Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Eastern will be in search of a new coach after this season. I heard that Coach Martin has resigned!
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Really? Why? He loves the game of baseball, and seemed to be excited to teach it to this group of kids. If this is true, I need to contact my home school and let them know a good coach is available next year.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
It's true!! Better let that good coach know. Sounds if you did not approve of coach martin?
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
I hate to hear this! I know the Coach invested quite bit a time, energy and effort in trying to build the program and only wish he would have stayed around a few years to allow it to develop.
I hope that he is leaving on good terms though. I wish him luck in the future and the school that hires him will be getting a good coach.
I hope that he is leaving on good terms though. I wish him luck in the future and the school that hires him will be getting a good coach.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
bulkmove wrote:Really? Why? He loves the game of baseball, and seemed to be excited to teach it to this group of kids. If this is true, I need to contact my home school and let them know a good coach is available next year.
Dont think thats what he means. I dont think he goes to eastern. I really hate to hear this. He is a great guy and really helped me as a ball player and even more to be a better person and I really thank him for everything he has done for me.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
You took it the wrong way, I really like Coach Martin. He stays positive and loves the game. I would recommend him to any baseball program.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Hated to hear that Coach Martin is definitely leaving! He had the program energized and it was heading in the right direction. I know he had a very young team this year, but towards the end of the season you could see these kids were improving. I feel the Board and Administration should do every thing they can to try and get him to stay, from what I have seen this guy is dedicated, knows the game, and most of all has done quite a bit in the short time he has been there. I know he has the field looking nice and if he doesnt stay and whoever they should get keeps moving forward with the field and thye baseball program. You players and parents should be doing whatever to help keep this guy around. I think your kids like him and he seems to be teaching them not only goos baseball, but through the game some very responsible duties for later in life.
I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do Coach!!
I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do Coach!!
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
anyone know what happened? seems like he had them headed in the right direction
- Eagle Nation
- Waterboy
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Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
First, I'd like to sincerely thank Brian for his dedication, wisdom, and countless unpaid hours he devoted to the baseball program. Though he didn't coach my children, I did get the opportunity to see him work with our students. He was clearly one of the best coaches (any sport) that we've had in many years. I can honestly say I've not seen any other coach that dedicated to his/her program. We were blessed to have him here at Eastern, and I am saddened that he is leaving. For the first time in a long time, I was seeing hope for the baseball program. I humbly wish he would reconsider, but understand his frustration. As they say, been there done that.
For the Eagle faithful, we once again are losing a quality person due to the lack of public support, and most importantly, the lack of administrative support. Ours, like many small public schools, desperately need parents and communities that support the students and schools. Such support must include holding public officials responsible for their actions. Our school, more than most, should understand what arrogance and apathy can do to your school. We need an administration with a vision for the future, the leadership ability to get it done, and the integrity to operate a program that places children first. It is becoming more apparent that we don't have that. I would urge everyone, no matter what school you are from, to get involved. If nothing else, educate yourselves on the business being conducted in YOUR schools. For Eastern, I fear the only fix is the near complete change in leadership.

For the Eagle faithful, we once again are losing a quality person due to the lack of public support, and most importantly, the lack of administrative support. Ours, like many small public schools, desperately need parents and communities that support the students and schools. Such support must include holding public officials responsible for their actions. Our school, more than most, should understand what arrogance and apathy can do to your school. We need an administration with a vision for the future, the leadership ability to get it done, and the integrity to operate a program that places children first. It is becoming more apparent that we don't have that. I would urge everyone, no matter what school you are from, to get involved. If nothing else, educate yourselves on the business being conducted in YOUR schools. For Eastern, I fear the only fix is the near complete change in leadership.

Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Does Eastern still have a bunch of administrators that have no vested interest in the community.
Last I heard 3 or 4 of them lived hours away.
Last I heard 3 or 4 of them lived hours away.
