South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

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South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by highschoolfan »

Just curious of where the Rebels stand this year. Who is coming up to Varsity and who is staying down and why?

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by Rebels on 3 »

Dont know who is coming up but the starters will prob be, the Matney twins for sure, Levi Ellis, Cory Haner, and Jalon Nolan.All juniors.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by BBallin fool »

If you can play U play!!!

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?


Good Answer!

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by The Chameleon »

If SG is anything like Racine, it will be the 5 players who come to the most open gyms and the 5 who NEVER darken the doors of the weight room.

Run those suicides and practice them 3 pointers all summer if ya wanna win.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by Rebels on 3 »

The Chameleon wrote:If SG is anything like Racine, it will be the 5 players who come to the most open gyms and the 5 who NEVER darken the doors of the weight room.

Run those suicides and practice them 3 pointers all summer if ya wanna win.

Thats how it usally works, but I think theres only like 3 kids on the basketball team that doesnt play football.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by JChipwood »

Usually open gym and getting better go hand-in-hand but sometimes kids play elsewhere for better competition. The best players should play regardless if they come to any open gyms or not. That is how the good programs are run and it doesn't discourage kids from playing just because they missed some open gyms. Gotta have numbers! Of course the "staying out of the weight room" is long since proven to be inaccurate and contrary to the truth. I agree with bballinfool, the best should play and if the "workers" aren't better than a kid that spends his free-time eating cheetos or drinking cold "kool-aid" then don't take it out on the natural athlete or the team, play the best players. At GAHS their has been an old saying that "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" but at the end of the day if a kid can play then they should play more than a kid that can't even if they practice 24-7. That sends a statement to the kids that the kid who sucks up the most will play regardless of skill. SKILL should be the lone determining factor in pt, PERIOD!!!!!!!

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by John Wooden »

Give me five kids that work hard and I will beat your kool aid drinkers 9 out of 10 times.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by JChipwood »

If the kids are better players, you won't stand a chance regardless how hard the "workers" work. Better is better as long as the other everyone shows up and works hard at practice to learn the system which most any kid dedicated enough to play varsity ball actually will do. Any kid who works hard in practice to learn the philosophies and system should play if they are better regardless. It's simple, on monday and Thursdays before games coaches need to evaluate who is better and gives them the best chance of winning and those kids should play accordingly. Most of that determination will be based on skill not how much sweat falls during practice. Sure hard work pays off BUT it doesn't always make a non-skilled athlete better than a natural, when coaches start determining pt based on open gyms, last names, and sweat in practice rather than who is better they lose numbers in the program and it suffers. Over time the trickle down happens and it takes a long time to build it back up. Eventually the players quit playing and the workers work less and less. I've watched it happen first hand!

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by John Wooden »

JChipwood wrote:If the kids are better players, you won't stand a chance regardless how hard the "workers" work. Better is better as long as the other everyone shows up and works hard at practice to learn the system which most any kid dedicated enough to play varsity ball actually will do. Any kid who works hard in practice to learn the philosophies and system should play if they are better regardless. It's simple, on monday and Thursdays before games coaches need to evaluate who is better and gives them the best chance of winning and those kids should play accordingly. Most of that determination will be based on skill not how much sweat falls during practice. Sure hard work pays off BUT it doesn't always make a non-skilled athlete better than a natural, when coaches start determining pt based on open gyms, last names, and sweat in practice rather than who is better they lose numbers in the program and it suffers. Over time the trickle down happens and it takes a long time to build it back up. Eventually the players quit playing and the workers work less and less. I've watched it happen first hand!

I think you are clueless, I think maybe you have a lazy kid. I bet Oak Hill and Chesapeake players were working hard in the summer when they went to the state. Quit making excuses for lazy kids quitting before you make me puke. With that kind of thinking no wonder you guys didn't keep the great coach you had, he would want a kid to earn their spot.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by Rebels on 3 »

I would take hard workers over talent myself. If they do nothing all summer that talent won't matter in the 4th quarter when they need it. Dont get me wrong you have to have talent to win ball games, but the talented kids have to be hard workers too.

"failing to prepare is prepairing to fail" :122246

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by The Chameleon »

Is it true the Donnie Dome has chains on the doors so no one can see how much practicing they do in the summer?

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by Rebels on 3 »

The Chameleon wrote:Is it true the Donnie Dome has chains on the doors so no one can see how much practicing they do in the summer?

There was chains on the doors to the old gym but Donnie has a key. He has probley already started open gym.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by JChipwood »

We are not staying on topic very well here. I was not referring to lazy kids, moreso the ones that play in out of town leagues, aau, and mens leagues, college leagues, rather than attend open gyms. NOT at all lazy kids! Just seeking better competition! I could tell you exactly why our coach is not here anymore but not on here! I can tell you that "earned" spots are exactly how a program should work not predetermined by summer workouts. That is my whole point. Chameleon said it would be like southern and the kids that attended open gyms be awarded pt, that is bull. If a kid is good then apparently he is playing somewhere or the "worker" would surpass him for sure. Has nothing to do with lazy kids! Maybe kids are lifting for fball, working summer jobs, working on farms and can't attend open gyms in summer. Seems to me like they are less lazy than a kid that comes to open gym 2 hours a day then hangs out with his girlfriend or at the pool. I'll pm you if you would like and fill you in on our situation at Gallia!

Like I said in my last post and nobody could comprehend, evaluate for pt in practice before games and play the players that give you the best chance to win, do that and coaches will keep their jobs easily!

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by Rebels on 3 »

If you really think about it open gym really dont matter, yes it is good to go, but the coaches should not have there starters untill the real practice starts.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by JChipwood »

^^^^^^ Good post!

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by John Wooden »

Good players will show up and play and try to get better. Lazy ones will make excuses and blame their coaches for them not getting better.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by John Wooden »

JChipwood, I got your pm and I will tell you I have no use for anyone who bad mouths Oz. I will put you right up there with your school board.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by JChipwood »

Make it sound however you want, I said nothing bad about Coach and certainly wouldn't call anything said "badmouthing" anyone. I stated facts but didn't even attempt to blame anyone for what happened.

Back to topic......... SG should be somewhat young again but will carry some valuable varsity experience gained last year into this season.

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Re: South Gallia - Who is going to make the varsity team?

Post by theassassin »

John Wooden wrote:Good players will show up and play and try to get better. Lazy ones will make excuses and blame their coaches for them not getting better.


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