Belpre looking for new head coach
- JV Team
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Belpre looking for new head coach
just heard that Amber Haynes is not returning next season for the Lady Eagles. . . don't know when it will be posted but the young ladies are waiting to see who applies and who will get the job. . .
- JV Team
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
just third party info but take it for whats its worth:
asstant coach Beth Giffin (Reck)
Scott Cleland current jv girls at phs
Norm something coaches an AAU team, drives for FED EX
and someone else who i don't know. . . but again all third party guesses. . . .
asstant coach Beth Giffin (Reck)
Scott Cleland current jv girls at phs
Norm something coaches an AAU team, drives for FED EX
and someone else who i don't know. . . but again all third party guesses. . . .
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
FYI...the coaching job must be posted inside the district for I believe 10 working days. Following the inhouse posting, the district can then post the job to individuals who are not employees of the district.
While there may be folks who have expressed an interest or called about the job, I have my doubts that the district is accepting any applications from outside the district at this time due to the inhouse posting still being open. Just trying to post the procedure that the school must follow.
I don't believe any of the names mentioned are current district employees although I would expect the first 2 would apply.
While there may be folks who have expressed an interest or called about the job, I have my doubts that the district is accepting any applications from outside the district at this time due to the inhouse posting still being open. Just trying to post the procedure that the school must follow.
I don't believe any of the names mentioned are current district employees although I would expect the first 2 would apply.
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
If Belpre is smart, they will stay as far away from the old program as they that I mean not hiring anyone who uses the same system or coaching style as Coach Haynes. That was part of the reason why they lost 5 girls last season. Hiring someone new, and not promoting someone currently in the system would probably get the girls who left the program to come back. Hope Belpre makes a smart decision and not just an "Easy" decision. The Girls BB program has needed attention for a few years, and I hope now is the time for them to make a fresh start.
- JV Team
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
Mister B wrote:FYI...the coaching job must be posted inside the district for I believe 10 working days. Following the inhouse posting, the district can then post the job to individuals who are not employees of the district.
While there may be folks who have expressed an interest or called about the job, I have my doubts that the district is accepting any applications from outside the district at this time due to the inhouse posting still being open. Just trying to post the procedure that the school must follow.
I don't believe any of the names mentioned are current district employees although I would expect the first 2 would apply.
tks mister b, for info on procedure of the posting and how that transpires, . just hope that belpre is careful and critical on the person they hire because IMO the program is at a critical stage and the next hiring could push even more young ladies away from the program. . . .if they hire from within or teachers spouse . . . i know for certain that one of the top players they had last year will not, repeat will not be on the roster, . . so i hope that the selection process, posting, & procedure personell take heed . . be sure next coach is the right person to lead belpres girls varsity program . . . " heard that coach Garrett was interested in coming back to ohio to get his 400 career win . . .y not a phone call to him to c if their is an interest ??? Should have never let him get away . . .
- JV Team
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
Fury27 wrote:If Belpre is smart, they will stay as far away from the old program as they that I mean not hiring anyone who uses the same system or coaching style as Coach Haynes. That was part of the reason why they lost 5 girls last season. Hiring someone new, and not promoting someone currently in the system would probably get the girls who left the program to come back. Hope Belpre makes a smart decision and not just an "Easy" decision. The Girls BB program has needed attention for a few years, and I hope now is the time for them to make a fresh start.
well stated, fury27, program has declined over the past tenure, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that, just not a good fit imo, cut ties on move on. . .start fresh with the right hire and not a quick hire, just feel though that we'll band aide fix it and continue downward, our young athletes deserve better than that. . .we'll see, young eyes are watching and program could lose more young ladies if quick fix is their approach. . . .
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
a fresh start is definitely needed for the basketball program. If your so called 'top player' doesn't come out to play, that just makes more room for others....and that player is not hurting anyone but themselves... I am not sure why some of you think that 1 player keeps the team strong...last time I checked...there was no "I" in TEAM! Perhaps people who become involved in sports need to do so due to the love of the game- instead of getting involved because their own children will benefit...
