Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

KVDW wrote:have you shown your kids actual film footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center and the people jumping out of the windows from near the top of them? do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day? NO. are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it? NO. Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it? NO. in fact, you seldom even hear about it any more.

Why??? Because the US government and some American people don't want to further enrage people and perpetuate the hatred of the Muslims. why the double standard?

by the way... where did i say i didn't grasp your concept. :roll: i just don't understand why people feel the need to keep portraying it over and over and over.
it was horrible. we get it already. all the books, movies, preaching and speeches in the world aren't going to change it......NOR is it going to prevent some like minded nut from doing it again. in fact, it is going on in the world right now and people are just looking the other way. why don't you read up on all that kind of thing that is going on right now in the world and try to do something to help stop it rather than lamenting something you can't change ?

oh, i grasp your concept ok. i just don't get your reasoning for it.

I have shown a lot of footage to kids about the World Trade Center.

They ask questions about it quite often.

They want to know about it just as I wanted to know about Vietman when I was a kid.

I asked questions and got answers from my teachers. I have read books and seen movies about it.

It certainly hasn't made me hate Vietnamese people. :122249

I asked questions about Pearl Harbor and it certainly didn't make me hate Japanese people. :122249

It is a part of history and they want to know about it.

They also look up information on it themselves using computers.

Do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day?

Quite often there are shows about it on tv.

I watched several hours of this a few weeks ago on the History Channel.

Are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it?

Thousands....yes there are.

I did an amazon search that came up with nearly 5,000 results. A google search came up with 42,100,000 results. There aren't as many books and accounts out there as the Holocaust but I am sure there will more as time goes by just as there are with the Holocaust.

Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it?

There are speakers who do talk about it. Again, I did another google search.

These subjects are all a part of history.

As long as people are interested in historical events, they will be talked about, books will be written, movies will be made, etc.

There are several new movies which have been made about the Holocaust in just the last two years.

These two events will always be talked about throughout history and they should be.

Your ideas about not talking about them because of hatred are absurd. :roll: :roll:

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by Orange and Brown »

KVDW wrote:have you shown your kids actual film footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center and the people jumping out of the windows from near the top of them? do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day? NO. are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it? NO. Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it? NO. in fact, you seldom even hear about it any more.

Why??? Because the US government and some American people don't want to further enrage people and perpetuate the hatred of the Muslims. why the double standard?

by the way... where did i say i didn't grasp your concept. :roll: i just don't understand why people feel the need to keep portraying it over and over and over.
it was horrible. we get it already. all the books, movies, preaching and speeches in the world aren't going to change it......NOR is it going to prevent some like minded nut from doing it again. in fact, it is going on in the world right now and people are just looking the other way. why don't you read up on all that kind of thing that is going on right now in the world and try to do something to help stop it rather than lamenting something you can't change ?

oh, i grasp your concept ok. i just don't get your reasoning for it.

If you don't want to hear about it, talk about it, or acknowledge it then don't!! Just don't expect others to agree with you! Aren't you helping to perpetuate the hate by keeping this going? This thread would more than likely died if you hadn't posted and then decided to keep posting on it.

We are talking about something that happened in our History (The Worlds history) That some choose to remember..If you don't like it don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by KVDW »

Orange and Brown wrote:If you don't want to hear about it, talk about it, or acknowledge it then don't!! Just don't expect others to agree with you!

a. i'm not talking ABOUT it, i'm talking AGAINST it. (and, btw, I didn't start this topic). its just perpetuating hate of one group of humans against another. plain and simple.

b. i don't recall asking you to agree with me.

c. i never said i didn't want to hear about it, talk about it or acknowledge it. (YOUR twisted interpretation of what i've said) .i'm just saying i don't need to hear about it, talk about it, or acknowledge it EVERY OTHER DAY for goodness sake.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by KVDW »

The Instructor wrote:
I have shown a lot of footage to kids about the World Trade Center.

They ask questions about it quite often.

They want to know about it just as I wanted to know about Vietman when I was a kid.

I asked questions and got answers from my teachers. I have read books and seen movies about it.

It certainly hasn't made me hate Vietnamese people. :122249

I asked questions about Pearl Harbor and it certainly didn't make me hate Japanese people. :122249

It is a part of history and they want to know about it.

They also look up information on it themselves using computers.

