Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by trojandave »

I don't have a problem with kids being held back......it is allowed by the OHSAA......what I do have a problem with is kids that are not allowed to play high school ball because they are in junior high.......in Kentucky a junior high kid can play high school ball.......I watched OJ Mayo score 25 points for Rose Hill as an 8th grader in the Sweet Sixteen quarterfinals at Rupp Arena........right now Russell has a sophomore who has been playing varsity since the 7th grade........at Portsmouth, Kyre Allison will be a 7th grader who is good enough to start on the PHS JV but can't because he is in junior high.

Kids who are intellectually gifted can graduate from high school early, but kids who are athletically gifted cannot be elevated to the varsity until they reach high school........I don't think that's a fair system at all in Ohio.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by Ironman92 »

^^^^^^^that would be an interesting topic!

Some of these small schools and their politics would be ugly with 7th and 8th graders on varsity!

Postives and negatives to both.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by zebra77 »

Holding back a student athlete for educational purposes is a good thing, but for athletics ?????
remember what your're talking about is student athletes, key word being student, not athlete.
If a player is to make it at the next level he better be a student first or they will not even be considered,
as an athlete.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by coachb »

I know its not supposed to happen but I know coaches who have encouraged parents to hold their child back to play sports. I would agree with holding back for educational purposes but would like to see a rule allowing only 2 years of eligability for middle school sports. But this is only my opinion.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by buck&blue »

They need to change the athletic age limits to be the same as the academic ages---Example--If based on your b-day you should academically be an eighth grader then that should be the group you participate in athletics with regardless of being held back------Most of the people who think this is OK would not be happy if their kid lost a starting spot to a straight A student being held back for athletic purposes---It happens!!!

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I have watched these episodes play out from quite a few different perspectives. First I coached jr hi football and played a team that had 3 kids held back in the 8th grade. We played them the first game and beat them. They went on to sweep the rest of the league and we lost 3 games. As seniors, all three played but they were not highly successful.
Second as an AD we had a group get held back in 8th grade. While they were all solid students, 2 were born in May and June and were physically and emotionally immature for their grade.

In our district we offer a pre K for only kids born in June or July. Several schools also see a necessity for this because many kids graduate and dont turn 18 until after graduation.

Grades, physical maturity and emotional maturity all play into this decision. I dont broad brush stroke a matter such as this, I take it case for case and try to see it from the childs and parents perspective.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by RHMS Baseball »

Ohio needs to go to a system that allows six years of eligibility, starting in the 7th grade.
Players could play six years of varsity if good enough.
Why hold kids back from playing if they can play up?

This would stop the "holding kids back" controversy once and for all.
If a parent wants their kid to stay back, then that is their prerogative, it is their kid and they know what is best for that kid.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by fbnut »

they currently have an age limit and a highschool eligibility limit of 4 yrs. It works fine. If you do 6 yrs starting in 7th everyone will just start holding kids back in 6th.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by JChipwood »

It is what it is and is not going to change, it is a parenting problem more than a system problem. The system has one huge flaw that could be easily fixed. A player can only play one year of 7th grade athletics in all sports and one year of 8th grade athletics in all sports regardless of academic eligiblity. That would stop most of this because kids don't want to sit a year out. Sure they would just hold kids back in 6th grade but like I said, that is the parents decision to deal with for the rest of their lives knowing they caused potential social harm to their own children.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

I think holding kids back just for playing time is parents living out their failed sports careers through their child who might be a promising athlete. If you are going to hold a kid back it needs to be early on before sports becomes a "priority". If the kid cannot get the grades or is struggling yeah then maybe you want to look at holding them back. No matter what we think its not against the rules to hold a child back for playing time so its going to happen whether it be pee wee football, junior high, or even high school.

Personally my parents decided not to hold me back when I was in school hence as a college freshman I was 17 and had two football games under my belt before I even turned 18.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by youthsportsfan »

there is alot of different opinions on this topic and I think everyone has a good point. I think it should be before they start school, start them at 6 vs 5 I started at 4 yrs old and turned 5 after school started. So my senior year I was 16 playing against 18 and some 19 yr olds. Now in my years long past sports, there isnt a month that goes by I dont think of what if. Do I think I could have made the pros, YES, not really but back then I did, and if I would have been in 10th grade vs graduating ?? who knows, but we should prepare our kids for college or what ever, and NEVER tell them they cant make it. Cause if they listen to it now, they will listen to people later saying all you can make around here is 30k,, and they will fall right in to that trap too. I do know that sports gives you (in my opinion) what it takes to make it in life, competitive, confidence. if they are getting good grades and they are held back,, they will get A's next year too. I know of a local doctor that played college sports straight A's in school and was held back. Worked ok for him. And it can work for anyone else too. I look at it as its one less year they will have to work in there life. You only get one chance at this, why be in a hurry. I dont know to many people that wouldnt wish they had a chance for one more year ,, when they loved something so much. If kids dont like sports, I would still hold them back, due to maturity at graduation, who knows if they will be at 17 ?? but one day for the ones that truely love sports they will get to be 30 and look back and wish they had that one more year and in some cases 2 more years, and they would give it all up to be able to go back. My vote would be to encourage it, but I think it is best to do it before they even start school that way their not kept from their friends. that and a quarter will get me a cup of coffee somewhere,,

