wffan »

This same thing happened at Westfall last year. They haven't had paid assistant positions but the freshmen program was cut. Parents went out and raised enough money to bring basketball back and were lucky enough to have a volunteer coach. Glad they did, the freshmen were 17-1 last year. Hopefully Zane Trace will figure something out to keep the program.

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Re: Zane Trace Freshman program.....

Post by Main Man »

I hope they get it figured out. Have good thing going on here at ZT, I would hope they keep the freshman program. It would be very difficult to not be able to keep kids that can play freshman basketball , but may not be quite good enough to play at the reserve level.

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Re: Zane Trace Freshman program.....

Post by eagles73Taylor »

According to the Chillicothe Gazette, ZT was predicting a deficit in spending by the year 2012 without cuts. The first cuts to go are extracurriculars and aides, janitors and other support staff. Piketon recently did the same thing, blame Strickland and Columbus for the nearly 4% cut in aide from the State. Its either cuts, or go back to the voters and ask for a new bigger levy! Which would you prefer? I send Columbus monthly gripe emails about my feelings on this issue.

Imagine the gall of Sherrod Brown Senator, who told our district that we didnt deserve money from USEC. Now theres a leader you gotta love! lol

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Re: Zane Trace Freshman program.....

Post by chef_piketon »

Eagles73: Does Piketon get taxmoney from USEC?

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