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
superstar wrote:a fresh start is definitely needed for the basketball program. If your so called 'top player' doesn't come out to play, that just makes more room for others....and that player is not hurting anyone but themselves... I am not sure why some of you think that 1 player keeps the team strong...last time I checked...there was no "I" in TEAM! Perhaps people who become involved in sports need to do so due to the love of the game- instead of getting involved because their own children will benefit...
superstar there is always more room for others, if those others bust their hump, work hard, both in practice and in games, earn honors from their peers and other coaches around the state, hmmm so anytime one of ur others want to become a "top player" have them lace'em up and put it to the hardwood we'll take on all comers. . last time i checked "love for the game" didn't put W's in the win column, . "love for the game" didn't earn u a starting position, "love for the game" didn't earn you the respect from other players, teams, and coaches. . ur correct no I in TEAM but there is a ME. . so cliche. . . .so your "love for the game" can go back to recreational ball where every little suzy can play two quarters and get a treat after the game at the concession stand. . and as far as benefits, did anyone benefit from the last 3 seasons of belpre basketball?? hmm don't think so, other than a t-shirt, new warmups, or uniforms. . .that being said, the definition of insanity is: to continue to do what ur doing and expecting a different outcome. . .and a quick hire of some of the interested parties would be insane . . .and one of belpres "top players" would gladly give up her spot for one of ur "others" superstar . .
- sportsfanatic4life
- Waterboy
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
Take on all comers? Please! Belpre had 1 girl average double figures & 1 just below it. Then there was - 8 PTS 10 REBS 3 TO 1 ASST and 3 STEALS - This does not make you ready to take on all comers.
Becoming more of a team player and making everyone around you better is what that team needs. Get rid of the personal agendas and forget about school rebounding records you might be able to break when your team is 5-17. This team had NO girls ready to take on all comers. By the way it is a 5 on 5 game. You need them all!!! Thanks DL. 

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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
fanatic if you think this player is not a team player give ur head a vigerous shake and then again, and 5-17 record with a downward spriral over the past 3 seasons is good reason for a change at the helm. . .there is no personal agendas here just a plain fact that besides her one other player was willing to bang inside and do what others refused to do, proof is watch her play. . .if u honestly think that she isn't one of the top players on belpres squad, then ask coach marty from Catholic, he'll clue u in, just ask coach Sarro from w'town he'll clue u in also, ask the athens coach, meigs coach, any coach in tvc. . . i did . . .so all comers is a fair statement . . .now can she take over a ball game, no. . is she going to lead a team in scoring, probabley not, . . is she the best ball handler, definately not. . she is a great athlete, competitor, leader, who plays basketball . . .she'll give u 110 percent, hustle, rebound, steal, get on the floor and do the dirty work that most on her team doesn't do well. . .our shooters shoot, our scorers score, our dribblers dribble . . she does what she does and does it very well . . and i see ur a stat person, get the paper a read who makes headlines. know all the answers to the triva questions, congrats, wins and points is all fans care about. If ur not winning then u get the good excuse, well i scored 15, 20, 25 points i did my job what else could i have done! ! ! . If ur daughter is a scorer u look to see what the other teams scorer scored, if ur daughter steals u look to see who the steal leaders r, if u daughter rebounds u look to see who the rebound leaders r FACT?? OR FICTION??. . teams with good statastisions or scewed statastisions make those who need to shine shine brightly in the papers, other than points scored every other stat can be subjectively inflated. . and when u don't win, stats don't look to great, hello, thats why we r looking for a change, so what this team needs is more like this top player, and a tori dixon, and a morgan howard from meigs, or a big girl from athens, or a liz flowers from w'town, or a top player or two from alexander, but just don't see it happening anytime soon . . .so we are looking for someone to take over a 5-17 team that has none of those and develop a young lady to be simular to a tori dixon, a morgan howard from meigs, a liz flowers from w'town. .and what we don't want is a quick fix with someone who can't change this program around. . . . . . .great observation on ur part, it is a 5 on 5 game and we do need them all, but we need alot more . . . Please!?
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
It should be what's best for the school and the "program" not what's best for your star athlete. Did you play in a D1 school? Bet not. The program doesn't revolve around "your" player!!! And believe it or not.... Character is everything!!! Without character your athlete isn't squat!!!!