Do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day?

Quite often there are shows about it on tv.

I watched several hours of this a few weeks ago on the History Channel.

Are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it?

Thousands....yes there are.

I did an amazon search that came up with nearly 5,000 results. A google search came up with 42,100,000 results. There aren't as many books and accounts out there as the Holocaust but I am sure there will more as time goes by just as there are with the Holocaust.

Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it?

There are speakers who do talk about it. Again, I did another google search.

These subjects are all a part of history.

As long as people are interested in historical events, they will be talked about, books will be written, movies will be made, etc.

There are several new movies which have been made about the Holocaust in just the last two years.

These two events will always be talked about throughout history and they should be.

Your ideas about not talking about them because of hatred are absurd. :roll: :roll:

you said above that i make zero sense. :lol: :lol: :lol: i've never read such a garbled mess as what you just wrote. geeze :mrgreen:

btw... i googled it too (the holocaust) and came up with tons of articles and virtually every one of them reads (and i quote) ..."the holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime..."

now, by your own figures above, nearly 6 million OTHER folks were persecuted and destroyed by the same regime at the same time. WHAT ??? no recognition of them ??? they didn't (don't) matter ?? why is there virtually only mention of jews when the holocaust is brought up in all these articles ?????? by your figures 3.3 million soviet POWs met the same fate at the same time. why do we nebver hear about them?? again, why the double standard???

before you put your "he's just a jew hater" hat on mr. o.n. brown, that couldn't be further from the truth if you knew the facts. i'm just more than a little tired of hearing about it (AND miley cyrus) 75 years later... especially when it is always just HALF the story.

ps... i looked up holocaust in my dictionary and it makes no specific mention of jews. essentially it just says "the wholesale destruction of life by fire, war, etc. etc.".

pps...the reason (as usual) that my ideas are absurd is that they don't necessarily coincide with yours. i may think you're a dipstick too but i won't be so rude as to say that. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by Philos_Finest »

kantuckyII wrote:Do you people know that right now we have an administration that is turning it's back on the Jewish people...right now?!


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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Perpetuating Hate? Are you crazy? Even the Germans are embarressed by this episode in their history.
Instructor is right you got kids that want to draw Swaztikas and other Nazi symbols on their books at school because they think what the Nazi's did was cool. They see the pics in the books and things and they laugh at it. When they hear somebody who actually lived it most change their minds rather quickly.
This is part of history that we should never forget. Once you forget you are bound to do it all over again.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

KVDW wrote:
The Instructor wrote:
I have shown a lot of footage to kids about the World Trade Center.

They ask questions about it quite often.

They want to know about it just as I wanted to know about Vietman when I was a kid.

I asked questions and got answers from my teachers. I have read books and seen movies about it.

It certainly hasn't made me hate Vietnamese people. :122249

I asked questions about Pearl Harbor and it certainly didn't make me hate Japanese people. :122249

It is a part of history and they want to know about it.

They also look up information on it themselves using computers.

Do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day?

Quite often there are shows about it on tv.

I watched several hours of this a few weeks ago on the History Channel.

Are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it?

Thousands....yes there are.

I did an amazon search that came up with nearly 5,000 results. A google search came up with 42,100,000 results. There aren't as many books and accounts out there as the Holocaust but I am sure there will more as time goes by just as there are with the Holocaust.

Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it?

There are speakers who do talk about it. Again, I did another google search.

These subjects are all a part of history.

As long as people are interested in historical events, they will be talked about, books will be written, movies will be made, etc.

There are several new movies which have been made about the Holocaust in just the last two years.

These two events will always be talked about throughout history and they should be.

Your ideas about not talking about them because of hatred are absurd. :roll: :roll:

you said above that i make zero sense. :lol: :lol: :lol: i've never read such a garbled mess as what you just wrote. geeze :mrgreen:

btw... i googled it too (the holocaust) and came up with tons of articles and virtually every one of them reads (and i quote) ..."the holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime..."

now, by your own figures above, nearly 6 million OTHER folks were persecuted and destroyed by the same regime at the same time. WHAT ??? no recognition of them ??? they didn't (don't) matter ?? why is there virtually only mention of jews when the holocaust is brought up in all these articles ?????? by your figures 3.3 million soviet POWs met the same fate at the same time. why do we nebver hear about them?? again, why the double standard???