- Eagle Nation
- Waterboy
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- Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:10 pm
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
heard martin may be returning to Eastern? I hope he returns, for he has the program heading in the right direction even though they only one game with a very young and inexperienced team this year. Their bats started coming alive the last ten games, but still need work on defense.
i hope the board uses common snese on this and renew him, for i have to agree with Eagle Nations post. Martin is the best Coach Eastern has had and is very dedicated in building this program. I hope the players, parents, and community get behind him and encourage the board to keep him and pray he will return. This guy is doing it for all the right reasons the KIDS!!!!
heard martin may be returning to Eastern? I hope he returns, for he has the program heading in the right direction even though they only one game with a very young and inexperienced team this year. Their bats started coming alive the last ten games, but still need work on defense.
i hope the board uses common snese on this and renew him, for i have to agree with Eagle Nations post. Martin is the best Coach Eastern has had and is very dedicated in building this program. I hope the players, parents, and community get behind him and encourage the board to keep him and pray he will return. This guy is doing it for all the right reasons the KIDS!!!!
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Did he have a multi-year deal or is he just not putting his name in the hat for next year? Why would they renew him if he wants out? Coach Martin deserves a chance at a school that will appreciate him.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
ABB wrote:Did he have a multi-year deal or is he just not putting his name in the hat for next year? Why would they renew him if he wants out? Coach Martin deserves a chance at a school that will appreciate him.
No he did not have a multi-year contract. He had just a year to year contract. My understanding he has put his name back in the hat. My hearings on this is he did not want to leave in the first place, but he was not getting any support from the school. My understanding is he raised the money to pay for everything the baseball program has gotten over the last two years. I think the final straw was when they took the mowers away from him to drag and take care of the field. A person can only tolerate so much until he or she must make a stand. I heard the only reason he is going back is because of the kids and he wants to finish what he had started and that is to build the baseball program. He definitely has it heading in the right direction. This year he started a jr high program, developed the schools first ever jv baseball team, he has the program energized. Now all we have to do is wait to see what the administration and board does.
As has been stated on here earlier parents, players, and anyone who believes he should remain should make it known starting now up through the next board meeting!! Do we want to lose a very good quality person who is doing it for the right reasons the kids????
Hope to hear much noise coming from Eastern to keep Coach Martin!!! So let makes some NOISE!!!!!!
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Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Onebunter has again flipped and I am glad to see it. In the past, your posts were completely negative regarding Coach Martin and now it appears you are his agent. Very confusing!
I have seen the work Martin has put in and that is a major plus for Eastern's program. I certainly do not think it is above what is done in girls volleyball or boys basketball (time element wise), but a major improvement over the emphasis put on baseball in the past. I will not post anything negative about him, but I do know that not everyone is as enthused about him as you are. Life as a coach in high school athletics must be hard! You can never please everyone! Why would anyone do it if they weren't doing it for the kids?
It is all about the kids....but I will say none of this "resigning" stuff should have been out before the end of this season IMHO.
I have seen the work Martin has put in and that is a major plus for Eastern's program. I certainly do not think it is above what is done in girls volleyball or boys basketball (time element wise), but a major improvement over the emphasis put on baseball in the past. I will not post anything negative about him, but I do know that not everyone is as enthused about him as you are. Life as a coach in high school athletics must be hard! You can never please everyone! Why would anyone do it if they weren't doing it for the kids?
It is all about the kids....but I will say none of this "resigning" stuff should have been out before the end of this season IMHO.
Last edited by Eaglesnest on Tue May 25, 2010 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Why wouldn't it be above volleyball or basketball? If you are saying that he hasn't done as much as the other programs..It could probably be due to poeple in the community supporting the other programs more than baseball, so thats not fair either because its out of his hands....He can't make em' help...
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Eaglesnest wrote:Onebunter has again flipped and I am glad to see it. In the past, your posts were completely negative regarding Coach Martin and now it appears you are his agent. Very confusing!
I have seen the work Martin has put in and that is a major plus for Eastern's program. I certainly do not think it is above what is done in girls volleyball or boys basketball (time element wise), but a major improvement over the emphasis put on baseball in the past. I will not post anything negative about him, but I do know that not everyone is as enthused about him as you are. Life as a coach in high school athletics must be hard! You can never please everyone! Why would anyone do it if they weren't doing it for the kids?