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
superstar wrote:It should be what's best for the school and the "program" not what's best for your star athlete. Did you play in a D1 school? Bet not. The program doesn't revolve around "your" player!!! And believe it or not.... Character is everything!!! Without character your athlete isn't squat!!!!
yep rec ball player, happy to put on a uniform . . double treats u made a basket . . .sorry this young lady is of great character, 3.7 gpa, honors program, letters in four different sports and a captain, student government, volunteers in the community, sings in the choir, plays handbells, reads to children, the list goes on . . .no question this young lady is of great character,.sorry ur heading down the wrong road with this one . . . .
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
Fury27 & zerotosixty- your opinions are obviously coming from a parents thoughts. Saying Belpre needs a clean start, ok I agree with that...what I don't agree with is the idea that Coach Reck and Amber coach the same. They expect the players to be there and be responsible and respectful but they coach differently. When someone is a Varsity coach the programs under them are run on their style, so Coach Reck was doing what she was suppose to do to support Amber. She is a good coach and "the girls" respond to her and most of the want her. Hearing the names that are interested in the job...Coach Reck should be the choice. Good Luck to the Lady Eagles.
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Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
funnywon1 wrote:Fury27 & zerotosixty- your opinions are obviously coming from a parents thoughts. Saying Belpre needs a clean start, ok I agree with that...what I don't agree with is the idea that Coach Reck and Amber coach the same. They expect the players to be there and be responsible and respectful but they coach differently. When someone is a Varsity coach the programs under them are run on their style, so Coach Reck was doing what she was suppose to do to support Amber. She is a good coach and "the girls" respond to her and most of the want her. Hearing the names that are interested in the job...Coach Reck should be the choice. Good Luck to the Lady Eagles.
funny cant speak for fury27, but looks like u can speak for all the other players though, my posts reflect thoughts from one player., and opinions and thoughts are from myself and that player only. . . in my posts i never mentioned that Coach Giffin and Coach Hanes coach the same. Only just that my player prefer, if her choice, not to play under previously named individuals, again if by her choice, does she or any other player have a choice or vote who is hired or not absolutely not, school board will decide that for them,. her choice after the hire is to play or not play, simple. . .heck she might not even make the team next season if she chooses to try out. . . these are just our opinions, our choices, our decisions. . .read into them all that you want, its an open forum and all are just opinions, for, against, good, bad, or indifferent, you don't have to defend it if u choose not to, respond to it, its all opinionated & subjectively picked apart for no gain whatso ever . . .If you choose Coach Giffin (Reck) great, If u were behind Coach Hanes great, or if u like apples over oranges thats great too. . .just opinions written for some who might enjoy, others to destroy, please don't take my posts to heart, don't mean any ill will towards coaches, players, parents, or fans . . . just like to post my opinions and see what others might think on this topic or that topic. . . Happy Posting . . . .
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
Having those "titles" doesn't make you a leader or have character. The threat of a"star" player not participating doesn't hurt the program. Again this is about the girls team- being the loudest doesn't make a person a leader- those who lead do so by example- wise up
- JV Team
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- Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 7:41 am
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
superstar wrote:Having those "titles" doesn't make you a leader or have character. The threat of a"star" player not participating doesn't hurt the program. Again this is about the girls team- being the loudest doesn't make a person a leader- those who lead do so by example- wise up
star this is kind of entertaining lets keep playing: EEEWWHH you got me on that one, my turn, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me . . .i m rubber and u r glue what u say bounces of me and sticks to u . . .hahahahaha being bossy doesn't make u boss . . . hahaha got u on that one . . . .
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
Zero- I did not say I was speaking for "all" the players but yes "most" of them do want Coach Reck. As you said it doesn't really matter what is wanted by the players it is the school boards final decision and if they choose to go with who Mr. Cox recommends. I myself and many others are pulling for her. It would be sad if the player you are speaking for would choose to not play....she is productive and a hustler. I think they need a coach to bring them together and make them work on their weaknesses along with their already strong points and shake up the program, offense and defense is both needed..I think Coach Reck would do that. Good Luck Lady Eagles
Re: Belpre looking for new head coach
I thought Belpre's coach did a good job, having to put up with the stuff she did from some of the so called "fans". I think the JV coach did a good job too. She would be a good hire. The Belpre girls played hard and hustled for both coaches so that shows me they liked playing for them.