before you put your "he's just a jew hater" hat on mr. o.n. brown, that couldn't be further from the truth if you knew the facts. i'm just more than a little tired of hearing about it (AND miley cyrus) 75 years later... especially when it is always just HALF the story.

ps... i looked up holocaust in my dictionary and it makes no specific mention of jews. essentially it just says "the wholesale destruction of life by fire, war, etc. etc.".

pps...the reason (as usual) that my ideas are absurd is that they don't necessarily coincide with yours. i may think you're a dipstick too but i won't be so rude as to say that. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

If it weren't for you, this thread would have fallen to page two by now. :122249

Thanks! :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

Orange and Brown wrote:
KVDW wrote:have you shown your kids actual film footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center and the people jumping out of the windows from near the top of them? do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day? NO. are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it? NO. Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it? NO. in fact, you seldom even hear about it any more.

Why??? Because the US government and some American people don't want to further enrage people and perpetuate the hatred of the Muslims. why the double standard?

by the way... where did i say i didn't grasp your concept. :roll: i just don't understand why people feel the need to keep portraying it over and over and over.
it was horrible. we get it already. all the books, movies, preaching and speeches in the world aren't going to change it......NOR is it going to prevent some like minded nut from doing it again. in fact, it is going on in the world right now and people are just looking the other way. why don't you read up on all that kind of thing that is going on right now in the world and try to do something to help stop it rather than lamenting something you can't change ?

oh, i grasp your concept ok. i just don't get your reasoning for it.

If you don't want to hear about it, talk about it, or acknowledge it then don't!! Just don't expect others to agree with you! Aren't you helping to perpetuate the hate by keeping this going? This thread would more than likely died if you hadn't posted and then decided to keep posting on it.

We are talking about something that happened in our History (The Worlds history) That some choose to remember..If you don't like it don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Excellent Post!! :122245 :122245

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

FIDO wrote:History is good, if for no other reason than to show our ignorance from never learning from it. Time and again history repeats itself. We ignorant humans always act dumbfounded when history slaps us in the face. Hitler, Kim Jung Il, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Slobodan Milosevic, and now our infamous Osama bin Laden all have blood on their hands for killing the masses.

Another Excellent Post!! :122245 :122245 8) 8)

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

tigercannon71 wrote:Perpetuating Hate? Are you crazy? Even the Germans are embarressed by this episode in their history.
Instructor is right you got kids that want to draw Swaztikas and other Nazi symbols on their books at school because they think what the Nazi's did was cool. They see the pics in the books and things and they laugh at it. When they hear somebody who actually lived it most change their minds rather quickly.
This is part of history that we should never forget. Once you forget you are bound to do it all over again.

We agree again, Tigercannon71. :shock: :122245

This is becoming a habit. :-D :-D

A local school had a German exchange student last year.

He was a very nice young man but was embarrassed by the Holocaust.

When his class studied the Holocaust in World History, nobody hated him.

If you haven't seen the documentary called "Paper Clips" you should watch it.

It is very moving and took place at a school in Tennessee.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by KVDW »

The Instructor wrote:
KVDW wrote:
The Instructor wrote:
I have shown a lot of footage to kids about the World Trade Center.

They ask questions about it quite often.

They want to know about it just as I wanted to know about Vietman when I was a kid.

I asked questions and got answers from my teachers. I have read books and seen movies about it.

It certainly hasn't made me hate Vietnamese people. :122249

I asked questions about Pearl Harbor and it certainly didn't make me hate Japanese people. :122249

It is a part of history and they want to know about it.

They also look up information on it themselves using computers.

Do you see films and movies about it on TV every other day?

Quite often there are shows about it on tv.

I watched several hours of this a few weeks ago on the History Channel.

Are there literally thousands of books and accounts about it?

Thousands....yes there are.

I did an amazon search that came up with nearly 5,000 results. A google search came up with 42,100,000 results. There aren't as many books and accounts out there as the Holocaust but I am sure there will more as time goes by just as there are with the Holocaust.

Are there people travelling around the world making speeches about the horrors and inhumanity of it?

There are speakers who do talk about it. Again, I did another google search.

These subjects are all a part of history.

As long as people are interested in historical events, they will be talked about, books will be written, movies will be made, etc.