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by 91blue14 »

how bout repeating 7th grade and play at a different school :?:

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by Ump »

I agree with coachb, 2 years of MS eligability should be max for them. I also know coaches that enchorage the kids to stay back. Just for the wins. How fair is it to the other schools to play 7 or 8 graders against should be freshmen. sounds like a safety issue to me.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by youthsportsfan »

UMP wrote:I agree with coachb, 2 years of MS eligability should be max for them. I also know coaches that enchorage the kids to stay back. Just for the wins. How fair is it to the other schools to play 7 or 8 graders against should be freshmen. sounds like a safety issue to me.
Ump, what if you have a 8th grader that is moving up to 9th grade and he is 12 yrs old moving up to 9th grade,, isnt that a SAFTEY issue as well ? when most other kids are 14 . Most kids today are either 13 or 14 during their 6th grade year. Or they should be. And then when that kid is a senior he is playing against 18-19 yr olds and he is only 16 turning 17 during the school year., just some food for thought, its not always about a team winning,, its giving the student athlete a chance to compete when he or she is a senior.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by coachb »

If you have 13-14 yr olds in the 6th grade something is wrong. most 7th graders are 13. If he is 12 going into the 9th he must be a genius skipping a few grades. you usually get your drivers permit in the 10th grade. that would be 15 -16 yrs old. 12 year olds in the 9th aint happening very often. If a kid needs held back it should be in the k-3 grades. You should know by then if they need time for maturity. Admitt it, most boys held back in the 8th is for athletic reasons. Dont kid yourselves. How many girls do you see held back?

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by xochi »

Coach B
What if you have a team that has a group of kids held back and a team who has 3 or 4 kids that failed a grade and 2 or 3 kids that started school late? One team stands out b/c they stayed back at once as opposed to gradually over time. Both teams have the same number of older kids playing. Are you saying it would not be okay for the team with the hold backs to play against a younger team, but it would be okay for the team that has the kids that failed and the kids who started late to play against a younger team?

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by coachb »

I think the scenerios are limitless. I will stick with my statement of " I think there should be a two year limit on middle school participation". I know of teams this year that has 6-8 kids, that should be freshmen, playing 8th grade football. And I promise you most are big enough to play freshman ball. There may be exceptions. I have coached middle school for 6 years, and every kid that I personally know of, stayed back ( becuase of his parents wishes) to play ball. I do not now and never will enchorage it. But again, this is my opinion, to which I am entitled.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by on a mission »

:122246 Hey coach b,check your kids ages and I think you'll find that you have several that could be playing freshman ball.

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by 4everabluedevil »

I think there should be a playing age as well. There will never be a perfect answer for this post--but when this happens--and we all know it does--the players don't have to be rewarded by getting the prime positions on the field! I know coaches want to win--but I'm sure you have equally as talented kids you are sitting to play those kids. If they aren't rewarded with the starting spots maybe they would think twice before doing it. (There is a reason they are doing it--they aren't standing out with their own grade of athletes and can't face the facts!). :!: I know my son would kill me if I made him repeat a grade of school for sports when he was a straight-a student. As for maturity??? There is hardly a difference in a 7th and an 8th grader--give me a break. It is a stupid excuse. NOBODY BUYS IT!

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Re: Holding back student atheletes for playing time?

Post by fbnut »

4everabluedevil wrote:I think there should be a playing age as well. There will never be a perfect answer for this post--but when this happens--and we all know it does--the players don't have to be rewarded by getting the prime positions on the field! I know coaches want to win--but I'm sure you have equally as talented kids you are sitting to play those kids. If they aren't rewarded with the starting spots maybe they would think twice before doing it. (There is a reason they are doing it--they aren't standing out with their own grade of athletes and can't face the facts!). :!: I know my son would kill me if I made him repeat a grade of school for sports when he was a straight-a student. As for maturity??? There is hardly a difference in a 7th and an 8th grader--give me a break. It is a stupid excuse. NOBODY BUYS IT!
If there is no difference in maturity levels than why do it and why would anyone care if someone did it?

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