It is all about the kids....but I will say none of this "resigning" stuff should have been out before the end of this season IMHO.
There is no doubt volleyball and basketball have been successful, but you have to remember they have had feeder programs to help them build a program. Little league and then not having other places for kids to play baseball until they get to high school certainly does not help in having a successful baseball program but i feel that is starting to change but it is still going to be sometime to get it there.
Trust me when I say this there are some coaches that are coaching just to have that extra money, so it isnt always for the kids!
Yea, maybe i have turned over, but do you not believe people can change or give others a second chance?
Do not quite understand the time element aspect in your post, but I do know if there was a way coach martin could spend more time with his players during the off season he would. Baseball is not like basketball or volleyball. Baseball there is no summer high school league like there is in basketball and if coach martin would coach in the summer he could not have anymore than four of his players on the team he is coaching. In the summer he has only a limited time period he can do anything with the kids. He is only allowed 10 days of contact during a certain time frame in the summer. OHSAA rules are different for each sport when it comes to out of season time. It is also very difficult for him to do anything in the offseason in the winter for there is not much room to do much unless it would be very late in the evenings. He can not allow the kids who are not playing another sport to hit during the offseason for the cage cant be left out with basketball going on for the upper part of the gym is utlilized for the pep band and for filming of basketball games. During the season there is very few days for practice when you are trying to get 27 games in, in around 38 days if the weather does not impede. Baseball has the fewest days to get ready and it plays many games in a short period of time. Basketball plays 20 games in around 90 days and is allowed to hold open gyms starting 30 days after the season ends. It sure helps when you can have that much time getting a kid prepared.
I know coach martin has held open fields in the fall, but I also know that many of his players play other sports and while they are the OHSAA states they can not train for another sport while particpating in another.
i have heard many people say lately that we are losing a quality person and coach that has started to make improvements to a program, so why are we not behind him more. You are right you can not please everyone, but if you want to see baseball improved at Eastern then get involved some way some how, for there is no reason why there could not be several successful athletic programs at Eastern.
There is circumstances that many of us will never know of why things were done the way they were, but we must support each sport in the best possible way we can!
- All State
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Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Very well said Onebunter. I am becoming a big fan. I hope that both of us can work together on here to promote EHS athletics in a positive manner!
I want to be clear that I am not downplaying Martin or the time spent working on his program. I was only pointing out that Eastern has other coaches that put many hours in above and beyond as well when I have seen with my own eyes the amount of time and effort that Eastern's volleyball and basketball coach make available for the kids to better their skills.
I agree that Eastern should strive to be better in ALL sports!
Best of luck to the baseball program and most of all the kids!
I want to be clear that I am not downplaying Martin or the time spent working on his program. I was only pointing out that Eastern has other coaches that put many hours in above and beyond as well when I have seen with my own eyes the amount of time and effort that Eastern's volleyball and basketball coach make available for the kids to better their skills.
I agree that Eastern should strive to be better in ALL sports!
Best of luck to the baseball program and most of all the kids!
Last edited by Eaglesnest on Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
Martin has done way more to better the team than fitch has done for the basketball team or day has done for the vball team..i didnt see fitch out getting the floor cleaned when the school wouldnt do it so the players wouldnt have a slick floor that ran the risk of injuries to play on, martin was out there everyday working on the field himself most of the time giving the boys a nice field to play on..now the school screwed him with the money situation and not taking care of the problem with fitch talking to baseball players trying to get them to quit like he did chad lands...and no matter what anyone says that is what happend, there are several people who seen him talking to him about it..martin is the best coach in southeast ohio and has produced one of the best fields just this year he didnt have much talent to work with and not much time to work with some of the players due to basketball which fitch also lost by trying to run a new offense and defense two days before the big game.
Re: Eastern Pike - Martin resigned
All I can say is that is just about every school.
The baseball coach gets little respect.
It gets old, but it is par for the course.
The baseball coach gets little respect.
It gets old, but it is par for the course.
Last edited by QBear on Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.