There are several new movies which have been made about the Holocaust in just the last two years.

These two events will always be talked about throughout history and they should be.

Your ideas about not talking about them because of hatred are absurd. :roll: :roll:

you said above that i make zero sense. :lol: :lol: :lol: i've never read such a garbled mess as what you just wrote. geeze :mrgreen:

btw... i googled it too (the holocaust) and came up with tons of articles and virtually every one of them reads (and i quote) ..."the holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime..."

now, by your own figures above, nearly 6 million OTHER folks were persecuted and destroyed by the same regime at the same time. WHAT ??? no recognition of them ??? they didn't (don't) matter ?? why is there virtually only mention of jews when the holocaust is brought up in all these articles ?????? by your figures 3.3 million soviet POWs met the same fate at the same time. why do we nebver hear about them?? again, why the double standard???

before you put your "he's just a jew hater" hat on mr. o.n. brown, that couldn't be further from the truth if you knew the facts. i'm just more than a little tired of hearing about it (AND miley cyrus) 75 years later... especially when it is always just HALF the story.

ps... i looked up holocaust in my dictionary and it makes no specific mention of jews. essentially it just says "the wholesale destruction of life by fire, war, etc. etc.".

pps...the reason (as usual) that my ideas are absurd is that they don't necessarily coincide with yours. i may think you're a dipstick too but i won't be so rude as to say that. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

If it weren't for you, this thread would have fallen to page two by now. :122249

Thanks! :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

nice, intelligent response. :roll: now, why don't you try responding to some of my questions...such as ...
" by your own figures above, nearly 6 million OTHER folks were persecuted and destroyed by the same regime at the same time. WHAT ??? no recognition of them ??? they didn't (don't) matter ?? why is there virtually only mention of jews when the holocaust is brought up in all these articles ?????? by your figures 3.3 million soviet POWs met the same fate at the same time. why do we nebver hear about them?? again, why the double standard??? "

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

Thanks again for keeping this thread at the top! :122245 :122249

I am not here to answers your questions.

Why don't you respond to others on here who have responded?

I am not going to fight with you.

This part of history is interesting to me and many others.

I am happy that this thread is being read and getting some attention that it would not have received without your help.

You helped that happen!

Thanks Again!

:122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum link:


Orange and Brown
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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by Orange and Brown »

KVDW wrote:
The Instructor wrote:

You really gotta learn to play nice. :122245

I know it sucks when you are wrong but putting others down or arguing it into the ground won't make it right.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by Tigercannon71 »

KDVW, Ill answer one of your questions. As to the Soviet Prisoners of War POWs get killed in war millions of Germans did not come back from Russia either after the war they were killed in Russian POW camps. We expect these kinds of losses when fighting a war especially upon the Eastern front. There it was two different ideolgies fighting a war of extinction upon each other. Im sure that the Russians dont forget that nor do the Germans.
Why is that not as important as the holocaust? Because the Holocaust was the systematic extermination of a group. Hitler tried to wipe out an entire race of people and for the most part his fellow countrymen stood by and watched and did nothing. Yes there was other like gypies, Homesexuals, Mentally ill, and others that died in the camps, but mostly it was the Jewish people. That is why they are mainly the only ones mentioned in these articles. This is something you need to remember so it dont happen again.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by drrabbit »

Those who have, please do not descend into personal issues again.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat their mistakes.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by Space Cowboy »

KVDW wrote:
The Instructor wrote:
I am glad there are people who will talk about it like the lady in this article.

it seems to me that this sort of thing would just perpetuate the "hate" but thats just me.

Blah, Blah, Blah.....My hate keeps me warm at night and on my guard.

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by The Instructor »

drrabbit wrote:Those who have, please do not descend into personal issues again.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat their mistakes.

Drrabbit, thank you....

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by KVDW »

The Instructor wrote:
drrabbit wrote:Those who have, please do not descend into personal issues again.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat their mistakes.

Drrabbit, thank you....

yes dear, by all means. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences

Post by KVDW »

Space Cowboy wrote:
KVDW wrote:
The Instructor wrote:
I am glad there are people who will talk about it like the lady in this article.

it seems to me that this sort of thing would just perpetuate the "hate" but thats just me.

Blah, Blah, Blah.....My hate keeps me warm at night and on my guard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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