TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Look, obviously, I had stepped on some toes, which really was not my intention. I was merely pointing out what I thought were injustices within the area. I know 93Bulldog has been at one time associated with the Messenger, I stood near him and Coach Combs when he conducted post game interviews. Now if he isn't, I apologize. I would not have anyway of knowing for I do not purchase the Messenger, so that must be the rock I am under. Now having said that, I felt, (my opinion only), that 93Bulldog is bias and the Messenger does not represent the area that it wishes to provide services. (Stating earlier, I think that burgs, hamlets, and villages outside the hub of Athens would be more disgruntled than I). Furthermore, I appreciate the time and effort that 93Bulldog puts into the website, it is truly appreciated. I know from personal experience how hard it is to get 13 distrustful TVC Coaches to trust in what you are trying to do. It is aggravating when all you are trying to do is provide services for the betterment of the student-athlete.

Keyser, I am bias. I am very guilty of wearing "Maroon-colored" glasses. One of these reasons is because, we live on the periphery of major local news services, so I feel that our student-athletes are not properly represented. So I do not think that a person, or people, and/or groups are "out to get Vinton County." But, you know exactly what I am talking about, your position at the Times-Journal does not allow you to cover Vinton County on a regularly basis and maybe it should not because it is a Jackson paper. And unfortunately, I will say this, (I do not wish to say too much, with at least five games to left in the season), there is something special going on in McArthur and the area media is missing it. Again, that could be contributed to being on the outside of Athens, Jackson, Logan, and Chillicothe.

One last thing, I will stand by what I said about the Messenger and Ohio University. But again, it is two things; it is my opinion and my sociological arguments for the betterment of the region and its people.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by 93Bulldog »

Hawkeye ... That was me at Vinton County that night ... I just havn't worked for the Messenger since late January ... Hopefully I will be back though sometime before football season.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by Spartan »

You must not get the Messenger Hawkeye because if you did you would see an obvious slant in favor of Alexander in terms of coverage.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by Steely Dan »

Spartan - I wholeheartedly agree. If there is a bias at the Mess, it is towards Albany and the absolute "worship" that has occurred over the last three seasons (since someone took the helm as sports editor), that is completely nauseating.

It runs through both boys and girls sports, but anyone with semi-clear vision can see the bias from the Mess towards the Alexander girls sports..........

Let the ranting and raving begin..........And you won't hear a word from the Mess sports editor in defense of what the Mess has published........

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by thebearupthere34 »

Steely no question Alex gets a lot of love. I do feel like Federal Hocking boys sports get the same love.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by questionmark »

=This Just Inned=


Most Valuable Poster -- Offensive Poster -- Hawkeyepierce
Most Valuable Poster -- Defensive Poster -- 93Bulldog

Hawkeyepierce earns the award for stepping on many toes and getting people fired up on the net with his conspiracies.
93Bulldog earns the award for again having to defend his post, when if read properly the first time, defense is not needed.

Sorry fellas, after reading all the post in this thread, I could pass on the opportunity...its all in good fun!

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by boilermaker »

Thats funny right there I dont care who you are!!!!!!

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by 93Bulldog »

Its always nice to have a negative thread turn humorous ... thx for breaking the tension there questionmark - & good job preparing the young 'Dogs as they get ready to make the jump up to the big boys next year.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by questionmark »

No problem 93...once a Bulldog, always a Bulldog...

Yea, I had the chance to watch a Group of my former JV Dogs bring home the 1st TVC Baseball Championship last season and was pleased again to see a new set of Former JV Dogs win it again this year...I must be doing something right because they keep bringing me back...

Should be an interesting day when these votes actually happen...a lot of talent this league has...hard voting the process will be...

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by hawkeyepierce »

hawkeyepierce wrote:And unfortunately, I will say this, (I do not wish to say too much, with at least five games to left in the season), there is something special going on in McArthur and the area media is missing it. Again, that could be contributed to being on the outside of Athens, Jackson, Logan, and Chillicothe.

Gary Redus wrote:Regarding records, senior shortstop Andy Grillo of Vinton County was 4-4 with 4 runs scored, giving him 62 on the season- setting a new single season record in the state of Ohio. Grillo has 59 hits this year, along with 17 BB's for an OB% of .670, also has over 50 stolen bases while hitting over .600. What a season, and a career for Andy. His average, runs, hits, and stolen bases for his career rank high on the all time lists.

Could this be what the area media is missing? Could it be that a Vinton County Viking could be deserving of the offensive Player of the Year award?

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by Charlie hustle »

I think the players that are put up for offensive awards need to have a list of teams and pitchers faced to get an idea of who is truely the best.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by g w mclintock »

Charlie Hustle wrote:I think the players that are put up for offensive awards need to have a list of teams and pitchers faced to get an idea of who is truely the best.

They may face different pitchers but the teams faced are all the same.... ;-)

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Charlie Hustle wrote:I think the players that are put up for offensive awards need to have a list of teams and pitchers faced to get an idea of who is truely the best.

Trust me Vinton County faced more than their fair share of "Aces" or "Number Ones." And to insinuate that Andy's accomplishments may be tarnished because of your perceived strength of arms or any other notion is ludicrous. At the end of end season I will post Andy's season and career numbers. I will say this, he was a four year starter that hit .490 as a freshman, there is no disputing his talent.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by belpreboy92 »

What are other players stats in the TVC. If im not correct Watkins is hitting around .600, his on base percentage is over .700. He has 29 RBI's, 15 doubles, 3 triples. Him and Grillo are probably the top candidates for the award

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by Charlie hustle »

I'm not insinuating anything, I'm saying take all the top hitters and but their numbers out there, what team they played and who pitched for that team when they played. That is the only way you really can compare the players. Why would this make anyone mad?

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by bulkmove »

[quote="Charlie Hustle"]I'm not insinuating anything, I'm saying take all the top hitters and but their numbers out there, what team they played and who pitched for that team when they played. That is the only way you really can compare the players. Why would this make anyone mad?[/quote]

I understand what you are trying to say, but there could be other factors too. What was the weather like? Which way was the wind blowing on that day? How many days of rest did the pitcher have before facing that team? What was the situation on the bases for each at bat? Were the teams going after him, or pitching around him?

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing stats for the season, and stats against the league teams. Both Grillo and Watkins are great hitters. Each deserve the recognition.

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by questionmark »

This is High School...
Stats may get inflated or what not, but in the end, it will go down like this...

All the coaches in the League will put up their best players, will use their statistics to argue why they feel their player is deserving and then ALL the league coaches will vote...

If your player is good, believe me those other coaches will remember him, statistics only offer so much, but those coaches know on each team which players they knew could hammer the ball and those you could pitch a gem and even those with great gloves in the field and cannon arms...opposing coaches remember the players that hurt them...

Good Luck to all the guys in the League, and may the best, most deserving players earn the awards...

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by yellowjacket »

does anyone know how the voting went?

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by eagle7 »

Offensive went to grillo
defensive went to the catcher for Athens, I'm not sure of his name

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Re: TVC Defensive and Offensive MPV canidates

Post by belpreboy92 »

Congrats to Andy. He is a good ball player and has had a great career.

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